si ya se que estais artos del popup spoiler

existe alguna otra forma de proteger aparte popup spoiler

solo encontre esta informacion
<?php $str = 'Me van a Emcriptar D:'; ?>
Click'n'Load 2
<FORM ACTION="" target="hidden" METHOD="POST"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="passwords" VALUE="myPassword"> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="source" VALUE=""> <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="urls" VALUE="{AQUI PONER EL LINK DE DESCARGA}"> <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="submit" VALUE="Clic aqui para Agregar Links a Jdownloader"> </FORM>
tambien tengo un problema
No puedo sacar de Mantenimiento el script en el localhost con XAMPP :S pero quisas :$ alguien quiera verla y rescatar sus mods

<?php $verify_menciones=0;//Aqui lo cambie a 0 estaba en 1 y no puedo sacarlo de mateniemiento plop XD $maintenance = 0; // Aqui tambien me dijeron que cambiara a = ''; pero no resulto $mtitle = 'Actualización del Sitio'; $mmessage = 'Identi estará nuevamente operativo dentro de unas horas.'; $mbname = 'Identi'; $language = 'spanish'; $limit_posts = '20'; $boardurl = 'http://localhost'; $url = 'http://localhost/'; $chatid = '43220954'; // ID de tu chat de $widget = 'Novedades en Identi'; // Lo que saldrá en el título del widget $slogan = 'Tus descargas en mediafire'; // lo que saldrá en el título de tu web, no pongas el nombre $no_avatar = '/images/def/avatar.png'; $webmaster_email = ''; $cookiename = 'SMFCookie11'; $db_server = 'localhost'; $db_name = ''; $db_user = 'root'; $db_passwd = ''; $db_prefix = 'smf_'; $db_persist = 0; $db_error_send = 1; $boarddir = 'C:\\xampp\htdocs'; $sourcedir = 'C:\\xampp\htdocs/Sources'; $db_last_error = 1335835390; $sourcedir = $boarddir . '/Sources'; $db_character_set = 'UTF-8'; $test=true; ?>
<?php echo'<form method="post">Pass: <input type="text" name="pass"> <input type="submit" value="Entrar"></form>'; exit; } $forum_version = 'Identi v.2'; // Make sure some things simply do not exist. // Load the settings... require_once($sourcedir . '/QueryString.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Errors.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Load.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Security.php'); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Compat.php'); db_fatal_error(); else db_fatal_error(); reloadSettings(); // Unserialize the array of pretty board URLs 'db_count' => 0, )); // Clean the request variables, add slashes, etc. cleanRequest(); // Seed the random generator? smf_seed_generator(); // Determine if this is using WAP, WAP2, or imode. Technically, we should check that wap comes before application/xhtml or text/html, but this doesn't work in practice as much as it should. $_REQUEST['wap2'] = 1; { $_REQUEST['imode'] = 1; else $_REQUEST['wap'] = 1; } if (WIRELESS) { $modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'] = '0'; $modSettings['defaultMaxMessages'] = 5; $modSettings['defaultMaxTopics'] = 9; if (WIRELESS_PROTOCOL == 'wap') } { if (@ini_get('zlib.output_compression') == '1' || @ini_get('output_handler') == 'ob_gzhandler' || @version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.2.0') == -1) $modSettings['enableCompressedOutput'] = '0'; else } loadSession(); obExit(null, null, true); function smf_main() { global $modSettings, $settings, $user_info, $board, $topic, $maintenance, $sourcedir; die; loadUserSettings(); loadBoard(); loadTheme(); is_not_banned(); loadPermissions(); // Referrals Mod - Check For Referrals loadReferral(); { writeLog(); } // twitter mod --> if (include_once($sourcedir . '/twitter.php')) twitter_cron(); // <-- twitter mod { if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'login2' || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'logout')) { require_once($sourcedir . '/LogInOut.php'); return $_REQUEST['action'] == 'login2' ? 'Login2' : 'Logout'; } else { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Auth.php'); return 'InMaintenance'; } } { require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Auth.php'); return 'KickGuest'; } { { require_once($sourcedir . '/Recent.php'); return 'RecentPosts'; } { require_once($sourcedir . '/MessageIndex.php'); return 'MessageIndex'; } else { require_once($sourcedir . '/Display.php'); return 'Display'; } } /* 'profile' => array('Profile.php', 'ModifyProfile'), 'profile2' => array('Profile.php', 'ModifyProfile2'), */ /* 'tags' => array('Tags.php', 'TagsMain'), */ //'extras' => array('Extras.php', 'Extras'), /* 'buddies' => array('Buddies.php', 'BuddiesMain'), */ //'staff' => array('SeccionStaff.php', 'StaffMain'), /* 'jsoption' => array('Themes.php', 'SetJavaScript'), 'jspedidos' => array('pedidos.php','Setpedidos'), 'jsmodify' => array('Post.php', 'JavaScriptModify'), */ //'widget' => array('widget.php', 'ShowHelp'), /* 'denunciar' => array('Denunciar.php', 'ShowHelp'), */ /* 'enlazanos' => array('Enlazanos.php', 'ShowHelp'), */ /* 'gsearch' => array('gsearch.php', 'ShowHelp'), */ /* 'jsoption' => array('Themes.php', 'SetJavaScript'), 'jsmodify' => array('Post.php', 'JavaScriptModify'), */ /* 'news' => array('ManageNews.php', 'ManageNews'), */ //'monitor' => array('Monitor.php', 'Monitor'), /* 'printpage' => array('Printpage.php', 'PrintTopic'), */ /* 'sitemap' => array('Sitemap.php', 'ShowSiteMap'), */ //'verificationcode' => array('Register.php', 'VerificationCode'), //'who' => array('Who.php', 'Who'), //'.xml' => array('News.php', 'ShowXmlFeed'), //'enviar-puntos' => array('shop/Shop.php', 'Shop'), //'shop_general' => array('shop/ShopAdmin.php', 'ShopGeneral'), //'shop_inventory' => array('shop/ShopAdmin.php', 'ShopInventory'), //'shop_items_add' => array('shop/ShopAdmin.php', 'ShopItemsAdd'), //'shop_items_edit' => array('shop/ShopAdmin.php', 'ShopItemsEdit'), //'shop_restock' => array('shop/ShopAdmin.php', 'ShopRestock'), //'shop_usergroup' => array('shop/ShopAdmin.php', 'ShopUserGroup'), //'shop_cat' => array('shop/ShopAdmin.php', 'ShopCategories'), //'denuncias' => array('Denuncias.php', 'DenunciasMain'), //'spam' => array('spam.php', 'spam'), //'games' => array('games.php', 'GamesMain'), //'rank' => array('Ranking.php', 'RankMain'), //'pedidos' => array('pedidos.php','pedidos_main'), //'imagenes' => array('Gallery.php', 'GalleryMain'), //'dlattach' => array('Display.php', 'Download'), //'recomendar' => array('Recomendar.php', 'ShowHelp'), //'enviar-a-amigo' => array('SendTopic.php', 'SendTopic'), //'cine' => array('Cine.php', 'cine'), //'trofeos' => array('Trofeos.php', 'TMain'), //'actrank' => array('Actrank.php', 'RankMain'), //'help' => array('Help.php', 'ShowHelp'), //'helpadmin' => array('Help.php', 'ShowAdminHelp'), //'notify' => array('Notify.php', 'Notify'), //'notifyboard' => array('Notify.php', 'BoardNotify'), ); $i = 1; { $i++; } // Get the function and file to include - if it's not there, do the board index. { { require_once($sourcedir . '/Themes.php'); return 'WrapAction'; } require_once($sourcedir . '/Recent.php'); return 'RecentPosts'; } require_once($sourcedir . '/' . $actionArray[$_REQUEST['action']][0]); return $actionArray[$_REQUEST['action']][1]; } ?>
deberia funcionar asi
User: demo
pass: demomarco

panel de moderacion

descarga :
contraseña : bender
el spoiler de identi pero como adpatarlo con base 64

<script>function ventanaSecundaria(){t=11;timer=window.setInterval("contador()",1000);"","ventana1","width=640,height=425,scrollbars=0"}function contador(){if(hija!=null){if(hija.closed){alert("Clicke un anuncio y espere con la pagina abierta";clearInterval(timer);t=10;document.getElementById("contador".value="Mostrar Enlaces De Descarga";return}if(hija.frames.length!=3){t=t-1;if(t<=0){clearInterval(timer);document.getElementById("hide".style.display="";t="spoiler"}document.getElementById("contador".value=t;return false}}}</script><div style=margin:20px;margin-top:5px><div class="smallfont" style=margin-bottom:2px><b></b></i> <p class="Boton BtnGreen"><input type="button" id="contador" value="Mostrar Enlaces De Descarga" style=width:300px;height=35px;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;margin:0px;padding:0px; onClick=ventanaSecundaria()><div class="alt2" style=margin:0px;padding:6px;border:1pxinset;> <div id="hide" style=display:none;> </p> <div class="info_bbc"> ACA PONES EL LINK </div></div></div></div>
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<src="/images/links1.png" border="0" /><br> <br> <script>function ventanaSecundaria(){t=11;timer=window.setInterval("contador()",1000);"/popup.php","ventana1","width=640,height=425,scrollbars=0"}function contador(){if(hija!=null){if(hija.closed){alert("Clicke un anuncio y espere con la pagina abierta";clearInterval(timer);t=10;document.getElementById("contador".value="Mostrar Enlaces De Descarga";return}if(hija.frames.length!=3){t=t-1;if(t<=0){clearInterval(timer);document.getElementById("hide".style.display="";t="spoiler"}document.getElementById("contador".value=t;return false}}}</script> <div style=margin:20px;margin-top:5px> <div class="smallfont" style=margin-bottom:2px> <p class="Boton BtnGreen"> <input type="button" id="contador" value="Mostrar Enlaces De Descarga" style=width:300px;height=35px;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px;margin:0px;padding:0px; onClick="ventanaSecundaria()"></div> <div class="alt2" style=margin:0px;padding:6px;border:1pxinset;> <div id="hide" style=display:none;> </p> <div class="info_bbc"> ACA PONES EL LINK </div></div></div></div>