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Apple iPhone 4S goes on pre-sale
« en: 10 Octubre 2011, 14:05 pm »

The iPhone 4S -- Apple's newest creation -- quietly went on pre-sale at 12 a.m. on Friday.

The homepage of the company's website, however, remained a dedication to the company's co-founder, Steve Jobs, who died on Wednesday after a history of pancreatic cancer.

The phone, which has been panned by some critics who say it's more of a facelift to the iPhone 4 than a new product, features a faster dual-core processor and a camera with 8 megapixels of resolution.

It also has a "humble personal assistant" named Siri, which responds to voice commands and talks back to you.

Apple's new CEO, Tim Cook, unveiled the phone on Tuesday, a day before Jobs' death was announced.

The phone's price ranges from $200 to $400 with a two-year wireless contract. It's available on AT&T, Verizon and, for the first time, on Sprint's network.

The iPhone 4S goes on sale in stores on October 14 in the following countries: United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the UK. The new iPhone will be available in 22 additional countries by the end of October, Apple says.

Pre-sale orders can be placed at Apple's online store, as well as on AT&T, Verizon and Sprint's websites.

All of those brick-and-mortar retail stores also will carry the phone, along with select Apple-approved retailers -- which as of Friday morning had not been listed by Apple.

BestBuy was making the phone available for pre-order Friday on its site. Walmart's site said only that the iPhone 4S was "coming soon."

Fuente: http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/07/tech/mobile/iphone-4s-online-sale/index.html

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Re: Apple iPhone 4S goes on pre-sale
« Respuesta #1 en: 10 Octubre 2011, 15:46 pm »

Vale dimitrix, ahora en español y sin el google traductor  :-*

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