Después de estar días para conseguir meter una función en un thread separado, ahora que lo he conseguido ...no hay ninguna diferencia... hasta que no finaliza "el proceso" no puedo mover el form por la pantalla, ni pulsar cualquier botón del form, ni nada, solo puedo esperar hasta que acabe...
...Espero alguna ayuda, porqué yo ya no sé que más intentar para que no se me cuelgue, no sé lo que he hecho mal.
Hasta que no se terminan de mostrar todas las líneas del richtextbox no me deja tocar NADA.
...Muchas gracias por leer.
El form:
Imports System.IO Imports System.Threading Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices Imports System.ComponentModel Imports Ookii.Dialogs Public Class Form1 #Region "Declarations" ' MediaInfo Dim MI As MediaInfo ' Others Dim NameOfDirectory As String = Nothing Dim aFile As FileInfo #End Region #Region "Properties" #End Region #Region "Load / Close" ' Load Public Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load ' MediaInfo Instance MI = New MediaInfo End Sub #End Region #Region "Get Total files Function" #End Region #Region "Option checkboxes" #End Region #Region "Folder buttons" #End Region #Region "Append text function" ' Append Text Public Sub AppendText(box As RichTextBox, color As Color, text As String) Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False Dim start As Integer = box.TextLength box.AppendText(text) Dim [end] As Integer = box.TextLength ' Textbox may transform chars, so (end-start) != text.Length box.[Select](start, [end] - start) If True Then box.SelectionColor = color ' could set box.SelectionBackColor, box.SelectionFont too. End If box.SelectionLength = 0 ' clear End Sub #End Region #Region "Thread" Public _WaitHandle_FirstThreadDone As New System.Threading.AutoResetEvent(False) Public Sub ThreadProc(ByVal aDir As DirectoryInfo) Dim aFile As FileInfo For Each aFile In aDir.GetFiles() If accepted_extensions.ToLower.Contains(aFile.Extension.ToLower) Then ' print output AppendText(consolebox, Color.Yellow, "Processing: ") AppendText(consolebox, Color.White, aFile.ToString() + vbNewLine) consolebox.ScrollToCaret() processedfiles += 1 totalfiles_label.Text = "Processed " + processedfiles.ToString() + " of " + totalfiles.ToString() + " total video files" ' Attributes If attribs = True Then aFile.Attributes = (aFile.Attributes And Not FileAttributes.ReadOnly And Not FileAttributes.Hidden And Not FileAttributes.System And Not FileAttributes.Archive) End If ' Rename to Word-Case If wordcase = True Then Dim renamestr As String = StrConv(aFile.Name, VbStrConv.ProperCase) My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(aFile.FullName, renamestr + "_FILMEN") My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(aFile.FullName + "_FILMEN", renamestr) End If ' Rename to Lower-Case If lowercase = True Then Dim renamestr As String = StrConv(aFile.Name, VbStrConv.Lowercase) My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(aFile.FullName, renamestr + "_FILMEN") My.Computer.FileSystem.RenameFile(aFile.FullName + "_FILMEN", renamestr) End If ' Playlists If playlist = True Then Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(aFile.DirectoryName.ToString() & "\" & aDir.Name & ".m3u", True, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8) writer.WriteLine(aFile.FullName.ToString()) End Using End If ' MEDIAINFO: (ac3, dts, wav and multitrack) If ac3 = True Or dts = True Or wav = True Or multitrack = True Then MI.Open(aFile.FullName) Dim Pos As Integer = 0 To_Display = Nothing ' multitrack If multitrack = True Then If MI.Count_Get(StreamKind.Audio) > 1 Then results_box.AppendText("Multi Track: " + aFile.FullName.ToString() + vbNewLine) results_box.SelectionStart = results_box.Text.Length results_box.ScrollToCaret() problems += 1 problems_label.Text = problems.ToString() + " problems found" End If End If While Pos < MI.Count_Get(StreamKind.Audio) ' AC-3 If ac3 = True Then If MI.Get_(StreamKind.Audio, Pos, "Format").ToString() = "AC-3" Then results_box.AppendText("AC3 Track: " + aFile.FullName.ToString() + vbNewLine) results_box.SelectionStart = results_box.Text.Length results_box.ScrollToCaret() problems += 1 problems_label.Text = problems.ToString() + " problems found" End If End If ' DTS If dts = True Then If MI.Get_(StreamKind.Audio, Pos, "Format").Contains("DTS") Then results_box.AppendText("DTS Track: " + aFile.FullName.ToString() + vbNewLine) results_box.SelectionStart = results_box.Text.Length results_box.ScrollToCaret() problems += 1 problems_label.Text = problems.ToString() + " problems found" End If End If ' WAV If wav = True Then If MI.Get_(StreamKind.Audio, Pos, "Format").Contains("PCM") Then results_box.AppendText("WAV Track: " + aFile.FullName.ToString() + vbNewLine) results_box.SelectionStart = results_box.Text.Length results_box.ScrollToCaret() problems += 1 problems_label.Text = problems.ToString() + " problems found" End If End If System.Math.Max(System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(Pos), Pos - 1) End While End If If metadata = True Then Dim ffmpeg_process As New Process() Dim ffmpeg_startinfo As New ProcessStartInfo() ffmpeg_startinfo.FileName = "cmd.exe " ffmpeg_startinfo.Arguments = "/C ffmpeg.exe -y -i " & ControlChars.Quote & aFile.FullName.ToString() & ControlChars.Quote & " -f ffmetadata " & ControlChars.Quote & "%TEMP%\" & aFile.Name.ToString() & "_metadata.txt" & ControlChars.Quote & " >NUL 2>&1 && Type " & ControlChars.Quote & "%TEMP%\" & aFile.Name.ToString() & "_metadata.txt" & ControlChars.Quote & "| FINDSTR /I " & ControlChars.Quote & "^INAM ^title" & ControlChars.Quote & " >NUL && Echo FOUND && EXIT || Echo NOT FOUND && Exit" ffmpeg_startinfo.UseShellExecute = False ffmpeg_startinfo.CreateNoWindow = True ffmpeg_startinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True ffmpeg_startinfo.RedirectStandardError = True ffmpeg_process.EnableRaisingEvents = True ffmpeg_process.StartInfo = ffmpeg_startinfo ffmpeg_process.Start() ffmpeg_process.WaitForExit() Dim readerStdOut As IO.StreamReader = ffmpeg_process.StandardOutput Dim FINDstdOut As String = ffmpeg_process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd If FINDstdOut.Contains("FOUND") Then AppendText(consolebox, Color.Red, "TAGS FOUND! Removing tags, please wait..." & vbNewLine) Dim relative_dir As String = aDir.FullName.ToString().Replace(aDir.Root.ToString(), "\") Dim ffmpegconvert_process As New Process() Dim ffmpegconvert_startinfo As New ProcessStartInfo() ffmpegconvert_startinfo.FileName = "cmd.exe " ffmpegconvert_startinfo.Arguments = "/C MKDIR " & ControlChars.Quote & userSelectedFolderPathmetadata & relative_dir & ControlChars.Quote & " 2>NUL & ffmpeg.exe -y -i " & ControlChars.Quote & aFile.FullName.ToString() & ControlChars.Quote & " -c copy -map_metadata -1 " & ControlChars.Quote & userSelectedFolderPathmetadata & relative_dir & "\" & aFile.Name.ToString() & ControlChars.Quote & " >NUL 2>&1 & Exit" ffmpegconvert_startinfo.UseShellExecute = False ffmpegconvert_startinfo.CreateNoWindow = True ffmpegconvert_startinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True ffmpegconvert_startinfo.RedirectStandardError = True ffmpegconvert_process.EnableRaisingEvents = True ffmpegconvert_process.StartInfo = ffmpegconvert_startinfo ffmpegconvert_process.Start() ffmpegconvert_process.WaitForExit() 'Dim ffmpegconvertreaderStdOut As IO.StreamReader = ffmpegconvert_process.StandardOutput End If Do While readerStdOut.EndOfStream = False consolebox.AppendText(readerStdOut.ReadLine() + vbNewLine) consolebox.SelectionStart = consolebox.Text.Length consolebox.ScrollToCaret() Loop End If End If Next _WaitHandle_FirstThreadDone.Set() End Sub #End Region #Region "Organize function" Public Sub MediaInfo(Directory) Dim MyDirectory As DirectoryInfo MyDirectory = New DirectoryInfo(NameOfDirectory) MediaInfoWorkWithDirectory(MyDirectory) End Sub Public Sub MediaInfoWorkWithDirectory(ByVal aDir As DirectoryInfo) Dim nextDir As DirectoryInfo Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf ThreadProc) t.Start(aDir) _WaitHandle_FirstThreadDone.WaitOne() For Each nextDir In aDir.GetDirectories If playlist = True Then Using writer As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(aDir.FullName & "\" & nextDir.Name & "\" & nextDir.Name & ".m3u", False, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8) 'overwrite existing playlist End Using End If MediaInfoWorkWithDirectory(nextDir) Next End Sub #End Region #Region "Action buttons" ' start button Public Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles start_button.Click If metadata = True And metadatatextbox.Text = "Select a folder to save the converted videos without metadata..." Then MsgBox("You must select a folder for the saved metadata videos...", , "Filmen v1.0") Else If ac3 = False And dts = False And wav = False And multitrack = False And playlist = False And attribs = False And wordcase = False And metadata = False And lowercase = False Then MsgBox("You must select at least one option...", , "Filmen v1.0") Else consolebox.Clear() ' pause / cancel button ON pause_button.Enabled = True cancel_button.Enabled = True ' Total files label processedfiles = 0 totalfiles_label.Text = totalfiles.ToString() + " Total video files" ' Problems label problems = 0 problems_label.Text = "0 problems found" ' Organization process NameOfDirectory = userSelectedFolderPath MediaInfo(NameOfDirectory) consolebox.AppendText(vbNewLine + "[+] Organization finalized!" + vbNewLine) consolebox.Refresh() consolebox.SelectionStart = consolebox.Text.Length consolebox.ScrollToCaret() ' pause / cancel button OFF pause_button.Enabled = False cancel_button.Enabled = False End If End If End Sub #End Region End Class