Tema: Command$ extraer archivos. (Leído 7,164 veces)
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La sonrisa es la mejor forma de afrontar las cosas
' Mr Frog Mod Raul338 - Le cambie la RegExp Public Function GetFiles(ByVal strText As String) As Collection Dim cTemp As New Collection Dim oRegExp As Object Dim oMatch As Object Dim oMatches As Object Set oRegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") With oRegExp .Pattern = "\s?(\""[\w\s:\\\.]+\""|[\w\s:\\\.]+)\s?" .Global = True .IgnoreCase = True End With Set oMatches = oRegExp.Execute(strText) For Each oMatch In oMatches cTemp.Add oMatch.SubMatches(0) Next Set GetFiles = cTemp End Function Private Sub Form_Load() Dim vItem As Variant Const S As String = "C:\Frog\Proyecto1.exe ""C:\reto 123.exe"" C:\imagen.png" For Each vItem In GetFiles(S) MsgBox vItem Next End Sub

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raul338 creo que sigue manteniendo las comillas. Leandro probaste la api CommandLineToArgv ? aca te paso un ejemplo, funciona con caracteres especiales y comillas simples. Option Explicit Private Type MungeLong X As Long Dummy As Integer End Type Private Type MungeInt XLo As Integer XHi As Integer Dummy As Integer End Type Private Declare Function CommandLineToArgv Lib "shell32" Alias "CommandLineToArgvW" (ByVal lpCmdLine As String, pNumArgs As Integer) As Long Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (dest As Any, src As Any, ByVal size&) Private Declare Function PtrToStr Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpyW" (RetVal As Byte, ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long Private Declare Function PtrToInt Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcpynW" (RetVal As Any, ByVal Ptr As Long, ByVal nCharCount As Long) As Long Private Declare Function StrLen Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrlenW" (ByVal Ptr As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GlobalFree Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long Private Sub Form_Load() Dim sarCommand() As String, lngA As Long sarCommand = ParseCommandLine For lngA = 0 To UBound(sarCommand) MsgBox sarCommand(lngA) Next lngA End Sub Public Function ParseCommandLine() As String() Dim sCommandLineW As String Dim BufPtr As Long Dim lNumArgs As Integer Dim i As Long Dim lRes As Long Dim TempPtr As MungeLong Dim TempStr As MungeInt Dim ArgArray(512) As Byte Dim Arg As String Dim Args() As String sCommandLineW = StrConv("C:\Proyecto1.exe ""C:\reto 123.exe"" C:\imagen.png archivo.txt aaa.txt aadada#&%''.txt", vbUnicode) BufPtr = CommandLineToArgv(sCommandLineW, lNumArgs) ReDim Args(lNumArgs - 1) For i = 1 To lNumArgs lRes = PtrToInt(TempStr.XLo, BufPtr + (i - 1) * 4, 2) lRes = PtrToInt(TempStr.XHi, BufPtr + (i - 1) * 4 + 2, 2) LSet TempPtr = TempStr lRes = PtrToStr(ArgArray(0), TempPtr.X) Arg = Left(ArgArray, StrLen(TempPtr.X)) Args(i - 1) = Arg Next i Call GlobalFree(BufPtr) ParseCommandLine = Args End Function Public Function IsEmptyArray(TestArray As Variant) As Boolean Dim lTemp As Long On Error GoTo ErrHandler lTemp = LBound(TestArray) IsEmptyArray = False Exit Function ErrHandler: IsEmptyArray = True End Function
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Muy bueno seba123neo tampoco tenia en cuenta los caracteres especiales. la de Raul funciona pero lo limita los caracteres especiales.
Muchisimas gracias a todos.
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Mensajes: 617
/\ Así acabo cuando quiero programar...
No me doy por vencido!  Sub getFiles(ByVal args As String, res() As String) Dim i As Integer Dim e As Integer Dim sTmp As String i = InStr(args, Chr$(34)) e = InStr(i + 1, args, Chr$(34)) While i > 0 And e > 0 sTmp = Mid(args, i, e - i + 1) args = Replace(args, sTmp, Replace(Mid(sTmp, 2, Len(sTmp) - 2), " ", "|") & ":") i = InStr(e, args, Chr$(34)) e = InStr(i + 1, args, Chr$(34)) Wend If Len(args) = 0 Then args = ":" args = Replace$(args, " ", "") args = Replace$(args, " ", ":") args = Replace$(args, "::", ":") If Mid$(args, Len(args), 1) = ":" Then args = Mid$(args, 1, Len(args) - 1) args = Replace$(args, "|", " ") res = Split(args, ":") End Sub
« Última modificación: 13 Febrero 2011, 23:55 pm por ignorantev1.1 »
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Mensajes: 3.158
. Otra forma... Option Explicit Private Sub Form_Load() Dim v$() Dim int_i% For int_i% = 0 To GetArgs(InputBox("", "", ""), v$()) Debug.Print v$(int_i%) Next End Sub Public Function GetArgs(ByRef cmd$, ByRef Args$()) As Integer Dim lng_ptr&(2) Dim lng_str& Dim lng_i& Dim byt_asc As Byte lng_str& = Len(cmd$) GetArgs% = -1 For lng_i& = 1 To lng_str& lng_ptr&(0) = InStr(lng_i&, cmd$, Chr(32), vbBinaryCompare) lng_ptr&(1) = InStr(lng_i&, cmd$, Chr(34), vbBinaryCompare) If Not lng_ptr&(0) + 1 = lng_ptr&(1) Then If lng_ptr&(0) < lng_ptr&(1) Or lng_ptr&(1) = 0 And Not lng_ptr&(0) = 0 Then lng_i& = lng_ptr&(0) + 1 byt_asc = 32 ElseIf lng_ptr&(1) < lng_ptr&(0) Or lng_ptr&(0) = 0 And Not lng_ptr&(1) = 0 Then lng_i& = lng_ptr&(1) + 1 byt_asc = 34 Else Exit For End If lng_ptr(2) = InStr(lng_i&, cmd$, Chr(byt_asc), vbBinaryCompare) If Not lng_ptr(2) = lng_i& - 1 Then GetArgs% = GetArgs% + 1 ReDim Preserve Args(0 To GetArgs%) If lng_ptr(2) > lng_i& Then Args$(GetArgs%) = Mid$(cmd$, lng_i&, lng_ptr&(2) - lng_i&) If byt_asc = 32 Then lng_ptr&(2) = lng_ptr&(2) - 1 lng_i& = lng_ptr&(2) Else Args$(GetArgs%) = Mid$(cmd$, lng_i&) Exit For End If End If End If Next End Function
Ducles Lunas!¡.
« Última modificación: 14 Febrero 2011, 01:02 am por BlackZeroX▓▓▒▒░░ »
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