[code=vbnet]' ***********************************************************************
' Author : Elektro
' Modified : 22-July-2017
' ***********************************************************************
#Region " Imports "
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports ElektroKit.
' #If NET45 OrElse NET46 Then
Imports Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2
Imports Google.Apis.Download
Imports Google.
v3 Imports Google.
Data Imports Google.Apis.Services
Imports Google.Apis.Upload
Imports Google.Apis.Util.Store
' #End If
#End Region
#Region " Drive Client "
Namespace ElektroKit.
' #If NET45 OrElse NET46 Then
''' <summary>
''' A client for Google Drive service.
''' </summary>
Public NotInheritable Class DriveClient : Implements IDisposable
#Region " Private Fields "
dim demoMessage as string = "Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to the full version."
''' <summary>
''' The Google Drive service client.
''' </summary>
Private client As DriveService
''' <summary>
''' OAuthv2 credential for accessing protected resources using an access token,
''' as well as optionally refreshing the access token when it expires using a refresh token.
''' </summary>
Private credential As UserCredential
''' <summary>
''' A message for an exception that will be thrown when the user has not authorized the app.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly authExceptionMessage As String =
"The user has not yet authorized the usage of this application.
Call 'DriveClient.Authorize()' or 'DriveClient.AuthorizeAsync()' methods."
''' <summary>
''' The Google Drive OAuthv2 scope urls.
''' </summary>
Private scopeDict
As New Dictionary(Of DriveScopes,
Ordinal) From
Full, DriveService.
{DriveScopes.ApplicationData, DriveService.Scope.DriveAppdata},
Files, DriveService.
{DriveScopes.Metadata, DriveService.Scope.DriveMetadata},
{DriveScopes.MetadataReadonly, DriveService.Scope.DriveMetadataReadonly},
{DriveScopes.PhotosReadonly, DriveService.Scope.DrivePhotosReadonly},
{DriveScopes.ReadOnly, DriveService.Scope.DriveReadonly},
{DriveScopes.Scripts, DriveService.Scope.DriveScripts}
#End Region
#Region " Properties "
''' <summary>
''' Gets the client credentials.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The client credentials.
''' </value>
Public ReadOnly Property Secrets As ClientSecrets
''' <summary>
''' Gets the mail address to authorize Drive service. (e.g: "yourmail@gmail.com")
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The mail address to authorize Drive service. (e.g: "yourmail@gmail.com")
''' </value>
Public ReadOnly Property MailAddress As String
''' <summary>
''' Gets the current Drive OAuthv2 scopes.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' The current Drive OAuthv2 scopes.
''' </value>
Public ReadOnly Property Scope As DriveScopes
''' <summary>
''' Gets a value that determines whether Google Drive API authorization was done.
''' </summary>
''' <value>
''' A value that determines whether Google Drive API authorization was done.
''' </value>
Public ReadOnly Property IsAuthorized As Boolean
Return Me.isAuthorizedB
End Get
End Property
''' <summary>
''' ( Backing field )
''' A value that determines whether Google Drive API authorization was done.
''' </summary>
Private isAuthorizedB As Boolean = False
#End Region
#Region " Constructors "
Private Sub New()
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="DriveClient"/> class.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="apiFile">
''' The <c>client_secrets.json</c> file generated by Drive API console that contains the OAuthv2 login data
''' such as the client id, client secret, and redirection URI.
''' </param>
''' <param name="mailAddress">
''' The mail address to authorize Drive service. (e.g: "yourmail@gmail.com")
''' </param>
''' <param name="scopes">
''' The Drive OAuthv2 scope.
''' </param>
Public Sub New(apiFile As String, mailAddress As String, scopes As DriveScopes)
Me.MailAddress = mailAddress
Me.Scope = scopes
Using stream As FileStream = New FileInfo(apiFile).OpenRead()
Me.Secrets = GoogleClientSecrets.Load(stream).Secrets
End Using
End Sub
#End Region
#Region " Public Methods "
#Region " Authorization "
''' <summary>
''' Authorizes this instance to use Google Drive API services.
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Dim client As New DriveClient("C:\GoogleSecrets.json", "yourmail@gmail.com", DriveScopes.Full)
''' Dim credential As UserCredential = client.Authorize()
''' </code>
''' </example>
Public Function Authorize() As UserCredential
Dim t As Task(Of UserCredential) = Task.Run(AddressOf Me.AuthorizeAsync)
Return t.Result
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Authorizes this instance to use Google Drive API services.
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Dim client As New DriveClient("C:\GoogleSecrets.json", "yourmail@gmail.com", DriveScopes.Full)
''' Dim credential As UserCredential = Await client.AuthorizeAsync()
''' </code>
''' </example>
Public Async Function AuthorizeAsync() As Task(Of UserCredential)
Dim scopeUrls As String() = Me.GetScopeUrls(Me.Scope)
Me.credential =
Await GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync(Me.Secrets,
New FileDataStore("Test_Name", fullPath:=False))
Me.client = New DriveService(New BaseClientService.Initializer() With {
.HttpClientInitializer = Me.credential,
.ApplicationName = "Test_Name"
Me.isAuthorizedB = True
Return Me.credential
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Get Files "
''' <summary>
''' Gets all the files stored in the current user account.
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Dim client As New DriveClient("C:\GoogleSecrets.json", "yourmail@gmail.com", DriveScopes.Full)
''' Dim credential As UserCredential = client.Authorize()
''' Dim files As List(Of Data.File) = client.GetFiles()
''' Dim fileCount As Integer
''' For Each file As Data.File In files
''' Dim sb As New Global.System.Text.StringBuilder()
''' With sb
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Id: {0}", file.Id))
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Name: {0}", file.Name))
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Url: {0}", If(file.WebContentLink, file.WebViewLink)))
''' End With
''' Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString())
''' Next file
''' </code>
''' </example>
Public Function GetFiles
() As List
(Of Data.
If Not (Me.isAuthorizedB) Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException(Me.authExceptionMessage)
Dim t
As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) = Task.
Run(AddressOf Me.
GetFilesAsync) t.Wait(Timeout.Infinite)
Return t.Result
End If
End Function
Public Function GetFiles
(predicate As Func(Of Data.
Boolean)) As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Asynchronously gets all the files stored in the current user account.
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Dim client As New DriveClient("C:\GoogleSecrets.json", "yourmail@gmail.com", DriveScopes.Full)
''' Dim credential As UserCredential = Await client.AuthorizeAsync()
''' Dim files As List(Of Data.File) = Await client.GetFilesAsync()
''' Dim fileCount As Integer
''' For Each file As Data.File In files
''' Dim sb As New Global.System.Text.StringBuilder()
''' With sb
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Id: {0}", file.Id))
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Name: {0}", file.Name))
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Url: {0}", If(file.WebContentLink, file.WebViewLink)))
''' End With
''' Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString())
''' Next file
''' </code>
''' </example>
Public Async
Function GetFilesAsync
() As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
If Not (Me.isAuthorizedB) Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException(Me.authExceptionMessage)
Dim request
As FilesResource.
ListRequest = Me.
List() With request
.PageSize = 100
.IncludeTeamDriveItems = False
.SupportsTeamDrives = False
.Fields = "nextPageToken, files"
.Q = "not mimeType contains 'folder'"
End With
Dim response As FileList = Await request.ExecuteAsync()
Do While True
Dim getRequest
As FilesResource.
GetRequest = Me.
Id) With getRequest
.SupportsTeamDrives = False
.Fields = "*"
End With
Dim getResponse
As Data.
File = Await getRequest.
ExecuteAsync() getRequest.AcknowledgeAbuse = True
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(response.NextPageToken) Then
request.PageToken = response.NextPageToken
response = Await request.ExecuteAsync()
Exit Do
End If
End If
End Function
Public Async
Function GetFilesAsync
(predicate As Func(Of Data.
Boolean)) As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Gets a file stored in the current user account that matches the specified file id.
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Dim client As New DriveClient("C:\GoogleSecrets.json", "yourmail@gmail.com", DriveScopes.Full)
''' Dim credential As UserCredential = client.Authorize()
''' Dim file As Data.File) = client.GetFileById(" File Id. ")
''' Dim sb As New Global.System.Text.StringBuilder()
''' With sb
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Id: {0}", file.Id))
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Name: {0}", file.Name))
''' .AppendLine(String.Format("Url: {0}", If(file.WebContentLink, file.WebViewLink)))
''' End With
''' Console.WriteLine(sb.ToString())
''' </code>
''' </example>
Public Function GetFileById
As String) As Data.
File If Not (Me.isAuthorizedB) Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException(Me.authExceptionMessage)
Dim t
As Task
(Of Data.
File) = Task.
Run(Function() Me.
)) t.Wait(Timeout.Infinite)
Return t.Result
End If
End Function
Public Async
Function GetFileByIdAsync
As String) As Task
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetFilesByName
As String) As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetFilesByNameAsync
As String) As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetOwnedFiles
() As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetOwnedFiles
(predicate As Func(Of Data.
Boolean)) As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetOwnedFilesAsync
() As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetOwnedFilesAsync
(predicate As Func(Of Data.
Boolean)) As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetOwnedFilesByName
As String) As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetOwnedFilesByNameAsync
As String) As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetOwnedFileById
As String) As Data.
File 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetOwnedFileByIdAsync
As String) As Task
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Get Folders "
Public Function GetFolders
() As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetFolders
(predicate As Func(Of Data.
Boolean)) As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetFoldersAsync
() As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetFoldersAsync
(predicate As Func(Of Data.
Boolean)) As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetFolderById
As String) As Data.
File 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetFolderByIdAsync
As String) As Task
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetFoldersByName
As String) As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetFoldersByNameAsync
As String) As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetOwnedFolders
() As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetOwnedFolders
(predicate As Func(Of Data.
Boolean)) As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetOwnedFoldersAsync
() As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetOwnedFoldersAsync
(predicate As Func(Of Data.
Boolean)) As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetOwnedFoldersByName
As String) As List
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetOwnedFoldersByNameAsync
As String) As Task
(Of List
(Of Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function GetOwnedFolderById
As String) As Data.
File 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function GetOwnedFolderByIdAsync
As String) As Task
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Download File "
Public Sub DownloadFile
As Data.
As String) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Sub
''' <summary>
''' Downloads the specified file.
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Dim client As New DriveClient("C:\GoogleSecrets.json", "yourmail@gmail.com", DriveScopes.Full)
''' Dim credential As UserCredential = client.Authorize()
''' Dim url As String = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1B04WDF5Df8zYN2NXMlRlMlhYbm8"
''' client.DownloadFile(url, dstFile)
''' </code>
''' </example>
''' <param name="url">
''' A Google Drive url that points to the file to download.
''' </param>
''' <param name="dstFilePath">
''' The destination file path where to save the downloaded file.
''' </param>
Public Sub DownloadFile(url As String,
dstFilePath As String)
If Not (Me.isAuthorizedB) Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException(Me.authExceptionMessage)
Dim t As Task(Of IDownloadProgress) =
Task.Run(Function() Me.DownloadFileAsync(url, dstFilePath, Nothing, Nothing))
If (t.Result.Status = DownloadStatus.Failed) Then
Throw t.Result.Exception
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub DownloadFile(uri As Uri,dstFilePath As String)
'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Sub
Public Async
Function DownloadFileAsync
As Data.
As String) As Task
(Of IDownloadProgress
) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Asynchronously downloads the specified file.
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Dim client As New DriveClient("C:\GoogleSecrets.json", "yourmail@gmail.com", DriveScopes.Full)
''' Dim credential As UserCredential = Await client.AuthorizeAsync()
''' Dim url As String = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1B04WDF5Df8zYN2NXMlRlMlhYbm8"
''' Dim progress As IDownloadProgress = Await client.DownloadFileAsync(url, dstFile)
''' Dim status As DownloadStatus = progress.Status
''' Console.WriteLine(status)
''' </code>
''' </example>
''' <param name="url">
''' A Google Drive url that points to the file to download.
''' </param>
''' <param name="dstFilePath">
''' The destination file path where to save the downloaded file.
''' </param>
Public Async Function DownloadFileAsync(url As String,
dstFilePath As String) As Task(Of IDownloadProgress)
Return Await Me.DownloadFileAsync(url, dstFilePath, Nothing, Nothing)
End Function
Public Async Function DownloadFileAsync(uri As Uri,dstFilePath As String) As Task(Of IDownloadProgress)
'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function DownloadFileAsync
As Data.
As String,progressHandler
As Action
(Of IDownloadProgress
As CancellationToken
) As Task
(Of IDownloadProgress
) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
''' <summary>
''' Asynchronously downloads the specified file.
''' </summary>
''' <example>
''' <code>
''' Dim client As New DriveClient("C:\GoogleSecrets.json", "yourmail@gmail.com", DriveScopes.Full)
''' Dim credential As UserCredential = Await client.AuthorizeAsync()
''' Dim url As String = "https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1B04WDF5Df8zYN2NXMlRlMlhYbm8"
''' Dim progress As IDownloadProgress =
''' Await client.DownloadFileAsync(url, dstFile, AddressOf Me.Download_ProgressChanged, Nothing)
''' Public Sub Download_ProgressChanged(e As IDownloadProgress)
''' Select Case e.Status
''' Case DownloadStatus.Downloading
''' Console.WriteLine("Bytes downloaded: {0}", e.BytesDownloaded)
''' Case DownloadStatus.Completed
''' Console.WriteLine("Download completed.")
''' Case DownloadStatus.Failed
''' Console.WriteLine("Download failed. Reason: {0}", e.Exception.Message)
''' End Select
''' End Sub
''' </code>
''' </example>
''' <param name="url">
''' A Google Drive url that points to the file to download.
''' </param>
''' <param name="dstFilePath">
''' The destination file path where to save the downloaded file.
''' </param>
''' <param name="progressHandler">
''' A event handler that will receive progress changes of the download operation.
''' </param>
''' <param name="cancellationToken">
''' A cancellation token to cancel the download operation.
''' </param>
Public Async Function DownloadFileAsync(url As String,
dstFilePath As String,
progressHandler As Action(Of IDownloadProgress),
cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task(Of IDownloadProgress)
If Not (Me.isAuthorizedB) Then
Throw New InvalidOperationException(Me.authExceptionMessage)
Dim downloader As New MediaDownloader(Me.client)
' downloader.ChunkSize = 262144
Dim progress As IDownloadProgress
Using fs As New FileStream(dstFilePath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read)
AddHandler downloader.ProgressChanged, progressHandler
progress = Await downloader.DownloadAsync(url, fs)
RemoveHandler downloader.ProgressChanged, progressHandler
End Using
Return progress
End If
End Function
Public Async Function DownloadFileAsync(uri As Uri,dstFilePath As String,progressHandler As Action(Of IDownloadProgress),cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task(Of IDownloadProgress)
'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Upload File "
Public Function UploadFile
As FileInfo,
ParamArray parentFolderIds
As String()) As KeyValuePair
(Of ResumableUpload, Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function UploadFile
As FileInfo,dstFile
As Data.
ParamArray parentFolderIds
As String()) As KeyValuePair
(Of ResumableUpload, Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function UploadFileAsync
As FileInfo,progressHandler
As Action
(Of IUploadProgress
As CancellationToken,
ParamArray parentFolderIds
As String()) As Task
(Of KeyValuePair
(Of ResumableUpload, Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function UploadFileAsync
As FileInfo,dstFile
As Data.
As Action
(Of IUploadProgress
As CancellationToken,
ParamArray parentFolderIds
As String()) As Task
(Of KeyValuePair
(Of ResumableUpload, Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Update (replace) File "
Public Function UpdateFile
As FileInfo,dstFile
As Data.
File) As KeyValuePair
(Of ResumableUpload, Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function UpdateFile
As FileInfo,dstFileId
As String) As KeyValuePair
(Of ResumableUpload, Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function UpdateFileAsync
As FileInfo,dstFile
As Data.
As Action
(Of IUploadProgress
As CancellationToken
) As Task
(Of KeyValuePair
(Of ResumableUpload, Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function UpdateFileAsync
As FileInfo,dstFileId
As String,progressHandler
As Action
(Of IUploadProgress
As CancellationToken
) As Task
(Of KeyValuePair
(Of ResumableUpload, Data.
File)) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Create Folder "
Public Function CreateFolder
As String,
ParamArray parentFolderIds
As String()) As Data.
File 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function CreateFolderAsync
As String,
ParamArray parentFolderIds
As String()) As Task
(Of Data.
File) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Delete File "
Public Function DeleteFile
(file As Data.
File) As String 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function DeleteFile(fileId As String) As String
'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function DeleteFileAsync
(file As Data.
File) As Task
(Of String) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async Function DeleteFileAsync(fileId As String) As Task(Of String)
'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Delete Folder "
Public Function DeleteFolder
(folder As Data.
File) As String 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Function DeleteFolder(folderId As String) As String
'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async
Function DeleteFolderAsync
(folder As Data.
File) As Task
(Of String) 'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
Public Async Function DeleteFolderAsync(folderId As String) As Task(Of String)
'Buy ElektroKit Framework to have access to this member.
End Function
#End Region
#End Region
#Region " Private Methods "
Private Function GetScopeUrls(scopes As DriveScopes) As String()
Return (From scope As KeyValuePair(Of DriveScopes, String) In Me.scopeDict
Where Me.Scope.HasFlag(scope.Key)
Select scope.Value).ToArray()
End Function
#End Region
#Region " IDisposable Implementation "
Private isDisposed As Boolean = False
Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
End Sub
Private Sub Dispose(isDisposing As Boolean)
If (Not Me.isDisposed) AndAlso (isDisposing) Then
If (Me.client IsNot Nothing) Then
Me.client = Nothing
End If
End If
Me.isDisposed = True
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
' #End If
End Namespace
#End Region