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Autor Tema: Accesorios PS3  (Leído 3,209 veces)

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Accesorios PS3
« en: 25 Mayo 2011, 11:49 am »

Teneis algo semejante a esto? Son recomendables?

Pistol Shooting Gun Controller for PlayStation PS3 Move Shooting Games (Black)


# Each button adopts hollow design and it is very convenient to use.
# It completely does not affect the relevant operations of PS3 Move controller and the access of other accessories. Just insert the controller into the gun and you can use it.
# With simulation gun design, it can make you feel authentic and comfortable when using.
# Its design is completely in compliance with ergonomic design theory; you may feel super-shock game effect when using the gun.
# It can protect the PS3 Move controller effectively.
# Used for PS3 light gun games of adopting PS Move technique.


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