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| | | | |-+  Fast File Transfer Method (WINSOCK)
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Autor Tema: Fast File Transfer Method (WINSOCK)  (Leído 3,827 veces)

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Fast File Transfer Method (WINSOCK)
« en: 31 Octubre 2008, 13:29 pm »

Hi Guys,
This code is like a winsock tutorial, it explains how to send files to any ip using winsock.I've assumed that the reader knows only the basics of winsock...so i've explained in it.

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« Última modificación: 31 Octubre 2008, 15:57 pm por odesa » En línea


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Re: Fast File Transfer Method (WINSOCK)
« Respuesta #1 en: 31 Octubre 2008, 15:31 pm »

error! not any size... it loads the whole file, and read it in one step !!!, that is a memory hole  :-\..


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Re: Fast File Transfer Method (WINSOCK)
« Respuesta #2 en: 31 Octubre 2008, 15:58 pm »

error! not any size... it loads the whole file, and read it in one step !!!, that is a memory hole  :-\..


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