Undocumented OpCodes: AAD
AAD - D5 IMM8 - ASCII Adjust before Division
Undocumented: Available to all Intel x86 processors
Useful in production source code.
Flags: ASCII Adjust before Division
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +----------+----------+
|O|D|I|T|S|Z|A|P|C| | 11010101 | DATA |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +----------+----------+
|+| | | |+|+|+|+|+| | D5 | IMM8 |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +----------+----------+
This instruction is the multiplication counterpart to AAM. As is the
case with AAM, AAD uses the second byte as an operand. This operand is
the multiplicand for AAD. Like AAM, AAD provides a way to execute a MUL
IMM8 that is unavailable through any other means in the CPU. Unlike MUL,
or IMUL, AAD sets all of the CPU status flags according to the result.
Intel states that the Overflow Flag (OF), Auxiliary carry Flag (AF), and
Carry Flag (CF) are undefined. This assertion is incorrect. These flags
are fully defined, and are set consistently with respect to any other
integer operations. And again, like AMM, beginning with the Pentium,
Intel has finally acknowledged the existence of the second byte of this
instruction as its operand. Intel says:
"Note: imm8 has the value of the instruction's second byte. The second
byte under normally assembly [sic] of this instruction will be 0A,
however, explicit modification of this byte will result in the operation
described above and may alter results."
This instruction exists in this form on all Intel x86 processors. See
the file AAD.ASM for diagnostics source code for this instruction.
completo aqui http://www.rcollins.org/secrets/ (ademas contiene informacion importante no documentada por intel)
Opcodes funcionan para evadir emulacion de algunos AVs mier*** , ademas podemos usar algunos de los nuevos conjunto de
instrucciones SSE 3, SSE 4 para ello tambien, pueda que quieran usar cpuid para obtener los conjuntos de instrucciones
soportados por la cpu.
Agregado a enlaces utiles.