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IPTVnator - IPTV Player Application 2023-2024
« en: 17 Octubre 2023, 22:14 pm »

IPTVnator is a video player application that provides support for the playback of IPTV playlists (m3u, m3u8). The application allows to import playlists by using remote URLs or per file upload from the file system. Additionally there is a support of EPG information XMLTV-based which can be provided by URL.

The application is a cross-platform and open source project based on Electron and Angular.


    M3u and M3u8 playlists support ????
    Upload playlists from a file system ????
    Add remote playlists via URL ????
    Playlists auto-update feature
    Open playlist from the file system
    Search for channels ????
    EPG support (TV Guide) with detailed info
    TV archive/catchup/timeshift
    Group-based channels list
    Save channels as favorites
    Global favorites aggregated from all playlists
    HTML video player with hls.js support or Video.js based player
    Internalization, currently 7 languages are supported (en, ru, de, ko, es, zh, fr)
    Set custom "User Agent" header for a playlist
    Re-fetch/auto-update playlists
    Light and Dark theme

???? Cross-platform IPTV player application with multiple features, such as support of m3u and m3u8 playlists, favorites, TV guide, TV archive/catchup and more.

What is new ????

The main feature of this release is — Xtream Code IPTV support. The feature is also available in PWA, but works best in electron version of the app and combination with mpv player.


    Xtream Code IPTV support #53 #72 #125
    possibility to specify custom path for mpv player #248
    fixed an annoying bug that appeared when reopening mpv player #248
    fixed bug related to user-agent handling #253
    updated libraries used under the hood


Download: original download link:https://github.com/4gray/iptvnator

MOD: Imagenes adaptadas a lo permitido

« Última modificación: 17 Octubre 2023, 22:25 pm por MCKSys Argentina » En línea

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