It seems that the source code for one of Kaspersky's security suite products has been leaked online and is available for download from torrent and file hosting websites.
According to a description accompanying the release, the sources were stolen from Kaspersky Lab in 2008 and the last changes made to them date from December 2007.
The code is written in C++ and Delphi and covers the anti-virus engine, as well as the anti-phishing, anti-dialer, anti-spam, parental control, and other modules.
We don't know yet to what version of Kaspersky's security suite the sources actually correspond to, but 8.0 is the most likely candidate at this point.
The Russian vendor's line of products is now at version 11.0, which is publicly marketed as 2011 and PURE, for the most complete offering.
Download: :http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6132242