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Alguien conoce de algún mando para la PS3
« en: 15 Abril 2011, 15:41 pm »

Estoy buscando uno y sólo encuentro este.

Me lo recomendais?

USB Dual Shock GamePad Game Controller for PC/PS3 (Black)


# USB interface.
# Plug and play.
# Airwave double shock chill release.
# Comes with analog mode.
# Chill release technology helps keep your hands cool when gaming gets really intense.
# Three speed settings allow you to adjust ventilation force.
# No matter what you play, or how you game, chill release lets you play longer, play harder, play cooler.
# 3 Chill releases setting for comfort and flexibility.
# Soft rubber grips for more gaming control.
# With dual shock function.
# Supports multi-players game.
# USB dual shock technology let you feel the hits, crashes, explosions, and many more affects.
# With “Turbo” and “Macro” function.
# Supports mouse and keyboard function.
# Fully compatible with Windows 98/98SE/2000/ME/XP.
# Compatible with PC and PS3 games.


Gracias y un saludo

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