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Autor Tema: Problemas con proxychains  (Leído 5,749 veces)

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Problemas con proxychains
« en: 16 Junio 2013, 23:25 pm »

Hola a todos.

Bueno mi problema es que al intentar acceder al navegador a traves de una cadena de proxys no puedo, os dejo lo que e dice.



# proxychains.conf  VER 3.1
#        HTTP, SOCKS4, SOCKS5 tunneling proxifier with DNS.

# The option below identifies how the ProxyList is treated.
# only one option should be uncommented at time,
# otherwise the last appearing option will be accepted
# Dynamic - Each connection will be done via chained proxies
# all proxies chained in the order as they appear in the list
# at least one proxy must be online to play in chain
# (dead proxies are skipped)
# otherwise EINTR is returned to the app
# Strict - Each connection will be done via chained proxies
# all proxies chained in the order as they appear in the list
# all proxies must be online to play in chain
# otherwise EINTR is returned to the app
# Random - Each connection will be done via random proxy
# (or proxy chain, see  chain_len) from the list.
# this option is good to test your IDS :)

# Make sense only if random_chain
#chain_len = 2

# Quiet mode (no output from library)

# Proxy DNS requests - no leak for DNS data
# Some timeouts in milliseconds
tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000

# ProxyList format
#       type  host  port [user pass]
#       (values separated by 'tab' or 'blank')
#        Examples:
#               socks5   1080    lamer   secret
#               http    8080    justu   hidden
#               socks4    1080
#               http   8080    
#       proxy types: http, socks4, socks5
#        ( auth types supported: "basic"-http  "user/pass"-socks )
# add proxy here ...
# meanwile
# defaults set to "tor"
socks4 9050
socks4  1080

Error que me dá

root@bt:~# proxychains google-chrome
ProxyChains-3.1 (http://proxychains.sf.net)
|DNS-request| ::1
|DNS-response|: ::1 is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
[10484:10514:0616/171138:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(624)] Failed to get name owner. Got org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name 'org.chromium.Mtpd': no such name
[10484:10514:0616/171138:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(624)] Failed to get name owner. Got org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner: Could not get owner of name 'org.chromium.Mtpd': no such name
|DNS-request| clients4.google.com
|DNS-request| translate.googleapis.com
|DNS-response|: clients4.google.com is not exist
|DNS-response|: translate.googleapis.com is not exist
[10484:10484:0616/171138:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(529)] Failed to call method: org.chromium.Mtpd.EnumerateStorages: object_path= /org/chromium/Mtpd: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.chromium.Mtpd was not provided by any .service files
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.com
|DNS-response|: www.google.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| tnqhmsvxza
|DNS-request| kupsdqwpfn
|DNS-request| omepajdrvj
|DNS-response|: tnqhmsvxza is not exist
|DNS-response|: kupsdqwpfn is not exist
|DNS-response|: omepajdrvj is not exist
|DNS-request| ssl.gstatic.com
|DNS-response|: ssl.gstatic.com is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
|DNS-request| www.google.es
|DNS-response|: www.google.es is not exist
« Última modificación: 16 Junio 2013, 23:39 pm por Rocky91 » En línea


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Re: Problemas con proxychains
« Respuesta #1 en: 17 Junio 2013, 23:01 pm »

parece que no se conecta, cuando ejecutas el proxychains si se abre ese puerto?

netstat -antp | grep 9050

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