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[Book]Advanced Windows Debugging
« en: 10 Octubre 2010, 14:39 pm »

Advanced Windows Debugging

Publisher: Addison
Language: English
Paperback: 840 pages
Data: Nov 2007
Format: PDF

Description: For Windows developers, few tasks are more challenging than debugging—-or more crucial. Reliable and realistic information about Windows debugging has always been scarce. Now, with over 15 years of experience two of Microsoft’s system-level developers present a thorough and practical guide to Windows debugging ever written.

Mario Hewardt and Daniel Pravat cover debugging throughout the entire application lifecycle and show how to make the most of the tools currently available—-including Microsoft’s powerful native debuggers and third-party solutions.

To help you find real solutions fast, this book is organized around real-world debugging scenarios. Hewardt and Pravat use detailed code examples to illuminate the complex debugging challenges professional developers actually face. From core Windows operating system concepts to security, Windows? Vista? and 64-bit debugging, they address emerging topics head-on—and nothing is ever oversimplified or glossed over!

This book enables you to
Master today’s most powerful Windows debugging tools, including NTSD, CDB, WinDbg, KD, and ADPlus
Debug code that wasn’t designed or written for easy debugging
Understand debuggers “under the hood,” and manage symbols and sources efficiently
Debug complex memory corruptions related to stacks and heaps
Resolve complex security problems
Debug across processes: identity tracking, RPC debugger extensions, and tracking IPCs with Ethereal
Find and fix resource leaks, such as memory and handle leaks.
Debug common thread synchronization problems
Learn when and how to write custom debugger extensions
Perform “postmortem debugging” using crash dumps and Windows Error Reporting
Automate debugging with DebugDiag and the Analyze Debugger command

PDF: http://rapidshare.com/files/101154047/0321374460.rar


« Última modificación: 10 Octubre 2010, 15:40 pm por VillanoSam » En línea

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