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Autor Tema: ISR Stealer v 0.2  (Leído 5,565 veces)

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ISR Stealer v 0.2
« en: 17 Julio 2010, 01:13 am »

Acesta al 2-lea release al ISR Stealer, vor urma noi updateuri.
Va asteptam cu propuneri pentru a face aceasta aplicatie mai complexa.
This is #2 release of ISR Stealer, there will be new updates.
We wait your request list, for make this application more advanced.

Current Options:
+Send logs to my sql data base(php)
+Bind one file(any extension)
+Change server icon
+Pack server with upx
+Steal options:
Internet Explorer 4/5/6/7/8
Mozilla Firefox 3.x.x
Google Chrome
Opera 8/9/10
Yahoo Messenger 8/9/10 Password
Yahoo ETS
Msn Messenger
Windows Cd key

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Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
« Respuesta #1 en: 17 Julio 2010, 22:39 pm »

Greatest improve! Im waiting the next update :)
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Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
« Respuesta #2 en: 18 Julio 2010, 00:27 am »

I am a stupid guy

Me equivoque y ejecute el servidor sin querer. la pagina que trae por default no trae cargado los archivos o si?

Respondanme rapido para empezar a cambiar las contraseñas.
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IRQL less or equal

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Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
« Respuesta #3 en: 18 Julio 2010, 02:48 am »

I am a stupid guy

Me equivoque y ejecute el servidor sin querer. la pagina que trae por default no trae cargado los archivos o si?

Respondanme rapido para empezar a cambiar las contraseñas.

Your accounts are sented to the FTP account what you added when you created the server, not to others.
Don't worry!
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Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
« Respuesta #4 en: 18 Julio 2010, 22:28 pm »

Ok thanks
I thought that "http://www.host.com/index.php" was your website

Good job my friend But why the cd-key?


« Última modificación: 18 Julio 2010, 23:02 pm por SOMBRIO » En línea

IRQL less or equal

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Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
« Respuesta #5 en: 18 Julio 2010, 22:41 pm »

Im trying it but does not work :(
I tested with test php and it work but doesnt catch any password :(

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Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
« Respuesta #6 en: 19 Julio 2010, 11:47 am »

Im trying it but does not work :(
I tested with test php and it work but doesnt catch any password :(


Maybe you have the option ON to don't save the passwd on your browser.
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Re: ISR Stealer v 0.2
« Respuesta #7 en: 19 Julio 2010, 13:09 pm »

Im trying it but does not work :(
I tested with test php and it work but doesnt catch any password :(


Maybe you have the option ON to don't save the passwd on your browser.
It works, great work, my problem was that Im executing the PE before it was completely assembled, and after it was damaged.

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