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MySQL Replication: What’s New in MySQL 5.7 and Beyond
« en: 28 Enero 2015, 11:37 am »

Continuing in the footsteps of its predecessor, MySQL 5.7 is set to be a groundbreaking release. In this webinar, the engineers behind the product provide insights into what’s new for MySQL replication in the latest 5.7 Development Milestone Release and review the early access features available via labs.mysql.com. The next generation of replication features cover several technical areas such as better semi-synchronous replication, an enhanced multithreaded slave (per-transaction parallelism), improved monitoring with performance schema tables, online configuration changes, options for fine-tuning replication performance, support for more-advanced topologies with multisource replication, and much more. This is also a great chance to learn about MySQL Group Replication – the next generation of active-active, update-anywhere replication for MySQL.


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