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Errores comunes CSS
« en: 2 Mayo 2008, 06:33 am »

Bueno aca les dejo los tipicos errores que puede darte el CSS

"Unable to load filesystem_steam.dll" ERROR
- Make sure you copy the files inside crack folder to your css folder (Seantos)

CClientState::ProcessGameEvent: KeyValue length mismatch.
Netchannel: failed processing message svc_GameEvent.

- delete ClientRegistry.blob in css folder and this is important start css and wait as long as it creates new bob file (x3minferis, "some one help me i dont remember who:) but thnx anyway")

Disconnect: STEAM UserID STEAM_#:#:####### is in server ban list
- means that steam id was banned, try creating another account, and use that info in steamapp (dred)

I click on a server, and it starts connecting. After staying at retrieving server info, my comp freezes
- reinstall css (josephhkim)

SteamStartup() failed: *SteamBlockingCall(Login)(0xab0001,0,0x105fd04) failed with error 200: Failed to connect to any GeneralDirectoryServer, WinSock Error 10065 "No route to host"
- ur not connected in the net
- if you want offline, find steam.dll in your css folder and rename it
- double check steamapp.cfg

SteamStartup() failed: *SteamBlockingCall(Login)(0xab0001,0,0x103fd04) failed with error 201: Cannot perform this operation while offline
Possible solutions
- you must be online
- dont delete steam.dll if you want to play online
- doouble check your steamapp.cfg
- make sure you install latest updates
- follow instructions carefully

Memory Could not be Read
- possible solution, add this command @ shortcut -heapsize 128000 (by dred)

Invalid UserID ticket
- Redo the .blob
- or create another account Smile

SteamStartup() failed: *SteamBlockingCall(login)(0xab0001,0,0x13afd04) failed with error 201: Cannot perform this operation while offline
- you must connect to the internet

The CSBot is not available in the beta
Error: CreateBot() failed.
- For some reasons your CS:S is not [Final]
- download CS:S [final] w/c includes bots

"SteamStartup() failed:*SteamBlockingCall(login)(0xab0001,0,0x13afd04) failed with error 200: Connection Reset, WinSock Error 10045"Connection reset by peer"
- steam is busy for the moment
- dont mess anything in ur CS:S folder
- try to log.in later

Cant open background image "materials/console/background01.vtf"
- x:/path to counter strike source/cstrike/materials/
- copy the console folder and place it
- x:/path to counter strike source/hl2/materials/

Engine Error: Internal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9::Present()
- try to use default video settings
- update your driver ( or use tweak drivers )

engine memory less than 128mb
- less than 128? you need more ram @ least 256

Unable to set mode
- try adding -autoconfig @ shortcut


- go to your registry -> or type regedit @ run

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareValveSourceSettings -> look up the entry "ScreenRefreshRate" -> doubleclick -> type your favoured monitor hz value into the field (i.e. 100hz, if your monitor can handle it) -> change the base setting from hexadecimal to decimal -> finished


-steam -game cstrike -width 1152 -height 864
-steam -game cstrike -width 1024 -height 768
-steam -game cstrike -width 800 -height 600

CResponseSystem::LoadFrombuffer: unknown entry type "P", expectiing "response", "criterion", "enumeration" or "rules" in files scripts/talker/response_rules.txt(offset:1)
- double check ur shortcut line -steam -game cstrike ( fixed by mastershake )

- check the shortcut line in ur hl2.exe
- make sure you have this lines correctly -steam -dxlevel 90 -heapsize 128000 -game cstrike

Unable to load manifest file "scripts/soundscapes_manifest
- copy x:/css/cstrike/scripts/surfaceproperties_manifest.txt
- paste it in x:/path to hl2.exe/hl2/scripts/surfaceproperties_manifest.txt

This server is using a newer protocol
- you have old version, update it!

Error 108: The Local Steam Service is not running
- double check steamapp.cfg folder
- find steamapp.cfg in your css folder
- locate #SteamInstallPath="X:"
- and change to this SteamInstallPath="c:path to folder that contains hl2.exe
- always double check the # sign

Another possible solution by biggiesmallz (error 108)

- go to the steam folder and delete clientregistry.blob
- run steam, wait steam will update then logon, exit
- copy Clientregistry.blob from steam folder to css

Error 101 & Error 104
- double check steamapp.cfg folder
- find steamapp.cfg in your css folder
- locate SteamAppUser & SteamUserPassphrase
- for SteamAppUser ( SteamAppUser=steam account )
- for SteamUserPassphrase ( SteamUserPassphrase= "password in steam" with " sign )
- double check # sign

I get a black screen when open CSS
- this something had to do with your video drivers
- or add -autoconfig @ shortcut

CModelLoader::GetExtraData: re-caching models/error.mdl failed (by mortify)
- Put in the cssstrike folder.
for ex.: C:Counter Strike Sourcecstrikemodels

- NOTE:C:Counter Strike Sourcecstrikemodelsweapons
- C:Counter Strike SourcecstrikemodelsShells

- In this models folder there are many folders like weapons ,shells etc...
you put the error.mdl from
- C:Counter Strike Sourcehl2models
- C:Counter Strike Sourcecstrikemodels

Error 4: Bad Launch Configuration
- double check steamapp.cfg
- make sure that there"s no # sign in SteamAppId, SteamInstallPath, SteamAppUser, SteamUserPassphrase

Error 116: Cache needs repair
- redo / create another steam account bro Wink

Dynamic link library d3d9.dll (mission)
-download directx90.c www.google.com it.
-still problems. update your grafic car drivers.

Unable to init shader (mission)
- download directx90.c www.google.com it.
- still problems. update your grafic car drivers.

Error! Unable to get IFileSystem interface from filesystem factory (mission)
- see your shortcut. it as got to be: "hl2.exe locationhl2.exe" -steam -game cstrike

Unable to load material system
Download this patch material
- http://dn3k.net/uploaded_content/700patch_material.rar
- http://dn3k.net/uploaded_content/173patch_material.rar
- http://dn3k.net/uploaded_content/487patch_material.rar
- if the link is broken tell me il upload another one

fuente: http://www.steampowered.com

Espero que les sirva :P

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