hola que tal saludos bueno lei tu post y yo tengo una tarjeta nvidia geforce 310m cuda pero en mi laptop sony me consto un monton poner los drivers en ubuntu 10.04 y 10.10 porque esta nividia tiene problemas con los nuevos drivers de nvidia el problema de la pantalla negra por ahi en google esta la solucion por ahi la encontre tienes que ponerlo al empezar ubuntu ahora las resoluciones tambien tenia ese problema nomas tenia dos resoluciones y claro no agarraba mas porque no agarraba la tarjeta de video tengo un scrip que te baja los drivers que solo son necesarios ahora este creo que solo es para la sony laptop y para esta tarjeta que es la 310 no se si funcionan con las demas ni que marca de monitor tienes ahora no se si es solo adicional el monitor o que onda saludos ciao
# =========================================================
# File : my_nvidia.sh
# Version:
# Author : M.E.Adams
# Purpose: Recover from Ubuntu/Nvidia driver update bug
# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Notes &: 1. This script automates the installation of
# Assumes: version 256.53 of the nvidia driver on top
# : of nvidia_current 260.19.06 and makes it the
# : new nvidia_current. It insures other required
# : modules are installed and configured.
# : 2. This script was developed specifically for
# : the author's Sony VAIO model VPCF136FM.
# : Others might benefit but, mileage may vary.
# : 3. Author's system configuration:
# : Processor: i7-740QM / 1.73 GHz
# : Memory : 6 GB
# : Display : 16.4" / 1600x900
# : Graphics : NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M GPU
# : 4. It is safe to ignore most warning messages
# : generated if the operation succeeds. If it
# : fails, then use them to aid in diagnostics.
# : 5. Pay attention and answer prompts as presented.
# : 6. This code assumes wget and jockey packages
# : are installed.
# : 7. After the Xserver is restarted with the new
# : nvidia driver, a reboot is necessary to
# : complete the installation (I don't know why).
# =========================================================
echo ======================================================
echo = Stopping Xserver... =
echo ======================================================
sudo service gdm stop
echo ======================================================
echo = Using apt-get to install required packages... =
echo ======================================================
sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings nvidia-common
echo ======================================================
echo = Using wget to download the replacement driver... =
echo ======================================================
sudo wget $src/nvidia-glx-185_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb
sudo wget $src/nvidia-185-libvdpau_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb
sudo wget $src/nvidia-185-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb
sudo wget $src/nvidia-current_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb
sudo wget $src/nvidia-current-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb
echo ======================================================
echo = Using dpkg to install replacement Nvidia driver... =
echo ======================================================
sudo dpkg -i \
nvidia-185-libvdpau_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb \
nvidia-185-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb \
nvidia-current-modaliases_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb \
nvidia-glx-185_256.53-0ubuntu3_i386.deb \
echo ======================================================
echo = Selecting replacement Nvidia driver... =
echo ======================================================
sudo update-alternatives --config gl_conf
echo ======================================================
echo = Configuring dynamic linker run-time bindings... =
echo ======================================================
sudo ldconfig
echo ======================================================
echo = Creating xorg.conf... =
echo ======================================================
sudo nvidia-xconfig
echo ======================================================
echo = Enabling Nvidia driver... =
echo ======================================================
sudo /usr/bin/jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_current
echo ======================================================
echo = Restarting Xserver ... =
echo ======================================================
sudo service gdm start
nota este es el sh no es mio claro ahi si te sirve ciao