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Autor Tema: [VBS] Mutex o Similar  (Leído 3,225 veces)

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[VBS] Mutex o Similar
« en: 23 Junio 2015, 18:39 pm »

Estaba buscando info para hacer algo similar a la API CreateMutex desde VBS. La idea es evitar que nuestro script este corriendo dos o mas veces al mismo tiempo, y encontré este código:

  1. Function MutexOpt()
  2. Dim oProcesses
  3. Dim oProcess
  4. Dim iProcCount
  5. Dim bQuit
  6. Set oProcesses = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2").ExecQuery( "Select * from Win32_Process where Name='cscript.exe' or Name='wscript.exe'",,48)
  8. For Each oProcess in oProcesses
  9. If Instr(1, oProcess.CommandLine, WScript.ScriptName, 1) > 0 Then
  10. iProcCount = iProcCount + 1
  11. End If
  12. Next
  14. MutexOpt = (iProcCount > 1)
  16. End Sub

Pero no creo que sea la mejor opción porque si corremos nuestro script dos o mas veces pero con diferentes nombres este función no serviría.

Alguien tiene alguna mejor idea ?

« Última modificación: 23 Junio 2015, 18:47 pm por avenkanet » En línea


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Re: [VBS] Mutex o Similar
« Respuesta #1 en: 25 Junio 2015, 21:10 pm »

encontré esto por ahí, no se si sea una mejor opción

  1. ''Objects
  2. set shell = createObject("wscript.shell")
  3. Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  6. ''Check the args passed into the script. Specifically looking for the last argument which is the script mutex
  7. Set args = Wscript.Arguments
  8. argsFound = false
  9. For Each arg In args
  10. argsFound = arg
  11. Next
  13. ''If we didn't get any arguments re-run self with a random arg string, this will be the mutex
  14. if argsFound = false then
  15. runSelf(genRndStr(8))
  16. Else
  18. ''The last argument is the mutex string
  19. mutex = argsFound
  20. end if
  22. ''remove any other instances of this script
  23. killPastInstances(mutex)
  27. ''This sub will kill all instnances of the currently running vbscript that are running under the same interpreter
  28. ''but it will not kill it's self
  29. ''note, this requires that this script has a uniquite mutex
  30. sub killPastInstances(mutex)
  32. ''Get self name
  33. scriptName = WScript.ScriptFullName
  35. Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\CIMV2")
  36. Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process",,48)
  37. For Each objItem in colItems
  39. if instr(objItem.CommandLine, scriptName) > 0 Then
  40.  ''If the instance of the script is NOT this instance
  41.  if not instr(objItem.CommandLine, mutex) > 0 then
  43.   ''Kill it!
  44.   objItem.Terminate()
  45.  end if
  46. end if
  47. Next
  48. end sub
  51. ''generates a random string of length "count"
  52. Function genRndStr(Count)
  53.    Randomize
  54.    For i = 1 To Count
  55.        If (Int((1 - 0 + 1) * Rnd + 0)) Then
  56.            genRndStr = genRndStr & Chr(Int((90 - 65 + 1) * Rnd + 65))
  57.        Else
  58.            genRndStr = genRndStr & Chr(Int((57 - 48 + 1) * Rnd + 48))
  59.        End If
  60.    Next
  61. End Function
  64. ''re-runs the curernt script with args in cscript if it is running in wscript. current script exits
  65. sub forceCscript
  66.  If Instr(1, WScript.FullName, "CScript", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
  68. Set args = Wscript.Arguments
  69. argStr = ""
  70. For Each arg In args
  71. argStr = argStr & " " & arg
  72. Next
  74.    Shell.Run "cscript """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """" & argStr, 1, False
  75.    WScript.Quit
  76.  End If
  77. end sub
  81. ''Runs a new instance of the current script with additional arguments. Current script exits
  82. sub runSelf(extraArgStr)
  84. ''Are we runing in C or W script?
  85. interpreter = "wscript.exe"
  86. If Instr(1, WScript.FullName, "CScript", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
  87. interpreter = "wscript.exe"
  88. else
  89. interpreter = "cscript.exe"
  90. end if
  92. ''Get current args
  93. Set args = Wscript.Arguments
  94. argStr = ""
  95. For Each arg In args
  96. argStr = argStr & " " & arg
  97. Next
  99. ''append new args if required
  100. if extraArgStr <> "" then argStr = argStr & " " & extraArgStr
  102.    Shell.Run interpreter & " """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """" & argStr, 1, False
  103.    WScript.Quit
  105. end sub
« Última modificación: 25 Junio 2015, 21:13 pm por XcryptOR » En línea

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