Se agradese a quien lo aya hecho ja



Lo que hace este codigo es secillo y es:
Localisar primero el Administrador de tareas
Enlistar todo y cada uno de sus controles ' Asi lo entendi yo ok
localisar la lista de los procesos y despues quitar el proceso indicado... en este caso el notepad.exe
En un Formulario comun poner solo esto y nada Mas...
Private WithEvents Timer1 As Timer Private Sub Form_Load() MsgBox "Ejecuta el Administrador de Tareas... [ Control + Alt + Supr ]" Shell "c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe", vbNormalFocus Set Timer1 = Me.Controls.Add("vb.timer", "Timer") Timer1.Interval = 1000 Timer1.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Dim hWnd1 As Long hWnd1 = FindWindow(vbNullString, "Administrador de tareas de Windows") HandleW = hWnd1 If (hWnd1 <= 0) Then Caption = "No se ha encontrado el administrador de tareas" Else Caption = "Se ha encontrado el administrador de tareas" EnumChildWindows hWnd1, AddressOf Procesitos, 1 'lParam End If End Sub
En un Modulo poner esto otro...
Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Public Declare Function EnumChildWindows Lib "user32" (ByVal hWndParent As Long, ByVal lpEnumFunc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long Public Declare Function GetClassName Lib "user32" Alias "GetClassNameA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal nMaxCount As Long) As Long Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, lParam As Any) As Long Private Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, lpdwProcessId As Long) As Long Private Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpBaseAddress As Any, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nSize As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long Private Declare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpBaseAddress As Any, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nSize As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long) As Long Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal bInheritHandle As Long, ByVal dwProcessId As Long) As Long Const PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = &H8 Const PROCESS_VM_READ = &H10 Const PROCESS_VM_WRITE = &H20 Const PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = 0 Private Const PAGE_READWRITE = &H4& Const MEM_COMMIT = &H1000 Const MEM_RESERVE = &H2000 Const MEM_DECOMMIT = &H4000 Const MEM_RELEASE = &H8000 Const MEM_FREE = &H10000 Const MEM_PRIVATE = &H20000 Const MEM_MAPPED = &H40000 Const MEM_TOP_DOWN = &H100000 Private Declare Function VirtualAllocEx Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByVal lpAddress As Long, ByVal dwSize As Long, ByVal flAllocationType As Long, ByVal flProtect As Long) As Long Private Declare Function VirtualFreeEx Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Long, lpAddress As Any, ByVal dwSize As Long, ByVal dwFreeType As Long) As Long Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long Private ASDQWEZXC As String Private Const LVM_FIRST = &H1000 Private Const LVM_GETTITEMCOUNT& = (LVM_FIRST + 4) Private Const LVM_GETITEMW = (LVM_FIRST + 75) Private Const LVIF_TEXT = &H1 Private Const LVM_DELETEITEM = 4104 Public Type LV_ITEM mask As Long iItem As Long iSubItem As Long state As Long stateMask As Long lpszText As Long 'LPCSTR cchTextMax As Long iImage As Long lParam As Long iIndent As Long End Type Type LV_TEXT sItemText As String * 80 End Type Public Function Procesitos(ByVal hWnd2 As Long, lParam As String) As Boolean Dim Nombre As String * 255, nombreClase As String * 255 Dim Nombre2 As String, nombreClase2 As String Dim X As Long, Y As Long X = GetWindowText(hWnd2, Nombre, 255) Y = GetClassName(hWnd2, nombreClase, 255) Nombre = Left(Nombre, X) nombreClase = Left(nombreClase, Y) Nombre2 = Trim(Nombre) nombreClase2 = Trim(nombreClase) If nombreClase2 = "SysListView32" And Nombre2 = "Procesos" Then JodeLosItems (hWnd2) Exit Function End If If Nombre2 = "" And nombreClase2 = "" Then Procesitos = False Else Procesitos = True End If End Function Public Function JodeLosItems(ByVal hListView As Long) ' As Variant Dim pid As Long, tid As Long Dim hProceso As Long, nElem As Long, lEscribiendo As Long, i As Long Dim DirMemComp As Long, dwTam As Long Dim DirMemComp2 As Long Dim sLVItems() As String Dim li As LV_ITEM Dim lt As LV_TEXT If hListView = 0 Then Exit Function tid = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hListView, pid) nElem = SendMessage(hListView, LVM_GETTITEMCOUNT, 0, 0&) If nElem = 0 Then Exit Function ReDim sLVItems(nElem - 1) li.cchTextMax = 80 dwTam = Len(li) DirMemComp = DameMemComp(pid, dwTam, hProceso) DirMemComp2 = DameMemComp(pid, LenB(lt), hProceso) For i = 0 To nElem - 1 li.lpszText = DirMemComp2 li.cchTextMax = 80 li.iItem = i li.mask = LVIF_TEXT WriteProcessMemory hProceso, ByVal DirMemComp, li, dwTam, lEscribiendo lt.sItemText = Space(80) WriteProcessMemory hProceso, ByVal DirMemComp2, lt, LenB(lt), lEscribiendo Call SendMessage(hListView, LVM_GETITEMW, 0, ByVal DirMemComp) Call ReadProcessMemory(hProceso, ByVal DirMemComp2, lt, LenB(lt), lEscribiendo) '''ASDQWEZXC = TrimNull(StrConv(lt.sItemText, vbFromUnicode)) '''Form1.Text1.Text = Form1.Text1.Text & vbCrLf & TrimNull(StrConv(lt.sItemText, vbFromUnicode)) '''If Len(Form1.Text1.Text) >= 10000 Then Form1.Text1.Text = "" If TrimNull(StrConv(lt.sItemText, vbFromUnicode)) = "notepad.exe" Then '<===========CAMBIAR Call SendMessage(hListView, LVM_DELETEITEM, i, 0) '''Form1.Text2 = i Exit Function End If Next i AdiosMemComp hProceso, DirMemComp, dwTam AdiosMemComp hProceso, DirMemComp2, LenB(lt) End Function Public Function DameMemComp(ByVal pid As Long, ByVal memTam As Long, hProceso As Long) As Long hProceso = OpenProcess(PROCESS_VM_OPERATION Or PROCESS_VM_READ Or PROCESS_VM_WRITE, False, pid) DameMemComp = VirtualAllocEx(ByVal hProceso, ByVal 0&, ByVal memTam, MEM_RESERVE Or MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE) End Function Public Sub AdiosMemComp(ByVal hProceso As Long, ByVal DirMem As Long, ByVal memTam As Long) Call VirtualFreeEx(hProceso, ByVal DirMem, memTam, MEM_RELEASE) CloseHandle hProceso End Sub Public Function TrimNull(jaja As String) As String Dim pos As Integer pos = InStr(jaja, Chr$(0)) If pos Then TrimNull = Left$(jaja, pos - 1) Exit Function End If TrimNull = jaja End Function
Se entiende cuando se ejecuta por partes y muestra los resultados en pantalla asi lo entendi todo.
a si si lo usan para algun virus o algo no se otambien cambienle la prioridad al Administrador de Tareas en el momento... o modifiquen el codigo para que el refresco del Administrador de Tareas sea subitamente lento xP y no cachen el programa atiempo JOJOJO
PD.: Se ve bien a color no jaja, a y Reafirmo se agradece aquien lo aya hecho