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Autor Tema: Which programming language should i lern  (Leído 2,759 veces)
Tom Schmidt

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Which programming language should i lern
« en: 28 Julio 2020, 11:30 am »

Hello everybody,

my desire is, to work for a big gaming company like EA Sports. Because of this, i want to lern a programming language and actually i have zero experience with this. So my questio is, which Programm should i lern to work for such a company?

Thank you all for support!

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Re: Which programming language should i lern
« Respuesta #1 en: 28 Julio 2020, 13:41 pm »

Hello everybody,

my desire is, to work for a big gaming company like EA Sports. Because of this, i want to lern a programming language and actually i have zero experience with this. So my questio is, which Programm should i lern to work for such a company?

Thank you all for support!

Hey man, I think that you aren´t a native english speaker, so why you wouldn´t try Google translator?
And the answer of your question is simple: "C#". If you take a simple look in google this is the most commom answer. But in my experience (a very little experience in facts) I recomend to learn python... it´s "friendly" for begginers.

I hope you luck with your goals man. ;-) ;-)

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Re: Which programming language should i lern
« Respuesta #2 en: 28 Julio 2020, 16:28 pm »

In my opinion you should learn C/C++ with DirectX 12 or Vulkan... :silbar:

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