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Libro: Sound Programming
« en: 27 Noviembre 2017, 02:55 am »

Java, Gtk, Raspberry Pi, ...

1. Basic Concepts of Sound 1
2. User-Level Tools 7
3. Sound Codecs and File Formats 11
4. Overview of Linux Sound Architecture 15
5. ALSA 21
6. PulseAudio 61
7. Jack 143
8. Session Management 179
9. Java Sound 197
10. GStreamer 211
11. libao 223
12. FFmpeg/Libav 227
13. OpenMAX IL 235
14. LADSPA 277
15. Displaying Video with Overlays Using Gtk and FFmpeg 293
16. MIDI 317
17. User-Level Tools for MIDI 321
18. MIDI Java Sound 327
19. MIDI ALSA 343
20. FluidSynth 351
21. TiMidity 355
22. Overview of Karaoke Systems 369
23. Karaoke User-Level Tools 371
24. MP3+G 381
25. Karaoke Applications Using Java Sound 407
26. Subtitles and Closed Captions 443
27. Karaoke FluidSynth 465
28. TiMidity and Karaoke 499
29. Jack and Karaoke 523
30. Streaming Audio 533
31. Raspberry Pi 537
32. Conclusion 547
A. Decoding the DKD Files on the Sonken Karaoke DVD 549



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