Ahmad explains it this way:
WPA2 uses two types of keys: 1) Pairwise Transient Key (PTK), which is unique to each client, for protecting unicast traffic; and 2) Group Temporal Key (GTK) to protect broadcast data sent to multiple clients in a network. PTKs can detect address spoofing and data forgery. "GTKs do not have this property," according to page 196 of the IEEE 802.11 standard.
WPA2 uses two types of keys: 1) Pairwise Transient Key (PTK), which is unique to each client, for protecting unicast traffic; and 2) Group Temporal Key (GTK) to protect broadcast data sent to multiple clients in a network. PTKs can detect address spoofing and data forgery. "GTKs do not have this property," according to page 196 of the IEEE 802.11 standard.
Para quen no habla ingles digo poco:
Tiene un fallo que se llama "Hole 196", es un Exploit. dicen que lo mostraran en DefCon, pues luego lo colocaran al publico!!!!
Felicidades!!!! Esperamos que sera util para conseguir mas trabajo en colocacion y mantenimento de seguridad.