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Autor Tema: Libros de Wireless  (Leído 112,064 veces)

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Libros de Wireless
« en: 13 Julio 2009, 00:16 am »

Introduccion a Las Redes Inalambricas

Introduccion a Las Redes Inalambricas

PDF | Español | 2005 | 384 pages | 15.5 MB


¿Qué queremos decir exactamente cuando hablamos de redes inalámbricas? Para el propósito de este libro, casi siempre estamos hablando de una tecnología de radio de corto alcance sin patente llamada IEEE 802.11b, también conocida como Wi-Fi(es una abreviatura de Wireless Fidelity, creada por una asociación comercial). Aunque a veces hablaremos de redes para Macintosh y para Windows por precisión, utilizaremos principalmente Wi-Fi a lo largo de este libro para evitar confusiones. Wi-Fi no es ni mucho menos la única tecnología de redes inalámbricas, pero es de lejos la más común.

Wireless Mesh Networks

Wireless Mesh Networks Architectures and Protocols

331 Pages | 2007 | Inglés | PDF | 7.8 MB


The book includes a set of research and survey articles featuring the recent advances in theory and applications of wireless mesh networking technology which will be a significant component in the next generation (e.g., fourth generation) mobile communication networks. Wireless mesh networks consist of mesh clients and mesh routers, where the mesh routers form a wireless infrastructure/backbone and interwork with the wired networks to provide multihop wireless Internet connectivity to the mesh clients. Wireless mesh networking has emerged as one of the most promising concept for self-organizing and auto-configurable wireless networking to provide adaptive and flexible wireless Internet connectivity to mobile users. This concept can be used for different wireless access technologies such as IEEE 802.11, 802.15, 802.16-based WLAN, WPAN, and WMAN technologies. Potential application scenarios for wireless mesh networks include access and backhaul support for cellular networks, home networks, enterprise networks, community networks, and intelligent transport system networks. Development of wireless mesh networking technology has to deal with challenging architecture and protocol design issues, and there is an increasing interest on this technology among the researchers in both academia and industry. There are many on-going research projects in different universities and industrial research labs. Also, many startup companies are building mesh networking platforms based on off-the-shelf wireless access technologies and developing demanding applications and services. This book provides a unified view of the state-of-the-art achievements in the area of wireless mesh networking technology.
The book is useful for both researchers and practitioners in this area. Also, it can be adopted as a graduate-level textbook for an advanced course on wireless communication networks.

The Book of Wireless: A Painless Guide to Wi-Fi and Broadband Wireless

John Ross "The Book of Wireless: A Painless Guide to Wi-Fi and Broadband Wireless"

2008 | Inglés | 352 Pages | PDF | 8.9 Mb


Broadband wireless networks bring us closer to the Internet's ultimate destiny of interconnecting everyone, everywhere. But wireless networking can be a bit geeky and nerve-wracking without a proper guide. Let's face it: Networking can be hard.
If you're one of the last holdouts still connected to the Internet by a wire, The Book of Wireless, 2nd Edition is the book for you. You'll learn how to set up your own home (or small office) wireless network and how to use public wireless networks, safely and securely. This plain-English guide demystifies configuring and using wireless networks-everything from shopping for parts to securing your network

Building Wireless Community Networks

Building Wireless Community Networks by Rob Flickenger
2001 | 150 Pages | Inglés | PDF | 1 Mb


Wireless networking protocols are complicated, but IEEE 802.11b and the products that have sprung up around it (like Apple's AirPort and similar offerings from Lucent Technologies and Cisco Systems) are pretty easy to set up and integrate into a network. Flickenger's treatment deals with these admirably but places more emphasis on configuring operating systems (notably Linux) to work as wireless gateways for transient users. The really fun reading has to do with custom antennas, though. Flickenger explains--no kidding--how to convert a Pringles potato-chip can into an antenna for wireless networking and goes into detail on how to work around the challenges posed by topography and human-made obstacles. This is a smart book about one of the most exciting frontiers in computer networking.

Wireless Crime and Forensic Investigation

Gregory Kipper, "Wireless Crime and Forensic Investigation"

2007 | PDF | 280 pages | 5.7MB


From short text messaging to war driving, this book explores all aspects of wireless technology, how it is used in daily life, and how it will be used in the future. It provides a one-stop resource on the types of wireless crimes that are being committed and forensic investigation techniques for wireless devices and wireless networks. The author provides a solid understanding of modern wireless technologies, wireless security techniques and wireless crime techniques, as well as conducting forensic analysis on wireless devices and networks. Each chapter, while part of a greater whole, can stand on its own, making researching wireless technologies, security, crime, or forensics easy.

Hacking Firewalls

Hacking Firewalls,Networks How To Hack Into Remote Computers

PDF | English | 6.66MB


Sniffing and spoofing are security threats that target the lower layers of the networking infrastructure supporting applications that use the Internet. Users do not interact directly with these lower layers and are typically completelyunaware that they exist. Without a deliber-ate consideration of these threats, it is impossible to build effective security into the higher levels.
Sniffing is a passive security attack in which a machine separate from the intended destination reads data on a network. The term “sniffing” comes from the notion of “sniffing the ether” in an Ethernet network and is a bad pun on the two meanings of the word “ether.” Passive security attacks are those that do not alter the normal flow of data on a communication link or inject data into the link.

« Última modificación: 21 Julio 2009, 20:35 pm por iAssassin » En línea

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Re: Introduccion a Las Redes Inalambricas
« Respuesta #1 en: 13 Julio 2009, 09:47 am »


Me lo leí hace tiempo.... y es bastante interesante  ;-)

Un saludo


P.D.: Si pretendes hacer un recopilatorio de libros me lo indicas y hacemos una chincheta

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Re: Introduccion a Las Redes Inalambricas
« Respuesta #2 en: 13 Julio 2009, 21:45 pm »

P.D.: Si pretendes hacer un recopilatorio de libros me lo indicas y hacemos una chincheta

el problema es que libros de wireless en español no tengo muchos..
en ingles tengo bastantes, si se pueden poner en ingles hago un recopilatorio. sino no creo porque va a ser dificil.

avisame a ver si pongo los que son en ingles.
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Re: Libros de Wireless
« Respuesta #3 en: 24 Julio 2009, 22:16 pm »

Ponlos en inglés porque en informática el 90% de los textos son en inglés...

A ver si subo yo alguno que tenía por ahi

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Re: Libros de Wireless
« Respuesta #4 en: 29 Agosto 2009, 00:17 am »

Disculpas por revivir el tema pero el ultimo link esta roto(Hacking Firewalls,Networks How To Hack Into Remote Computers(Hacking Firewalls))
Aqui dejo otro enlace: http://rapidshare.com/files/50581184/H_F_N_55092007.rar

Fuente del enlace: http://azhacks.blogspot.com/2007/11/firewalls-and-networks-how-to-hack-into.html

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Re: Libros de Wireless
« Respuesta #5 en: 31 Agosto 2009, 18:57 pm »

gracias por compartir :)
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Re: Libros de Wireless
« Respuesta #6 en: 1 Septiembre 2009, 01:11 am »

Gracias x el aporte.. me vino buenisimo..

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Re: Libros de Wireless
« Respuesta #7 en: 22 Octubre 2009, 20:27 pm »

gracias x los link amios.............
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Re: Libros de Wireless
« Respuesta #8 en: 22 Octubre 2009, 22:30 pm »

Gracias bruder, ahora a nutrir el cerebro....  :laugh:
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Re: Libros de Wireless
« Respuesta #9 en: 26 Octubre 2009, 20:50 pm »

Me viene de lujo!!!!!!!!!
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