dice asi feo feo
mount: mounting /dev on/root/dev Failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /sys on/root/sys Failed: No such file or directory
mount: mounting /proc on/root/falided: No such file or directory targe filesystem doen´st have requestd/sbin/init
no init found, try passing init=bootarg
Busybox v1.15.3 (ubuntu 1:1.15.3 -1ubuntu5) built-in shell (ash) Enter ' help' for a list of built-in comands.
(initramfs) justo aqui me sale para escribir
edito: SOLUCIONADO ,no c ,,inicie desde un live cd con lubuntu ,,y nisiquiera puede correrlo me pedia USER y PASS,,luego al reiniciar pude entrar al Xubuntu
cada ves aprendiendo un pelin