Tengo este codigo inicial, para poder empezar a programar mis instrucciones:
Obviamente lo estoy haciendo en pascal, tengo muchas malas espinas, siento que me falta algo o siento que estoy mal en algo, espero me puedan decir, que me falta para poder empezar a programar mis instrucciones...
Y si de paso tienen algun material que me pueda facilitar el programado de mi I.S.A. micro se los agradeceria.
{$inline on} {$define DEBUG} program emulador8080; {$ifdef DEBUG} uses crt //Necesaria para el procedimiento clrscr ; {$endif} const MAXMEM = $FFFF; MAXPUERTOS= $FF; VECTOR_RESET = $0000; type TDirMem = 0..MAXMEM; TDirPuertos = 0..MAXPUERTOS; TMemoria = array[TDirMem] of byte; TPuertos = array[TDirPuertos] of byte; TPSW = record S, Z, H, {Half Carry} P, {Parity/Overflow} N, {Add/Substract} C {Carry} : boolean; end; var Mem : TMemoria; Puertos : TPuertos; PSW : TPSW; {General Purpose Register} {Main Register Set} A, B,C, D,E, H,L, {Alternate Register Set} A1, B1,C1, D1,E1, H1,L1 : byte; {Special Purpose Register} IX,IY,SP,PC: word; {I= Interruptor, R= Refresh} I,R : byte; INTE : boolean; Halt : boolean; {============================================================================= Interfaz de control del Emulador =============================================================================} {$IFDEF DEBUG} function Desensamblado(I: byte): string; function NombreRegistro(r : byte): string; inline; var op : string; begin case r of 0: op := 'B'; 1: op := 'C'; 2: op := 'D'; 3: op := 'E'; 4: op := 'H'; 5: op := 'L'; 6: op := '[HL]'; 7: op := 'A'; end; NombreRegistro := op; end; begin case I of {Decodify} $00: Desensamblado := 'NOP'; {Execute} end; end; procedure Interfaz_CargarContenidoMemoria; var F : file of byte; Nombre : string; i : word; b : byte; begin write('Nombre del archivo: '); readln(Nombre); assign(F, Nombre); system.reset(F); i := 0; while not eof(F) do begin read(F,b); Mem[i] := b; i := i + 1; end; close(F); end; procedure Interfaz_GuardarContenidoMemoria; var F : file of byte; Nombre : string; i : word; begin write('Nombre del archivo: '); readln(Nombre); assign(F, Nombre); system.rewrite(F); for i := 0 to MAXMEM do write(F,Mem[i]); close(F); end; procedure Interfaz_Desplegar; procedure DesplegarPSW; begin with PSW do begin if S then write('S(X)') else write('S( )'); if Z then write(' Z(X)') else write(' Z( )'); if H then write(' H(X)') else write(' H( )'); if P then write(' P(X)') else write(' P( )'); if N then write(' N(X)') else write(' N( )'); if C then writeln(' C(X)') else writeln(' C( )'); end; end; var S,s2 : char; valor : byte; valor16 : word; begin clrscr; DesplegarPSW; writeln('A= ', A); write('B= ', B); writeln(' C= ', C); write('D= ', D); writeln(' E= ', E); write('H= ', H); writeln(' L= ', L); writeln('IX= ', IX); writeln('IY= ', IY); writeln('SP= ', SP); writeln('PC= ', PC); write('I= ', I); writeln(' : ', Desensamblado(i)); write('Q=salir, [ABCDEHL]=regs, F=PSW, M=mem, X=IX, Y=IY, P=PC, S=SP, R=leer, W=escribir, ENTER=continuar: '); readln(S); S := upcase(S); case S of 'Q': Halt := true; 'A': begin write('A= '); readln(valor); A := valor; end; 'B': begin write('B= '); readln(valor); B := valor; end; 'C': begin write('C= '); readln(valor); C := valor; end; 'D': begin write('D= '); readln(valor); D := valor; end; 'E': begin write('E= '); readln(valor); E := valor; end; 'F': begin write('Bandera [SZHPNC]'); readln(S2); S2 := upcase(S2); case S2 of 'S': PSW.S := not PSW.S; 'Z': PSW.Z := not PSW.Z; 'H': PSW.H := not PSW.H; 'P': PSW.P := not PSW.P; 'N': PSW.N := not PSW.N; 'C': PSW.C := not PSW.C; end; end; 'H': begin write('H= '); readln(valor); H := valor; end; 'L': begin write('L= '); readln(valor); L := valor; end; 'P': begin write('PC= '); readln(valor16); PC := valor16; end; 'S': begin write('SP= '); readln(valor16); SP := valor16; end; 'M': begin write('Dir= '); readln(valor16); write('valor= '); readln(valor); Mem[valor16] := valor; end; 'R': Interfaz_CargarContenidoMemoria; 'X': begin write('IX= '); readln(valor16); IX := valor16; end; 'Y': begin write('IY= '); readln(valor16); IY := valor16; end; 'W': Interfaz_GuardarContenidoMemoria; end; end; {$ENDIF} {============================================================================= Funciones relativas al PSW =============================================================================} function PSW_ParidadPar: boolean; inline; var conta : byte; //Número de 1's presentes en A i : byte; begin conta := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do conta := conta + (A shr i) and $01; PSW_ParidadPar := (conta mod 2) = 0; end; procedure PSW_ActualizarLogico(temp : byte); inline; begin with PSW do begin S := (temp and $80) = $80; Z := temp = $00; H := false; P := PSW_ParidadPar; C := false; end; end; procedure PSW_ActualizarAritmetico(r1, r2 : byte; temp : word); inline; begin with PSW do begin S := (temp and $80) = $80; Z := temp = $00; PSW.H := ((temp xor r1 xor r2) and $10) = $10; P := PSW_ParidadPar; PSW.C := temp > 255; end; end; {============================================================================= Funciones relativas a la ALU =============================================================================} function ALU_add(r1, r2, Cin : byte): byte; inline; {ADD} var temp : word; begin temp := r1 + r2 + Cin; PSW_ActualizarAritmetico(r1, r2, temp); ALU_add := temp; end; function ALU_sub(r1, r2, Bin : byte): byte; inline; {Subtract} var temp : word; begin temp := r1 - r2 - Bin; PSW_ActualizarAritmetico(r1, r2, temp); ALU_sub := temp; end; function ALU_and(r1, r2 : byte): byte; inline; {Logical AND} var temp : byte; begin temp := r1 and r2; PSW_ActualizarLogico(temp); ALU_and := temp; end; function ALU_or(r1, r2 : byte): byte; inline; {Logical OR} var temp : byte; begin temp := r1 or r2; PSW_ActualizarLogico(temp); ALU_or := temp; end; function ALU_xor(r1, r2 : byte): byte; inline; {Logical Exclusive OR} var temp : byte; begin temp := r1 xor r2; PSW_ActualizarLogico(temp); ALU_xor := temp; end; function ALU_bcd(r : byte): byte; inline; var temp:byte; begin temp:=(r and $0f); ALU_bcd:=((r shr 4)*16)+temp; end; {============================================================================= Funciones relativas a la Unidad de Control =============================================================================} procedure CPU_VerificarInterrupciones; begin end; procedure CPU_Reset; begin A := $00; B := $00; C := $00; D := $00; E := $00; H := $00; L := $00; with PSW do begin S := false; Z := true; H := false; P := false; //NOTA : Checar C := false; end; SP := MAXMEM; PC := VECTOR_RESET; Halt := false; INTE := true; {NOTA: Los estudiante deben verificar esto.} end; {============================================================================= Funciones relativas a la Memoria =============================================================================} function Memoria_Leer(d : word): byte; inline; begin Memoria_Leer := Mem[d]; end; procedure Memoria_Escribir(d : word; b : byte); inline; begin Mem[d] := b; end; function Memoria_DecodificarDirecto: word; inline; begin Memoria_DecodificarDirecto := (Memoria_Leer(PC+2) shl 8) or Memoria_Leer(PC+1); end; function Memoria_LeerInmediato: byte; inline; begin Memoria_LeerInmediato := Memoria_Leer(PC+1); end; function Memoria_LeerDirecto: byte; inline; begin Memoria_LeerDirecto := Memoria_Leer( Memoria_DecodificarDirecto ); end; procedure Memoria_EscribirDirecto(v : byte); begin Memoria_Escribir( Memoria_DecodificarDirecto, v ); end; function Memoria_LeerPila: word; inline; var alto, bajo : byte; begin bajo := Memoria_Leer(SP); SP := SP + 1; alto := Memoria_Leer(SP); SP := SP + 1; Memoria_LeerPila := (alto shl 8) or bajo; end; procedure Memoria_EscribirPila(v : word); begin SP := SP - 2; Memoria_Escribir(SP, v and $00FF); Memoria_Escribir(SP+1, (v shr 8) and $00FF); end; {============================================================================= Funciones relativas a los Registros =============================================================================} procedure Registros_Escribir(r : byte; v : byte); begin case r of $00: B := v; $01: C := v; $02: D := v; $03: E := v; $04: H := v; $05: L := v; $06: Mem[(H shl 8) or L] := v; $07: A := v; end; end; function Registros_Leer(r : byte): byte; inline; var op : byte; begin case r of 0: op := B; 1: op := C; 2: op := D; 3: op := E; 4: op := H; 5: op := L; 6: op := Mem[(H shl 8) or L]; 7: op := A; end; Registros_Leer := op; end; function Registros_LeerPar(I : byte): word; inline; var r : byte; temp : word; begin r := (I and $30) shr 4; case r of $00: temp := (B shl 8) or C; $01: temp := (D shl 8) or E; $02: temp := (H shl 8) or L; $03: temp := SP; end; Registros_LeerPar := temp; end; procedure Registros_EscribirPar(I: byte; v : word); var r : byte; begin r := (I and $30) shr 4; case r of $00: begin B := (v and $FF00) shr 8; C := (v and $00FF); end; $01: begin D := (v and $FF00) shr 8; E := (v and $00FF); end; $02: begin H := (v and $FF00) shr 8; L := (v and $00FF); end; $03: SP := v; end; end; procedure IXIY(Registro : boolean); var Reg: word; begin if Registro= true then Reg:=IX else Reg:=IY; PC:=PC+1; I:=Mem[PC]; end; {============================================================================= Instrucciones del Procesador Z80 =============================================================================} procedure InstruccionDesconocida( ByteCode : byte); begin writeln(stderr, 'Instrucción desconocida: ', ByteCode); PC := PC + 1; end; procedure NOP; begin PC := PC + 1; end; {============================================================================= R U T I N A P R I N C I P A L D E L E M U L A D O R =============================================================================} begin {Arranque de la máquina (RESET)} CPU_Reset; {Ciclo de Instrucción} repeat I := Mem[PC]; {Fetch} case I of {Decodify} $00: NOP; {Execute} else InstruccionDesconocida(I); end; if INTE then CPU_VerificarInterrupciones; {$ifdef DEBUG} Interfaz_Desplegar; {$endif} until Halt; end.