Bueno he estado aprendiendo Vb por mi cuenta asi que vi que una de las formas es estudiando los codigos y ver el trabajo de otros. asi que me descargue el source en VB 6 del International Lotto Uk, pero No entiendo la ultima parte me gustaria saber si alguien podria hecharme una mano.
Option Explicit Dim iBallsToMake As Integer Private Sub Form_Load() ' Initialize random procedure: Randomize End Sub Private Function Get_RANDOM(lowerbound As Integer, upperbound As Integer) As Integer ' The RND formula! ' Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound) Get_RANDOM = Int((upperbound - lowerbound + 1) * Rnd + lowerbound) End Function Private Sub lblURL_Click(Index As Integer) Dim sURL As String sURL = Trim(lblURL(Index).Caption) Shell "explorer " & sURL, vbMaximizedFocus End Sub Private Sub cmdMake_Click() ' Disable button and properties: cmdMake.Enabled = False txtBallCount.Enabled = False txtMinBall.Enabled = False txtMaxBall.Enabled = False Dim i As Integer ' Hide all balls and set labels to "77": For i = imgBall.LBound To imgBall.UBound imgBall(i).Visible = False lblNum(i).Visible = False lblNum(i).Caption = "77" Next i ' Get the number of balls to make: iBallsToMake = Val(txtBallCount.Text) ' Check if number is between 1 and 7: If iBallsToMake > 7 Then iBallsToMake = 7 txtBallCount.Text = "7" ElseIf iBallsToMake <= 0 Then iBallsToMake = 1 txtBallCount.Text = "1" End If ' Start the process: Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() ' Are there balls to make? If iBallsToMake <= 0 Then ' Stop timer: Timer1.Enabled = False ' Enable properties: cmdMake.Enabled = True txtBallCount.Enabled = True txtMinBall.Enabled = True txtMaxBall.Enabled = True Exit Sub ' Done! End If ' Make ball visible: imgBall(7 - iBallsToMake).Visible = True lblNum(7 - iBallsToMake).Visible = True Dim iNewNum As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim iTryAgainCounter As Integer iTryAgainCounter = 0 try_again: ' Avoid hand up with max ball 2 and 7 balls :) If iTryAgainCounter > 100 Then ' Set the ball value: lblNum(7 - iBallsToMake).Caption = "?" GoTo one_less End If ' Get the random value: iNewNum = Get_RANDOM(Val(txtMinBall.Text), Val(txtMaxBall.Text)) ' Avoid falling the same number again: For i = imgBall.LBound To imgBall.UBound If Val(lblNum(i).Caption) = iNewNum Then iTryAgainCounter = iTryAgainCounter + 1 GoTo try_again End If Next i ' Set the ball value: lblNum(7 - iBallsToMake).Caption = iNewNum one_less: ' Ok, one ball is there! iBallsToMake = iBallsToMake - 1 End Sub
Bueno el problema es el siguiente, supuestamente en el codigo con variable iballstomake es ekivalente al numero de bolas que se va a caer al azar, entonces
Esto solo haria aparecer a la primera bola y no las 7 que supuestamente deberia estar alli.
' Make ball visible: imgBall(7 - iBallsToMake).Visible = True lblNum(7 - iBallsToMake).Visible = True
Es mas otra cosa que no entiendo, porque pone esta condicion si itryagaincounter es dificil que sea mayor a 100 x lo que nunka se cumpliria.....
La verdad estoy con muchas ganas d aprender sin embargo creo... que necesitare de ayuda...
If iTryAgainCounter > 100 Then ' Set the ball value: lblNum(7 - iBallsToMake).Caption = "?" GoTo one_less End If
Espero que haya sido claro con mi explicacion.