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Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« en: 20 Enero 2006, 11:43 am »

Buenas como no tengo tiempo de leer os dejo este enlace:


Es un cd con el xp (mejorado) y con todo lo imprescindible......

...agradecere contestaciones y besos......

« Última modificación: 20 Enero 2006, 14:58 pm por vicente101 » En línea


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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #1 en: 21 Enero 2006, 10:25 am »

Windows XP Service Pack 2 Unattended Edition v4

WinXP Sp2 uE v4

Pues eso, que ya por fin esta aquí la nueva versión 4.
Voy a intentar explicar lo que trae, y contar un poco de que va el tema para los que bajaron la versión 3 ni tampoco saben lo que es Windows uE.

¿Que es?
Se trata de modificaciones al Windows de tal manera que a su instalación no sea necesaria ninguna intervención por el usuario, muy útil para administradores IT.

¿Cuales son las modificaciones más importantes?
Windows XP ha sido actualizado, incluyendo las actualizaciones de seguridad y actualizaciones recomendadas. La "automatización" esta basada en un script que coordina los pasos del Windows que realizara en el proceso de la instalación.
También a sido realizada una "limpieza" de elementos del Windows XP original, obteniendo así una versión de Windows mas compacta, y mejor.
Además de todo esto, han sido añadidas algunas aplicaciones al CD, también desatendidas, para hacerlo aprovechar el espacio en CD y para que sea útil a los administradores IT y a los pringados.

¿Qué actualizaciones lleva integradas?

KB835935 KB842773 KB873333 KB873339 KB885250
KB885835 KB885836 KB886185 KB887472 KB887742
KB887797 KB888113 KB888302 KB890046 KB890830
KB890859 KB891781 KB892130 KB893066 KB893086
KB893756 KB893803 KB894391 KB896228 KB896358
KB896422 KB896423 KB896727 KB898461 KB899587
KB899588 KB899591 KB900930 KB901214 ---- V3 ----

KB889527 KB896424 KB896688 KB897663 KB899589
KB900485 KB900725 KB901017 KB902400 KB904412
KB904706 KB905414 KB905749 KB905915 KB906569
KB907865 KB908521 KB908519 KB910437 KB912919

¿Qué aplicaciones se pueden instalar?

1. .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 – es recomendado instalarlo solo si van a instalar Paint .Net u otra aplicación que lo requiere.
2. .NET Framework 2 – ofrece un 95% compatibilidad con las antiguas aplicaciones, y total con las nuevas, así que este puede ser suficiente.
3. Ad-Aware Pro 1.06 - actualizar antes de escanear.
4. Adobe Reader 7.0.5 (Lite) – la primera vez que inicia, tienes que elegir entre {Ingles} o {Español}. Es una versión modificada, solo el mínimo para funcionar más rápido y para cargarse al instante.
5. Alcohol 120% – es la única que tiene un "problemilla" y es que cuando se instala sale el cuadro buscando unos controladores pasa la unidad SCSI virtual. El cuadro desaparece después de 30 segundos, o si prefiere, puede pulsar siguiente, siguiente y finalizar.
6. BitComet 0.61 – quitados algunos ficheros de idiomas, y de texto.
7. BSPlayer Pro 1.37 Build 826
8. CCleaner 1.26.218
9. DAEMON Tools 4.0.3 – el proceso de instalación termina en el segundo inicio de Windows.
10. Damn NFO Viewer
11. DVD Shrink
12. eMule 0.46c {r3wlx} – personalizado por r3wlx, usuario del foro WindowsuE.
13. Mozilla Firefox 1.5
14. FlashFXP 3.2 Build 1080 – se instala solo, con número de serie. Versión personalizada.
15. FlashGet 1.71
16. Flash & Shockwave Slim 10
17. GMail Drive 1.0.9
18. Google Toolbar
19. Image Resizer Powertoy
20. Java Runtime Environment Versión 5 Update 6
21. K-Lite Codec Pack 2.67
22. MSN Messenger 7.5.0311
23. Nero Burning Rom – versión modificada, solo el núcleo, CoverDesigner y WaveEditor.
24. NOD32 2.51.12
25. Notepad ++ 3.4
26. Microsoft Office 2003 SP2 – integrado Service Pack 2 y otras 4 actualizaciones: KB892843 , KB905648, KB907417 y KB907492.
27. Norton Partition Magic 8.05
28. Orchestra Sound Scheme
29. PowerDVD 6 Deluxe – con todos los registros extra.
30. Putty 0.58
31. QuickTime Alternative 1.67
32. Real Alternative 1.46
33. Paint .NET 2.5 – necesario instalar antes .NET Framework 1.1 SP1.
34. RoboForm 6.6.2
35. SnagIt 7.2.5 – desactivar auto inicio en la primera sesión de Windows (para que no inicie cada vez con Windows)
36. Skype
37. Stardock WindowBlinds 5 – va a seleccionar un tema por predeterminado.
38. TaskSwitchXP Pro 2.0.8 – desactivar el icono de la barra de tareas.
39. TuneUp Utilities 2006 5.0.2335
40. Unlocker 1.7.7
41. µTorrent 1.4
42. Virtual Desktop Manager Powertoy – se puede activar desde Barras de herramientas.
43. Winamp 5.12 Pro – incluye skin (MMD3).
44. Windows Media Placer 10 – con 4 actualizaciones adicionales: KB891122, KB900399, KB902344 y KB907658.
45. WinRAR 3.51 – incluye tema personalizado.
46. XPize 4.2 MCE Lite (beta 2) – creado por XPero (usuario del foro WindowsuE)
47. Yahoo! Instant Messenger 7.5 (beta) – si da algún problema, probar la versión 7.

¿Qué otras cosas tiene?

Pues DirectX actualizado, Windows Update 6 (WU6), Windows Genuine Advantage 1.4 (WGA 1.4), compatibilidad RAID / SATA (agregados controladores para poder instalar en maquinas con RAID / SATA), KB890830 (v 1.12).
También tiene algunos registros para personalizar algunas opciones.

• En ningún caso seleccionar todas las opciones que trae WPI, ya que los registros (TWEAKS) van a modificar el sistema de una manera no favorable para algunos usuarios.
• Si se instala todas las aplicaciones, o aplicaciones pesadas como WindowBlinds 5, NOD32 2.5, y/u otras, el rendimiento bajara considerablemente. Recomendado instalar lo mas mínimo posible.
• La contraseña inicial es "admin", pero cuando WPI termina la instalación de las aplicaciones, arranca otro asistente para cambiar la contraseña. (NO pulsar Enter, si no dar clic con el ratón en el dicho asistente).
• En el primer y en el segundo inicio Windows tardara más de lo normal debido a que esta configurando algunas aplicaciones.

En línea

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Beautiful Day

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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #2 en: 21 Enero 2006, 13:14 pm »

Unattended Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 2

This is Modified version of windows XP sp2 gold edition with hotfixes windows xp service pack 3 Preview pack integrated !! u will get all the updates till january 2006 with this windows xp...u can see screenshots & features below!!! it is just 695 MB in size and having office 2003 + many applications with it...u even dont need to put cd-key to install this...just burn this bootable ISO on cd...and make a new installtation of this windows xp sp3....and leave the pc...it will install Windows XP with SP3 with latest updates + Office 2003 + your hardware drivers + some extra applications + new logon screen,boot screen ( see the screen shot ) and many more....u dont need to install anything after installing this windows..it is more stable and faster than any other windows!! so let u enjoy this!!

About WINDOWS XP SP3 Build 2!!!!!

This Comes With Microsoft Office 2003 SP2( Full...SlipStreamed 75 MB)...Total ISO Size is 695 MB!!
I recommended you to make new & clean installation...dont upgrade from previous release.. It dosent require to put CD- key ...just start setup..and go away from pc...it will not ask u abt anything!!

From Previous Release

->uxtheme.dll patched
-> hacked WGA ( genuine advantage validation hacked )
-> maximum simultaneous connection limit removed
-> windows file protection desabled
-> Default Vista Theme & Enhanced Bootskin and logon skin!!
-> Registry Tweaks Added For Better Performance
-> All Device Drivers 400 MB!!!
-> Integrated Applications

Whats New from Previous Release???

-Hotfixes added till january 2006!!
-Boot Screen FIxed
-Logon Screen Fixed
-More Tweaks added For faster Performance
-More Themes added...and VIsta XP theme as default
-Some softwares included as below...
>Office 2003 SP2 With Frontpage!
>Firefox 1.5
>quick time alternative 1.67
>Adobe Reader 7.05
>Also included Microsoft Office 2003 Professional SP 2
>MIcrosoft Virtual CD
>Some Tweak Tools ( see in the control panel )
>Winrar 3.51 + Themes ( evalution version...download crack from anywhere...Many Themes Included!! )
-OSX Cursors Pack
-Unlocker 1.7.6
- Tweaks For Internet Explorer ( maximum simultaneos download limit is 10 now )
- WMP 10 + Updated
- New Icons
- New Drivers ( Mass Storage & Wireless Lan )
- Drivers Problem Fixed
- Enhanced Visual Effects
- No CD-Key!!
- Codec Packs..
- Registry Watcher ( will be useful to find applictions registry entry & its effects )
-Some System Utilities ( see SYSTEM TOOLS IN START MENU )
And Many More


Drivers Chipset 3 MB Total

ATK0110 ACPI utility A
AMD-8151™ HyperTransport™ AGP 3.0 graphics tunnel
AMD-8131™ HyperTransport PCI-X tunnel System Interrupt Controller (IOAPIC)
AMD-8131 HyperTransport PCI-X tunnel: PCI-X AM3
AMD-8131 and AMD-8132 HyperTransport PCI-X tunnel: PCI-X Hot Plug
AMD-8111™ HyperTransport I/O hub SMBUS2
AMD-8111 HyperTransport I/O hub System Management
AMD-8111 HyperTransport I/O Hub High Precision Event Timer


ALi/ULi chipsets

Intel chipsets

Intel 810 Chipset
Intel 810E Chipset
Intel 810E2 Chipset
Intel 815 Chipset
Intel 815E Chipset
Intel 815EM Chipset
Intel 815EP Chipset
Intel 815P Chipset
Intel 815G Chipset
Intel 815EG Chipset
Intel 820 Chipset
Intel 820E Chipset
Intel 830M Chipset
Intel 830MG Chipset
Intel 830MP Chipset
Intel 840 Chipset
Intel 845 Chipset
Intel 845E Chipset
Intel 845G Chipset
Intel 845GE Chipset
Intel 845GL Chipset
Intel 845GV Chipset
Intel 845MZ Chipset
Intel 845PE Chipset
Intel 850 Chipset
Intel 850E Chipset
Intel 852GM Chipset
Intel 852GME Chipset
Intel 852PM Chipset
Intel 855GM Chipset
Intel 855GME Chipset
Intel 855PM Chipset
Intel 860 Chipset
Intel 865G Chipset
Intel 865PE Chipset
Intel 865P Chipset
Intel 875P Chipset
Intel 910GL Express Chipset
Intel 915G Express Chipset
Intel 915GV Express Chipset
Intel 915P Express Chipset
Intel 925X Express Chipset
Intel 925XE Express Chipset
Intel 945G Express Chipset
Intel 945P Express Chipset
Intel 945PL Express Chipset
Intel 955 Express Chipset
Intel 975X Express Chipset
Intel 6300ESB Chipset
Intel E7205 Chipset
Intel E7500 Chipset
Intel E7501 Chipset
Intel E7505 Chipset
Mobile Intel 910GML Express Chipset
Mobile Intel 915GM Express Chipset
Mobile Intel 915GMS Express Chipset
Mobile Intel 915PM Express Chipset

ITE CIR (Consumer InfraRed remote control)

nVidia nForce 1 & 2, 3, 4, 4 Intel Edition, 16x, 430 & 410 (*)

VIA Hyperion (& VIA IR)

VIA K8T800
VIA K8T800Pro
VIA K8M800
VIA K8T890
VIA K8T890Pro
VIA P4X400

and the very old ones:
VIA Apollo Pro##
VIA P4X2##
VIA P4X3##
VIA P4M2##

Drivers CPU 400 KB Total

MD K8 processors (enables Cool 'n Quiet)

AMD Athlon™ 64
AMD Sempron™
AMD Turion™ 64
AMD Opteron™

Drivers Graphics (ATI Radeon & nVidia..all designs ) 31 MB Compressed ...141 Mb Uncompressed..

ATI Radeon
ATI Mobility Radeon & Mobility FireGL
nVidia Geforce, Quadro (also supports GeForce Go)
nVidia Geforce Go 7800 GTX

Drivers Graphics ( All Others ) 46 MB Compressed...188 MB Uncompressed..

Asiliant C&T 69030
Asiliant 690xx/6555x
ATI Radeon FireGL
ATI RAGE 128/128 PRO

Intel Graphics 82852/82855 GM/GME, 82865G, 82915G/GV/910GL, 915GM/GMS, 910GML, 82945G
Intel Graphics 82845G 01/23/2005,
Intel Graphics 82830M 08/20/2004,
Intel Graphics 82810, 82815
Matrox Parhelia (128MB, 256MB), Millennium P650 and P750
Matrox Millennium G550, G550 PCIe, G450 MMS, Millennium G450, Millennium
G400/G400 MAX, G200 MMS, Millennium G200, Mystique G200, MGA-G200
Matrox QID
Matrox Parhelia 256MB PCI & Parhelia DL256 PCI
Matrox APVe

S3 Trio 3D/2X
S3 Savage 2000
S3 Twister
SiS UniVGA3 SiSM650, SiS760, SiS741GX, SiS740, SiS741, SiS651, SiS650GX, SiS650GL, SiS650, SiSM741, SiSM661MX, SiSM661FX 10/05/2005, [3.70] no S1
SiS SiS650GL, SiS740, SiS650GX, SiSM650, SiS651, SiS650
SiS Xabre200, Xabre400, Xabre600, Xabre80
VIA CLE266 UniChrome integrated graphics (VT8622/3)
VIA K8M800/K8N800 integrated graphics (K8M800/KN800)
VIA/S3G KN400 & KM400 UniChrome integrated graphics (KN400 VT8378)
VIA/S3G KPLE integrated graphics (KL133, KLE133, PLE133/T, MVP4) (VT8361 VT8361/4 VT8501 VT8601/A)
VIA/S3G PM880, PM800, CN400 UniChrome integrated graphics (CN400 PM800 PM880)
VIA/S3G P4M800/CE UniChrome Integrated Graphics (P4M800)
XGI Volari V8/V8 Ultra 06/30/2005, [1.09.55]
XGI Volari V3

Drivers LAN 3 MB compressed ...22 MB Uncompressed

Airlink101 ASOHORL PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
ALI/ULi PCI Fast Ethernet Controller onboard
AMD-8111 HyperTransport I/O hub 10/100 Ethernet
3Com 3C920 (3C905C-TX compatible), 3C905B-COMBO, 3C905B-FX, 3C905B-TX, 3C900B-FL, 3C900B-TPO, 3C900B-COMBO, 3C900B-TPC, 3C905C-TX, 3C920B-EMB / 3C905-TX, 3C905-T4, 3C900-TPO, 3C900-COMB
3Com 3C985-SX, 3C985B-SX
3Com 3C996T, 3C996SX , 3C996BT, 3C1000T, 3C940BR01, 3C998T, 3C998SX, 3C999T, 3C1000BT
3Com 3C940, 3C2000
Broadcom 57xx, 58xx, 59xx
Broadcom 440x
Buffalo LPC3-TX
Conceptronic CONSP100I
Conceptronic CONSP100TU
Conceptronic CONSP100iM
Conceptronic CONSP100TCL
corega GEther PCI-T32
corega FEther USB2-TX
corega FEther USB-TXS
corega PCI-GT (RTL8139/810x)
corega FEtherII PCC-TXD LAN Card

DAVICOM 9009 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (DM9009)
DAVICOM 10/100 Low Power PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (DM9161)
DAVICOM Fiber PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (DM 9162)
DAVICOM Fiber/TP PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (DM 9163)
DAVICOM 9102/A PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (DM9102)
DAVICOM 1/10/100 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (DM9EHR)
DAVICOM LongRun/10/100 PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter (DM9ELR)
DAVICOM PCI HomeRun Adapter (DM9HR)
DAVICOM PCI LongRun Adapter (DM9LR)
DAVICOM PCI Fast Ethernet Based Adapter (DM9GEN)
DAVICOM 9102A Full Based Switching Adapter (DM9FSW)
DAVICOM 9102A Half Based Switching Adapter (DM9HSW)
DAVICOM 10 Base-T PCI Ethernet Adapter (DM9009)
DAVICOM DM9601 USB To Fast Ethernet Adapter
D-Link DFE-530TX
D-Link DFE-530TX+
D-Link DFE-550TX, DFE-580TX
D-Link DGE-500T
D-Link DGE-500SX
D-Link DGE-550T, DGE-550SX, DL2000
D-Link DGE-530T
D-Link DFE-690TXD
IC+ IP1000A

Intel 10 Mb, 100 Mb / 1 Gb / 10 Gb

Level One FNC-0108FX
Level One FNC-0109TX, FNC-0107TX, FNC-0111FX, GNC-0104T, GNC-0105T
Level One FNC-0113TX
Level One GNC-0103SX (v1.0; v1.0b)
Level One GNC-0106T
Level One FNC-0103FX, FNC-104FX
Linksys EG1032
Linksys EG103264
Linksys HPN100
Linksys HPN200
Linksys LNE100M
Linksys LNE100TX
Linksys NC100

Marvell Yukon
Microsoft MN-110; MN-120; MN-130 USB; PCMCIA; PCI
Netgear FA101 USB
Netgear FA330, FA331
Netgear FA410 PCMCIA 100 3.0 N3
Netgear FA411 PCMCIA
Netgear GA302T
Netgear GA620
Netgear GA621
Netgear FA311, FA312
nVidia nForce Ethernet (nForce 1/2 & nForce 3/4)
OvisLink GE-2032R , LFE-8139ATX/HTX
OvisLink GE-2000, GE-2000NF
OvisLink LS-PCM v. A, B
OvisLink LFS-PCM16 v. A,B
OvisLink LFS-PCM32, v. A
OvisLink LFS-PCM32D v. A, LFS-PCM32 v. B
OvisLink LFS-PCM32D v. B
OvisLink LFS-PCM v. F ,LFS-PCM32 v. F (*)
OvisLink IS-PCM
Realtek 8139(A/B/C/D/8130)/810X/8169/8169S(/8110S(
Realtek 8150 PCI/USB 100 03/19/2004,5.1191.0319.2004 [1.21]

SiS 900

SiS655TX, SiS655FX, SiS650GX, SiS755FX, SiSM661FX, SiSM661MX, SiS961, SiS962, SiS963, SiS964, SiS962L, SiS963L, SiS964L, SiS645DX, SiS651, SiS630ST, SiS645, SiS650, SiS635, SiS630S, SiS630ET, SiS630E, SiS630, SiS746, SiS745, SiS740, SiS735, SiS730S, SiS648, SiS900, SiSM650, SiS741, SiS648MX, SiS730SE, SiS540, SiS755, SiS746FX, SiS748, SiS655, SiS648FX, SiS760, SiS661FX

SiS 190 & SiS 191

SiS965L, SiS965
SMC8041TX (v1; v2)
SMC1244TX V2
Surecom EP-325
Surecom EP-320X-R & EP-320X-R1
Surecom EP-320X-S & EP-320X-S1
Surecom EP-320X-V & EP-320X-V1
Surecom EP-320G-TX
Surecom EP-320G-TX1
Surecom EP-320G-TX1/TXL
Surecom EP-427
Surecom EP-427X (w/ dongle)
Surecom EP-427X (w/o dongle)
Surecom EP-428X (w/ dongle)
Surecom EP-428X (w/o dongle)
U.S. Robotics USR997900 (7900-00)
U.S. Robotics USR997900 (7900-01) (2 leds)
U.S. Robotics USR997901
U.S. Robotics USR997901a
U.S. Robotics USR997902
VIA Rhine Family

VIA Amazon VT86C926
VIA Velocity VT6120, VT6122

Xircom CardBus Ethernet

CreditCard CardBus Ethernet 10/100 Adapter CBE-10/100BTX
CreditCard CardBus Ethernet II 10/100 Adapter CBE2-100BTX
RealPort CardBus Ethernet 10/100 Adapter RBE-100BTX
RealPort2 CardBus Ethernet 10/100 Adapter R2BE-100BTX
CardBus Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56 GlobalACCESS Adapter (CBEM56G-100)
RealPort™ CardBus Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56 GlobalACCESS Adapter (RBEM56G-100)
RealPort2™ CardBus Ethernet 10/100+Modem 56 GlobalACCESS Adapter (R2BEM56G)

Drivers Sound (A) 34 MB Compressed...210 MB Uncompressed!!!

Creative X-Fi series
Creative SoundBlaster (Audigy) series
Creative SoundBlaster Live!
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy DE (SE)
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy Digital Entertainment
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy Digital Studio
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy ES
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy Gamer
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy MP3+
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy Platinum
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy Platinum eX
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 NX
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Value
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Platinum
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 Platinum eX
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Gamer
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Notebook
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 4
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy 4 Pro
Creative SoundBlaster Audigy LS & SoundBlaster Live! 24-bit
Creative SoundBlaster LS
Creative SoundBlaster LS (SE)
Creative SoundBlaster LS Digital Audio
Creative SoundBlaster Live! -bit

nVidia nForce APU

Realtek AC'97 (ALC-101/201/202/203/250/650/655/658/850)

Realtek HD Audio (ALC880, ALC882, ALC260, ALC861)

VIA Envy

VIA Vinyl

Drivers Sound ( 37 MB Compressed.....157 MB Uncompressed!!!

ALI Audio Accelerator
& ULi M5455 Audio Controller
Avance Logic ALS4000
C-Media 8738
C-Media High Definition Audio
Conexant AMC Audio Gateway

Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway NX200S Notebook
Gateway NX250X Notebook
Gateway NX200X Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M250 Notebook
Gateway M250 Notebook
Gateway M250A Notebook
Gateway M250B Notebook
Gateway M250 Notebook
Gateway M250 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M250 Notebook
Gateway M250 Notebook
Gateway M250 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway 3520GZ Notebook
Gateway 3018GZ Notebook
Gateway 3522GZ Notebook
Gateway 3525GB Notebook
Gateway 3040GZ Notebook
Gateway 3550GZ Notebook
Gateway 3545GZ Notebook
Gateway 3550GH Notebook
Gateway MX3042 Notebook
Gateway MX3560 Notebook
Gateway MX3562 Notebook
Gateway MX3560h Notebook
Gateway MX3044 Notebook
Gateway MX3044h Notebook
Gateway MX3563 Notebook
Gateway MX3563h Notebook
Gateway MX3050b Notebook
Creative Sound Blaster AudioPCI 128D
Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 (Dell)

Hercules GameSurround Muse

Gamesurround Muse XL
Gamesurround Muse LT
Gamesurround Muse 5.1 DVD

Hercules Fortissimo, Game Theater and Digifire

Fortissimo II
Fortissimo III 7.1
Game Theater XP
Game Theater XP 6.1
Game Theater XP 7.1
Digifire 7.1
Hercules Gamesurround Muse Pocket
Hercules Fortissimo IV 7.1(*) See DriverPack Sound A
M-Audio Revolution series

M-Audio Revolution 5.1
M-Audio Revolution 7.1
M-Audio Transit USB
M-Audio Sonica Theater
M-Audio Sonica USB
M-Audio Quattro & Quattro USB
M-Audio Omni & Omni USB
M-Audio MobilePre USB
M-Audio Duo USB
M-Audio Audophile USB
M-Audio Fast Track USB


M-Audio Firewire series

M-Audio FireWire Audiophile
M-Audio Firewire 1814
M-Audio Firewire Solo
M-Audio Firewire 410

M-Audio Delta series

M-Audio Delta 1010
M-Audio Delta 1010LT
M-Audio Delta 410
M-Audio Revolution
M-Audio Delta 6
M-Audio Delta 44
M-Audio Delta DiO
M-Audio Delta Audiophile
M-Audio Delta AP192
M-Audio Delta TDIF
M-Audio Delta RBUS
Santa Cruz Turtle Beach
Sigmatel Dell

Inspiron 1100, 1150, 300m, 500m, 5100, 510m, 5150, 5160, 600m, 700m, 8500, 8600, 9100, XPS
Latitude 100L, D400, D500, D505, D600, D800, X300
Precision M60

Sigmatel Dell

Inspiron 1200, 2200, 6000, 9200, 9300, XPS Gen 2
Latitude 110L, D410, D510, D610, D810, X1
Precision M20, M70
Sigmatel Samsung
Sigmatel Fujitsu
Sigmatel Fujitsu
SiS 7012
SiS 7018
SoundMAX ASUS (AD1980, HRP)

Motherboards based on:
ATI chipsets


Motherboards based on:
Intel ICH5 chipsets
SIS chipsets


Motherboards based on:
Intel ICH4 chipsets



Motherboards based on:
Intel ICH5 chipsets


Motherboards based on:
Intel ICH6 chipsets

SoundMAX Compaq

Evo N115

SoundMAX Compaq

Evo N410c
Evo N610c
Evo N1020v
Evo N1015v
Evo N800w
Evo N1000c
Evo N1000v
Evo N800c
Evo N800v

SoundMAX Dell

Dimension 2400, 2400C, 3000, 4600, 4600C, 4700, 4700C, 5000, 8400
OptiPlex 170L, GX270 / GX270N, GX280, GX60, SX270 / SX270N, SX280
Precision - 360 / 360N, 370, 450, 470, 650, 670

SoundMAX Dell

Optiplex GX620, GX520

SoundMAX Gateway

Gateway Midway
Gateway Midway Plus
Gateway Midway GV
Gateway Midway PE
Gateway Midway 2
Gateway Seabreeze

SoundMAX Gateway

Gateway Midway
Gateway Midway Plus
Gateway Nimitz 2
Gateway Shiloh

SoundMAX Gateway

Gateway El Paso 2

SoundMAX Gateway

Gateway Essex
Gateway Yorktown
Gateway Essex2
Gateway Nimitz
Gateway Dasher
Gateway Seabreeze

SoundMAX Gateway

Gateway Essex
Gateway Nimitz

SoundMAX Gateway

Gateway El Paso
Gateway Kittyhawk
Gateway Kittyhawk 1.5
Gateway Lexington
Gateway Kittyhawk 1.0
Gateway Lexington 2
SoundMAX Gateway

Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway M210 Notebook
Gateway 3520GZ Notebook
Gateway 3018GZ Notebook
Gateway 3522GZ Notebook
Gateway 3525GB Notebook
Gateway 3040GZ Notebook
Gateway 3550GZ Notebook
Gateway 3545GZ Notebook
Gateway 3550GH Notebook


HP Compaq Business Notebook nc6000
HP Compaq Business Notebook nc8000
HP Compaq Mobile Workstation nw8000
HP Compaq Business Notebook nc4000
HP Compaq Business Notebook nx5000
HP Compaq Business Notebook nc4010


HP Compaq dx6100 MT/ST
HP Compaq dc7100 SFF
HP Compaq dc7100 USDT
HP Compaq dx61xx microtower
HP Compaq dx61xx Slim tower


HP Compaq Business Notebook nx7000
HP Compaq Business Notebook nx7010


HP Compaq Business Desktop d330 Slim Tower
HP Compaq Business Desktop d330 Desktop
HP Compaq Business Desktop d530 Ultra-slim Desktop
HP Compaq Business Desktop d530 Small Form Factor
HP Compaq Business Desktop d330 Microtower
HP Compaq Business Desktop d530 Convertible Minitower
HP Compaq Business Desktop d338 Microtower
HP Compaq Business Desktop d538 Convertible Minitower
HP Compaq Business Desktop d538 Small Form Factor
HP Compaq Business Desktop dx2000 Slim Tower
HP Compaq Business Desktop dc5000 Small Form Factor
HP Business Desktop d325 Microtower
HP Business Desktop d325 Slim Tower
HP Compaq Business Desktop dc5000 Microtower
HP Compaq Business Desktop dx6050 Microtower


On these notebooks:
IBM Thinkpad T43
IBM Thinkpad T43p
IBM Thinkpad R52

SoundMAX Intel ALL (AD1885, AD1980, AD1981A, AD1981B, AD1985)


Intel Desktop Board D815EEA/D815EPEA
Intel® Desktop Board D845EBG2
Intel® Desktop Board D845EPT2
Intel® Desktop Board D845GBV
Intel® Desktop Board D845GEBV2
Intel® Desktop Board D845GERG2
Intel® Desktop Board D845GRG
Intel® Desktop Board D845HV
Intel® Desktop Board D845PEBT2
Intel® Desktop Board D845PECE
Intel® Desktop Board D845PESV
Intel® Desktop Board D845WN
Intel® Desktop Board D850EMD2
Intel® Desktop Board D850EMV2
Intel® Desktop Board D850MD
Intel® Desktop Board D850MV
Intel® Desktop Board D865GBF
Intel® Desktop Board D865GLC
Intel® Desktop Board D865GRH
Intel® Desktop Board D865PERL
Intel® Desktop Board D875PBZ

SoundMAX Sony 04/09/2004,

Terratec 128i PCI & BASE 2 PCI 08/01/2000, T1
Terratec 512i Digital 11/08/1999,5.00.1319.200 YES T2
Terratec Aureon 5.1 Fun & Aureon 5.1 PCI 10/23/2002, YES T3
Terratec Aureon series
Terratec Aureon Sky
Terratec Aureon Space
Terratec Aureon Universe
Terratec DMX6fire series
Terratec DMX6fire 24/96
Terratec DMX6fire LT
Trident 4DWave 04/22/1999,5.00.2028.1 no TR

Yamaha AC-XG series

Yamaha AC-XG YMF753
Yamaha AC-XG YMF743
Yamaha AC-XG YMF752
Yamaha DS-XG series
Yamaha DS-XG YMF724
Yamaha DS-XG YMF740
Yamaha DS-XG YMF744
Yamaha DS-XG YMF754

Drivers Mass Storage

3ware 9000 Series SATA RAID Controller
3ware 7000/8000 Series ATA RAID Controller
3ware Escalade 6000 Storage Switch
ACARD AEC6210UF UltraDMA33 Controller
ACARD AEC6260 UltraDMA-66 Controller
ACARD AEC6280 ULTRA ATA133 IDE Controller
ACARD AEC6290 SERIAL ATA Controller (1)
ACARD AEC-6885/6895/6896 PCI 4 Channel RAID Controller
ACARD AEC-6880 Ultra ATA133 RAID Controller
ACARD AEC-6890 Ultra ATA133 RAID Controller (2)
ACARD AEC-6897 4-Channel IDE ULTRA 133 RAID Adapter
ACARD AEC-6898 4-Channel SERIAL ATA RAID Adapter
ACARD AEC67160 PCI Ultra160 LVD/SE SCSI Adapter
ACARD AEC671X PCI Ultra/W SCSI Controller
Adaptec ATA RAID 1200A Controller
Adaptec SCSI / SATA RAID Controllers
Adaptec SCSI RAID 5400S Controller
Adaptec SCSI RAID 2200S Controller
Adaptec SCSI RAID 2120S Controller
Adaptec SCSI RAID 2020ZCR Controller
Adaptec SATA RAID 2020SA Controller
Adaptec SCSI RAID 2025ZCR Controller
Adaptec SATA RAID 2025SA Controller
Adaptec SATA RAID 2410SA Controller
Adaptec SATA RAID 2810SA Controller
Adaptec SATA RAID 21610SA Controller
Adaptec SCSI RAID 2230S Controller
Adaptec SCSI RAID 2130S Controller
Adaptec SCSI RAID 2610SA Controller
Adaptec RAID Miniport Driver
Adaptec Serial ATA HostRAID Controller
Adaptec I2O RAID Host Controllers

PM1554U2 Ultra2 Single Channel
PM1654U2 Ultra2 Single Channel
PM1564U3 Ultra3 Single Channel
PM1564U3 Ultra3 Dual Channel
"PM1554U2 Ultra2 Single Channel (NON ACPI)
PM2554U2 Ultra2 Single Channel
PM2654U2 Ultra2 Single Channel
PM2664U3 Ultra3 Single Channel
PM2664U3 Ultra3 Dual Channel
PM2554U2 Ultra2 Single Channel (NON ACPI)
PM2654U2 Ultra2 Single Channel (NON ACPI)
PM3754U2 Ultra2 Single Channel (NON ACPI)
PM3755U2B Ultra2 Single Channel (NON ACPI)
PM3755F Fibre Channel (NON ACPI)
PM3757U2 Ultra2 Single Channel
PM3757U2 Ultra2 Dual Channel
PM2865U3 Ultra3 Single Channel
PM2865U3 Ultra3 Dual Channel

Adaptec 2100S Ultra3 Single Channel
Adaptec 3000S Ultra3 Single Channel
Adaptec 3000S Ultra3 Dual Channel
Adaptec 3010S Ultra3 Dual Channel
Adaptec 3010S Ultra3 Four Channel
Adaptec 2400A UDMA Four Channel
Adaptec 2005S Ultra3
Adaptec 2000S Ultra3
Adaptec 2110S Ultra3
Adaptec 2405SA SATA Four Channel
Adaptec 2015S Ultra320
Adaptec 2010S Ultra320
Adaptec Ultra160 SCSI Controllers
Adaptec SCSI Card 39160 - Ultra160 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 39160/3960D - Ultra160 SCSI
64-Bit/66MHz Dual Channel Wide Ultra3 SCSI Adapter
Adaptec SCSI Card 29160 - Ultra160 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 29160 Ultra160 SCSI
64-Bit/66MHz Wide Ultra3 SCSI Adapter
Adaptec SCSI Card 29160N - Ultra160 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 29160LP Low Profile Ultra160 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 19160 - Ultra160 SCSI
Adaptec 2915/2930LP PCI SCSI Controller
Adaptec AIC-7892 - Ultra160 SCSI
Adaptec AIC-7899 - Ultra160 SCSI
Adaptec Ultra320 SCSI Controllers
Adaptec AIC-7902B - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec AIC-7901 - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec AIC-7902 - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec AIC-7901 - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec AIC-7901 - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 29320A - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 39320 - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 39320D - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 29320 - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 29320LP - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 39320 - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 39320A - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec SCSI Card 29320ALP - Ultra320 SCSI
Adaptec PCI SCSI HOSTRaid Controllers
Adaptec AIC-7902 HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-39320 HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-39320D HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-29320 HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-29320B HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-29320LP HostRAID driver
Adaptec AIC-7901A HostRAID driver
Adaptec AIC-7901 HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-29320A HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-29320ALP HostRAID driver
Adaptec AIC-7902B HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-39320D HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-39320 HostRAID driver
Adaptec ASC-39320A HostRAID driver
Adaptec PCI RAID Controllers
Adaptec Array1000U160 PCI RAID Controller
Adaptec Array1000 PCI RAID Controller
Adaptec Memory Controller / XOR Engine
Adaptec Array1000U160 PCI RAID Controller
Adaptec Serial ATA 1205SA Host Controller
Adaptec Embedded Serial ATA HostRAID Controller

AMD-756 PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
AMD-766 PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
AMD-768 PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
AMD-8111 PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
ARECA (ARC1110) SATA PCI-X RAID Host Adapter
ARECA (ARC1120) SATA PCI-X RAID Host Adapter
ARECA (ARC1130) SATA PCI-X RAID Host Adapter
ARECA (ARC1160) SATA PCI-X RAID Host Adapter
ARECA (ARC1210) SATA PCI-Express RAID Host Adapter
ARECA (ARC1220) SATA PCI-Express RAID Host Adapter
ARECA (ARC1230) SATA PCI-Express RAID Host Adapter
ARECA (ARC1260) SATA PCI-Express RAID Host Adapter
ATI PCI IDE Bus Master Controller
ALi PCI IDE Controller
ALi M5219 PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
ALi M5229 PCI Bus Master IDE Controller
ALi/ULi M5228 ATA/RAID Controller
ALi/ULi M5281/M5283 SATA/RAID Controller
ALi/ULi M5287 SATA Controller (M1573)
ALi/ULi M5289 SATA/RAID Controller
DELL CERC SATA 1.5/6ch RAID Controller
HighPoint HPT3xx ATA RAID Controller
HighPoint RocketRAID 1520 S-ATA Controller (HPT3xx) (3)
HighPoint RocketRAID 154x/1640 Controller
HighPoint RocketRAID 182x SATA Controller
HighPoint Hpt366 Ultra DMA 66 Controller
HighPointRocketRAID 222x SATA Controller

IBM ipsraidn ServeRAID Adapters
IBM ServeRAID 4H Controller
IBM ServeRAID 3H/3L Controller
IBM ServeRAID II Controller
IBM ServeRAID integrated on PC 330 Server
IBM PC ServeRAID Controller
IBM i960-based IBM ServeRAID Adapters
IBM ServeRAID 4M Controller
IBM ServeRAID 4L Controller
IBM ServeRAID 4Mx Controller
IBM ServeRAID 4Lx Controller
IBM ServeRAID 5i Controller
IBM ServeRAID 6M Controller
IBM ServeRAID 6i Controller
IBM ServeRAID 4M/4Mx/4L/4Lx/5i/6M/6i Device Driver

Intel SATA RAID Controllers
Intel® 82801FR SATA AHCI Controller
Intel® 82801FBM SATA AHCI Controller
Intel® 82801FR SATA RAID Controller
Intel® 82801ER SATA RAID Controller
Intel® 6300ESB SATA RAID Controller
Intel SCSI RAID Controllers

GDT6000/6020/6050 Disk Array Controller
GDT6000B/6010 Disk Array Controller
GDT6110/6510 Disk Array Controller
GDT6120/6520 Disk Array Controller
GDT6530 Disk Array Controller
GDT6550 Disk Array Controller
GDT6117/6517 Disk Array Controller
GDT6127/6527 Disk Array Controller
GDT6537 Disk Array Controller
GDT6557 Disk Array Controller
GDT6115/6515 Disk Array Controller
GDT6125/6525 Disk Array Controller
GDT6535 Disk Array Controller
GDT6555 Disk Array Controller
GDT6x17RP Disk Array Controller
GDT6x27RP Disk Array Controller
GDT6x37RP Disk Array Controller
GDT6x57RP Disk Array Controller
GDT6x11RP Disk Array Controller
GDT6x21RP Disk Array Controller
GDT6x17RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x27RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x37RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x57RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x11RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x21RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x18RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x28RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x38RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x58RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x13RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x23RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x18RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x28RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x38RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x58RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x33RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x43RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x53RS Disk Array Controller
GDT6x63RS Disk Array Controller
GDT7x13RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x23RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x18RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x28RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x38RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x58RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x33RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x43RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x53RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x63RN Disk Array Controller
GDT4x13RZ Disk Array Controller
GDT4x23RZ Disk Array Controller
GDT8x13RZ Disk Array Controller
GDT8x23RZ Disk Array Controller
GDT8x33RZ Disk Array Controller
GDT8x43RZ Disk Array Controller
GDT8x53RZ Disk Array Controller
GDT8x63RZ Disk Array Controller
GDT6x19RD Disk Array Controller
GDT6x29RD Disk Array Controller
GDT7x19RN Disk Array Controller
GDT7x29RN Disk Array Controller
GDT8x22RZ Disk Array Controller
ICP vortex GDT RAID Controller
RAID Controller
ITE IT8211/IT8212 ATA RAID Controller

LSI MegaRAID IDE Controllers
LSI MegaRAID IDE 100/MAGNIA Z3x0 Controller
Integrated Ultra ATA-100 Dual Channel Controller
Integrated Ultra ATA-100 IDE RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID IDE 100 Driver For MAGNIA Z500
LSI MegaRAID IDE 133 Controller
LSI MegaRAID Serial ATA Controller
LSI Logic CSB-6 IDE 100 RAID Controller
LSI MegaRAID Controllers
LSI Logic MegaRAID RAID Controller RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Express 200 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Express 300 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Express 000 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Express 500/500LC RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Elite 1600 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Elite 1650/1700 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Enterprise 1200 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Enterprise 1300 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Enterprise 1400 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Enterprise 1500 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Enterprise 1600 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Enterprise 1700 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID Enterprise 3000 RAID Controller
MegaRAID SCSI 320-0 RAID Controller
MegaRAID SCSI 320-1 RAID Controller
MegaRAID SCSI 320-2 RAID Controller
MegaRAID SCSI 320-2X RAID Controller
MegaRAID SCSI 320-4X RAID Controller
MegaRAID SCSI 320-0X RAID Controller
MegaRAID SCSI 320-1E RAID Controller
MegaRAID SCSI 320-2E RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID i4 IDE RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID i4133 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID SATA 150-6 RAID Controller
LSI Logic MegaRAID SATA 150-4 RAID Controller

Integrated HP NetRAID
HP NetRAID-1M RAID Controller
HP NetRAID-2M RAID Controller
LSI Mylex RAID Controllers
Mylex AcceleRAID 160 Disk Array Controller
Mylex AcceleRAID 170 Disk Array Controller
Mylex AcceleRAID 352 Disk Array Controller
Mylex DAC960PG/PJ/PR/PT/PTL1/PRL Series Disk Array Controller
Mylex DAC1164P Disk Array Controller
Mylex eXtremeRAID 2000 Disk Array Controller
Mylex eXtremeRAID 3000 Disk Array Controller

LSI Logic PCI SCSI/FC MPT Controllers
LSI Adapter, FC 4000 series, Dual or Quad port (with 929)
LSI Adapter, FC 4000 series, Single port (with 919)
LSI Adapter, FC 7002 series, Dual or Quad port (with 929X)
LSI Adapter, FC 7002 series, Single port (with 919X)
LSI Adapter, Ultra320 SCSI 2000 series, (with 1020/1030)
LSI Adapter, Ultra320 SCSI RAID series, (with 1035)

NVIDIA nForce 1/2/3/4 mass storage controllers
NVIDIA nForce2 ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce3 Parallel ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce3 Parallel-Serial ATA Bridged Controller
NVIDIA nForce2 Serial ATA Compatible Controller
NVIDIA nForce2 Parallel ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce3 250 Serial ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce3 250 Parallel ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce4 Intel® Edition Serial ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce4 Intel® Edition Parallel ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce4 Serial ATA Controller
NVIDIA nForce4 Parallel ATA Controller
NVIDIA MCP51 Serial ATA Controller
NVIDIA MCP51 Parallel ATA Controller

Promise FastTrak Controllers
Promise FastTrak100 ™ Controller (PDC20265)
Promise FastTrak TX ™ Controller (PDC20275)
Promise FastTrak100 ™ Controller (PDC20267)
Promise FastTrak100 ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak66 ™ Controller (PDC20262)
Promise FastTrak66 ™ Controller (PDC20262)
Promise FastTrak TX/LP ™ Series Controller
Promise FastTrak100 TX2/TX4 ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak TX2000 ™ Controller
Promise MBFastTrak133 Lite ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak TX ™ Controller (PDC20276)
Promise FastTrak TX ™ Controller (PDC20277)
Promise SBFastTrak133 Lite ™ Controller
Promise 376/378/TX4000/S150 TX Series
Promise FastTrak TX4000 ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak S150 TX2plus ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak S150 TX4 ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak 376 ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak 378 ™ Controller
Promise SATAII150 SX8 ™ Controller
Promise FastTrak S150 SX4/SX4000 Series
Promise SuperTrak SX6000 ™ IDE RAID Controller
Promise SATA150 TX Series ™ IDE Controller
Promise SATAII150/SATA300 TX2plus/TX4/579/770 IDE Controllers
Promise SATAII150 TX2plus IDE Controller
Promise SATAII150 TX4 IDE Controller
Promise SATAII150 579 IDE Controller
Promise SATA300 TX2plus IDE Controller
Promise SATA300 TX4 IDE Controller
Promise SATA300 779 IDE Controller
Promise Ultra Controllers
Promise Ultra133 TX2 ™ IDE Controller
Promise Ultra100 TX2 ™ IDE Controller
Promise Ultra100 ™ IDE Controller
Promise Ultra100 ™ IDE Controller (PDC20265)
Promise Ultra66 ™ IDE Controller
Promise Ultra33 ™ IDE Controller
QLogic QLA2000/QLA2100 PCI Fibre Channel Adapter
QLogic QLA2200 PCI Fibre Channel Adapter
QLogic QLA23xx PCI Fibre Channel Adapter
QLogic QLA12160, 64 bit PCI DUAL 160M SCSI HBA
Silion Image CMD PCI-0649 Ultra100 IDE Raid Controller
Silicon Image SiI 0680 ATA/133 Controller
Silicon Image SiI 0680 Ultra-133 Medley ATA Raid Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3112 SATALink Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3512 SATALink Controller
ATI 436E Serial ATA Controller
ATI 4379 Serial ATA Controller
ATI 437A Serial ATA Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3112 SATARaid Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3512 SATARaid Controller
ATI 436E Serial ATA RAID Controller
ATI 4379 Serial ATA RAID Controller
ATI 437A Serial ATA RAID Controller

Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATALink Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATARaid Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3114 SoftRaid 5 Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3124 SATALink Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3124 SATARaid Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3124 SoftRaid 5 Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3132 SATALink Controller
Silicon Image SiI 3132 SoftRaid 5 Controller
SiS 180 RAID Controller
SiS 181 RAID Controller
SiS 182 RAID Controller

VIA VT64xx/VT8237(x) ComboRAID Controllers
VIA VT6421 RAID Controller
VIA SATA RAID Controller (VT8237)
VIA VT6410 RAID Controller
VIA VT6420 IDE Contro
VIA Bus Master IDE Controller
VMware SCSI controller

Drivers Wireless Lan

07/11/2003, 3C1
1/28/2003, 3C2
3Com 3CRDAG675 PCI
08/01/2003, 3C3
04/07/2004, 3C4
08/13/2001, 3C6
05/08/2002, 3C7
Agere WLAN controllers (*) PCI/PCMCIA/USB
09/22/2003, A
Airlink101 AWLH4030 Super G Wireless PCI Adapter & AWLC4030 Super G™ Wireless Cardbus Adapter PCI & PCMCIA g 07/12/2004, AI1
Airlink101 AWLH3025 802.11g Wireless PCI Adapter & AWLC3025 802.11g Wireless Cardbus Adapter PCI & PCMCIA a/b/g 06/17/2004, AI2
07/17/2003, AS

Atheros HP

HP W400
HP W500
12/27/2004, ATH

Atheros IBM

Supporting the following systems:
IBM ThinkPad G40, G41
IBM ThinkPad R40
IBM ThinkPad R50, R50p, R51, R52
IBM ThinkPad T40, T40p, T41, T41p, T42, T42p, T43, T43p
IBM ThinkPad X31, X32, X40, X41
PCI a/b/g 12/27/2004, ATI
Belkin F5D6001_ver1, F5D6020_ver1 PCI/PCMCIA
03/13/2002, 1.31.0313.2002 B1
Belkin F5D6001_ver2 PCI
11/05/2002, 1.68.1105.2002 B2
Belkin F5D6001_ver3, F5D6020_ver3 PCI/PCMCIA
07/08/2003,5.145.0708.2003 B3
Belkin F5D6020_ver2 PCMCIA
08/29/2002, B4
Belkin F5D7000, F5D7000_ver3 PCI
07/17/2003,; 07/29/2004, B5; B53
Belkin F5D7001, F5D7011 PCI/PCMCIA
02/19/2004, B6
Belkin F5D7010 PCMCIA
07/17/2003, B7
Belkin F5D7050 & F5D7050_ver2 USB
11/11/2003, & 07/15/2004, B8
Belkin F5D8000 PCI
08/11/2004, B9
Belkin F5D8010 PCI g 09/21/2004, BA
Blitzz BWP612, BWP612B PCMCIA b 06/24/2003,5.143.0624.2003 BL1
Blitzz BWP712 PCMCIA g 01/15/2004, BL2
Blitzz BWU603, BWP604, BWP605 PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 10/20/2001, 1.7.29 BL3
Blitzz BWU613 USB b 04/04/2003, BL4
Blitzz BWU613B USB b 05/30/2003, BL5
Blitzz BWU713 USB g 3/2/2004, 1.00.8 BL6
Blitzz BWU723 USB g 03/31/2004,1.126.331.2004 BL7
Blitzz BWI605 PCI b 02/26/2004, 1.80.0226.2004 BL8
Blitzz BWI715 PCI g 10/07/2003, BL9

Broadcom Wireless LAN 802.11b+g

Acer Aspire 3000
Acer Aspire 5000
onboard b/g 12/22/2004, BR
06/03/2003,5.142.0603.2003 BU1
07/17/2003, BU2
See Buffalo WLI-CB-G54
04/18/2004, BU4

10/20/2000,1.01.0000.0 BU5
See Agere WLAN controllers
Buffalo WLI-USB-G54 USB
08/09/2001,5.1.3538.0 BU7
Buffalo WLI-USB-KB11 USB
08/01/2003, BU8
Buffalo WLI-USB-L11G USB
11/14/2002, BU9
Buffalo WLI2-USB2-G54 USB g 03/03/2004, BUA
Cisco CB20A, 350 Series, 340 Series, 4800 Series PCI/PCMCIA a/b 09/20/2004, 8.6.16 & 09/20/2004, 3.9.16 C1
Cisco CB21AG, PI21AG PCI/PCMCIA a/b/g 08/27/2004, C2
Conceptronic C11iDT PCMCIA b 10/20/2001, 1.7.29 CO1
Conceptronic C22C & C22i PCMCIA & PCI b 03/06/2003, CO2
Conceptronic C54C PCMCIA g 12/12/2003, CO3
Conceptronic C54i & C54U PCI & USB g 12/12/2003, & 12/05/2003, CO4
Conceptronic C54RD & C54Ri PCMCIA & PCI g 09/09/2004, CO5
Conceptronic C54RU USB g 01/07/2005, CO6
Corega WLUSB2GT USB b/g 12/09/2003, CR1
Corega WLPCIB-11 PCI b 11/12/2002, 1.69.1112.2002 CR2
Corega Wireless LAN USB Stick-11 V2 USB b 04/17/2003, CR3
Corega WLCB-54GT PCMCIA b/g 05/29/2003, CR4
D-Link DWL-520+, DWL-650+ PCI/PCMCIA b 09/08/2003, D1
D-Link DWL-120 (revisions: std; A; D; E; F) USB b 07/12/2001,; 09/25/2001,; 10/20/2001, 1.7.29; 04/25/2003,; 10/02/2003, 3.1.3 D2; D2A; D2B; D2D; D2E; D2F
D-Link DWL-520 (revisions: A & B; C ;E) PCI b 01/17/2002, 1.7.37; 07/02/2003, 1.80.0702.2003; 05/23/2003,5.140.0523.2003; 07/17/2003, 3.0.8 D3; D3C; D3D; D3E
D-Link DWL-650 (revisions: std; K; L; M; P) PCMCIA b 12/06/99, 1.32; 08/13/2002,; 05/13/2003, 1.79.0513.2003; 05/23/2003,5.140.0523.2003 D4; D4K; D4L; D4M; D4P
D-Link DWL-122 USB b 04/10/2003, 3.0.4 D5
D-Link DWL-AG520 PCI a/b/g 07/07/2003,; 03/22/2005, D6
D-Link DWL-AG530 PCI a/b/g 10/22/2003, D7
D-Link DWL-AG660 PCMCIA a/b/g 10/17/2003, D8
D-Link DWL-G120 USB b/g 11/11/2003, D9
D-Link DWL-G122 USB b/g 03/11/2004, DA
D-Link DWL-G510 (revisions: std;  PCI b/g 1/09/2004, DB; DBB
D-Link DWL-G630 (revisions: A; C) PCMCIA b/g See D-Link DWL-G510 (rev std); 7/7/2004, DCC
D-Link DWL-G520 (revisions: A;  PCI b/g 10/17/2003,; 10/22/2003, DD; DDB
D-Link DWL-G650 (revisions: A; B; C) PCMCIA b/g 01/31/2003, 1.0.17; 7/14/2004,; 10/22/2003, DE; DEB; DE C


Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN Mini-PCI Card
Dell TrueMobile 1300 WLAN PC Card
Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN Mini-PCI Card
Dell TrueMobile 1400 Dual Band WLAN PC Card
Dell Wireless 1350 WLAN Mini-PCI Card
Dell Wireless 1370 WLAN Mini-PCI Card
Dell Wireless 1450 Dual Band WLAN Mini-PCI Card
Dell Wireless 1470 Dual Band WLAN Mini-PCI Card
Dell Wireless 1350 WLAN PC Card
Dell Wireless 1370 WLAN PC Card
Dell Wireless 1450 Dual Band WLAN PC Card
Dell Wireless 1470 Dual Band WLAN PC Card
PCI a/b/g 02/10/2005,
Edimax EW-7122 PCI/PCMCIA b 07/02/2003,4.0.40
Edimax EW-7123 PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 12/06/2000, 0.30.0 E2
Edimax EW-7124 PCMCIA b 5/20/2002, E3
Edimax EW-7126 PCI b 04/29/2004,5.169.0429.2004 E4
Edimax EW-7112U USB b 12/05/2001, E5
Edimax EW-7115U PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 06/28/2002, E6
Edimax EW-7117U USB b 05/15/2003, 1.63.0515.2003 E7
Edimax EW-7101PC PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 10/20/2001, 1.7.37a E8
Edimax EW-7102PC PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 10/20/2001, 1.7.29 E9
Edimax EW-7103PC PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 12/06/2000, 0.30.0 EA
Edimax EW-7104PC PCMCIA b 5/20/2002, EB
Edimax EW-7105PC PCMCIA b 10/04/2002, EC
Edimax EW-7106PC PCI b 02/18/2003,5.126.0218.2003 ED
Edimax EW-7125+, Edimax EW-7105PC+ PCI b 03/06/2003, EE
Edimax EW-7107PCg PCMCIA g 12/22/2003, EF
Edimax EW-7108PCg PCMCIA g 03/12/2004, EG
Edimax EW-7113UHg USB g 03/02/2004, EH
Edimax EW-7128g PCI g 03/12/2004, EI
Edimax EW-7317UHg/Ug USB g 09/29/2004,2.11.929.2004 EJ
Enterasys RoamAbout 802.11b PCMCIA b 10/16/2003, EN1
Enterasys RoamAbout 802.11a/b/g PCMCIA a/b/g 04/27/2004, EN2
GlobespanVirata PRISM 802.11g Wireless Adapter PCI g 12/05/2003, G1
GlobespanVirata TNET1130 WLAN Adapter PCI g 04/05/2004, G2
Intel 2011, 2011B (**) PCI/PCMCIA b 12/05/2002, I1
Intel 2011B (**) PCI b 01/07/2002, I2
Intel 2011B USB b 06/21/2002, I3
Intel 2100, 2100A PCMCIA b 02/28/2005, [] I4
Intel 2200BG; 2915ABG PCMCIA b/g; a/b/g 04/29/2005, [] I5
Intel 5000 (**) PCI/PCMCIA a 06/04/2003, I6
Linksys WDT11, WPC11 PCI b 04/09/2002, 1.7.37 L1
Linksys WMP11 (v2.7; v4) PCI b 05/16/2002, L2
Linksys WMP54G (v4; v2) PCI g 07/29/2004,; 07/17/2003, L3; L32
Linksys WMP54GS PCI g 12/22/2004, L4
Linksys WP55AG PCI a/g 01/21/2003, L5
Linksys WPC11 (v2.5; v3.0; std) PCI/PCMCIA/USB g 03/27/2002,; 10/20/2001, 1.7.29 L63; L6A
Linksys WPC51AB PCI a/b 07/14/2002, L7
Linksys WPC54A PCI a 12/03/2001, L8
Linksys WPC54G (v4 & std, v2) PCI g 01/05/2004,,; 03/10/2004, L9; L92
Linksys WPC54GS PCI g 02/19/2004, LA
Linksys WPC55AG PCI a/g 12/03/2003, LB
Linksys WUSB11 (v2.8; v2.5; v3.0; v4.0; v2.6; std) USB b 03/26/2004,; 05/28/2002,; 04/17/2003, & 10/02/2003, 3.1.3; 10/02/2003, 3.1.3 & 03/26/2004, & 05/13/2004, 3.110.0513.2004; 12/03/2001, LC; LC2; LC3; LC4; LC26; LCA
Linksys WUSB12 USB b 06/07/2002, LD
Linksys WUSB54G (v2; std(=WUSB54GP); v4) USB g 03/30/2004,; 01/12/2004,; 04/01/2004, LE; LEA; LE4
Linksys WPC54GX PCI g LF
Marvell Libertas PCI b/g 02/22/2005, M
Microsoft MWUSB USB b 07/14/2002, MI
Microsoft MSWPCC PCMCIA b 07/01/2002, MI
Microsoft MN510 USB b 05/20/2003, MI
Microsoft MN520 PCMCIA b 05/20/2003, MI
Microsoft MN710 USB g 01/07/2004, MI
Microsoft MN720, MN730 PCMCIA, PCI g 07/07/2003, MI
Minitar MN54GCB, MN54GPC, MN54GU PCI/PCMCIA/USB g 07/17/2003, & 11/11/2003, MIN1
Minitar MN54GCB-R, MN54GPC-R Ralink PCI/PCMCIA g 02/16/2004, & 07/17/2003, & 11/11/2003, MIN2
Netgear WG111 USB g 06/04/2004, N1
Netgear WG111T USB g 10/04/2004,1.00.001 N2
Netgear WG121 USB g 11/13/2003, N3
Netgear WG311 (std; v3) PCI g 10/07/2003,; 02/22/2005, N4; N43
Netgear WG311T PCI g 08/13/2004, N5
Netgear WG511 PCI g 09/06/2004, 2.1.25 N6
Netgear WG511T PCI g 08/13/2004, N7
ORiNOCO 11b PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 07/15/2002, & 10/14/2002, O1
ORiNOCO 842x USB b 11/28/2002, 2.1.0 O2
ORiNOCO 8420 PCMCIA b 02/27/2003, O3
ORiNOCO 847x (8470 & 8471) & 848x (8480 & 8481) PCI/PCMCIA b/g & a/b/g 08/05/2004, O4
Ralink RT2500 (also supports devices by Amigo, ASUS, MSI and SMC) USB g 08/13/2004, R
Realtek RTL8180L PCI b 10/07/2004,5.173.1007.2004 RE1
Realtek RTL8185L PCI a/b/g 08/29/2005,5.103.0829.2005 RE2
Realtek RTL8187L USB b 03/24/2005, RE3
SAFECOM SWLCR-1100 PCMCIA b 10/30/2003,5.162.1030.2003 S1
SAFECOM SWLCA-1100, SWLP-1100 PCMCIA b 10/27/2003, S2
SAFECOM SWLUS-1100 USB b 09/14/2004,5.1.1039.1040 S3
SAFECOM SWLU-5400 USB g 10/06/2004,2.12.1006.2004 S4
SAFECOM SWLC-54108, SWLP-54108 PCMCIA g Removed because it's identical to this driver.
Senao NL-3054x & NL-3054MPx PCI/PCMCIA a/g 11/26/2003, SE1
Senao NL-3054UB5 USB g 03/26/2004, 1.0.3 SE2
Senao NL-5054x PCI a/g 10/07/2003, SE3
Senao SL-2011CD PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 10/20/2001, 1.7.29 SE4
Senao NL-2511UB USB b 06/21/2001, SE5
SiS 160 PCI b 06/03/2003,5.1.1039.1010 SI1
SiS 162 PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 10/26/2004,5.1.1039.1050 SI2; SI2U
SiS 163 PCI/USB b/g 02/24/2005,5.1.1039.1030 SI3;SI3U
Sitecom WL-002, WL-009 PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 10/20/2001, 1.7.29 SIT1
Sitecom WL-003 USB b 12/03/2001, SIT2
Sitecom WL-011 (& WL-500) PCI/PCMCIA b 09/03/2003, & 12/18/2002, SIT3
Sitecom WL-012 PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 10/20/2001, 1.7.29 SIT4
Sitecom WL-016; WL-016b, WL-100b, WL-110b PCI/PCMCIA/USB b 08/12/2003, ;11/20/2001, SIT5
Sitecom WL-022 USB b 09/01/2003, 3.1.3 SIT6
Sitecom WL-100 PCI/PCMCIA/USB g 04/24/2003, 1.0.6 SIT7
Sitecom WL-107i USB g 03/12/2004, SIT8
Sitecom WL-100i, WL-110i PCI g 04/24/2003, 1.0.6 SIT9
Sitecom WL-112 PCI g 06/10/2004, SITA
Sitecom WL-113 USB g 07/05/2004,1.146.705.2004 SITB
Sitecom WL-115 PCI g 06/10/2004, SITC
Sitecom WL-120; WL-100i, WL-110i, WL-120v2, WL-121v2 PCI/PCMCIA g 06/17/2004,; 05/14/2004, SITD
SMC SMC2335W PCMCIA a/b 05/31/2003, SM1
SMC SMC2336W-AG (v1 & v2) PCMCIA a/g 09/29/2003, & 05/31/2003, SM2
SMC SMC2402W SMC2435W PCI b 03/06/2003, SM3
SMC SMC2602W & 2632W & 2632Wv2 PCI b 03/14/2002, & 01/26/2004, & 11/21/2002, 1.70.1121.2002 SM4
SMC SMC2635W PCMCIA b 09/07/2003, 1.80.907.2003 SM5
SMC SMC2642W, SMC2645W CF b 10/20/2001, 1.7.29 SM6
SMC SMC2662W (v1; v2; v3,v4) USB b 01/02/2002,; 08/31/2002,; 09/21/2004, SM7
SMC SMC2664W USB b 02/27/2002, SM8
SMC SMC2735W PCMCIA a 11/26/2002, SM9
SMC SMC2802W (v1; v2) PCI g 06/16/2003, 1.0.17; 04/29/2004, SMA
SMC SMC2835W (v1; v2) PCMCIA g 06/16/2003, 1.0.17; 04/29/2004, SMB
SMC SMC2862W-G (v1; v2) USB g 03/29/2004, 1.0.14; 12/01/2004, SMC
SMC SMCWUSB32 USB b 01/17/2003, 3.0.2 SMD
Surecom EP-9320 PCI 24/05/2001, 0.29.10 SU1
Surecom EP-9321-A2 PCI b 09/19/2003, SU2
Surecom EP-9001-A3 PCMCIA b 12/10/2001, SU3
Surecom EP-9001-A4 (std; std; PCM-E; 611FG) & EP-9427-A4 PCMCIA ;USB ; PCMCIA; USB b 10/09/2002,; 06/10/2003,; 06/10/2003,; 04/04/2003,
Surecom EP-9001-A5 USB b 12/02/2003, 1.91.1202.2003 SU5
Surecom EP-9427-A1 PCMCIA b 04/06/2000, SU6
Surecom EP-9427-A2 PCMCIA b 24/05/2001, 0.29.10 SU7
Surecom EP-9427-A3 PCMCIA b 01/17/2002, 1.7.37 SU8
Surecom EP-9428-A1 PCMCIA b 09/01/2003,5.153.0901.2003 SU9
Surecom EP-9428-A2 PCMCIA b 09/19/2003, SUA
Surecom EP-9428-2 PCMCIA b 12/20/2002, SUB
Surecom EP-9001-g(A1) USB g 10/07/2003,; 12/05/2003, SUC
Surecom EP-9002-g(A2) USB g 07/05/2004,1.146.705.2004 SUD
Surecom EP-9321-g(A1) & EP-9428-g(A1) PCI/PCMCIA g 01/31/2003, 1.0.17 SUE
Surecom EP-9321-g(A2) & EP-9428-g(A2) PCI/PCMCIA g Removed because it's identical to this driver.
Surecom EP-9321-g(A2) & EP-9428-g(A3) PCI/PCMCIA g 07/29/2004, SUG
Surecom EP-9428-g(3A) PCMCIA g 05/21/2004, SUH
Surecom EP-9321-gp(A1) & EP-9428-gp(A1) PCI/PCMCIA; USB g 10/07/2003,; 12/05/2003, SUI
U.S. Robotics USR1120 USB b 04/24/2002, U1
U.S. Robotics USR2210, USR2215, USR2216 PCMCIA b 02/25/2003, U2
U.S. Robotics USR2410 & USR2415 PCMCIA b 06/19/2002, U3
U.S. Robotics USR5410 (USR805410) & USR5416 (USR805416) PCMCIA g 06/28/2004, U4
U.S. Robotics USR5420 USB g 09/16/2003, U5
U.S. Robotics USR5422 USB g 08/11/2004, U6




Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
part 4:
Part 5:
part 6:
Part 7:
Part 8:
Part 9:
Part 10:
Part 11:
Part 12:
Part 13:
Part 14:
Part 15:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IMSGVLBD ( 3.1 MB )


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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #3 en: 21 Enero 2006, 13:57 pm »

vaaaaaaya tela  :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

todo lo q un idiota novato como yo necesita  :P :P :P

dios me ha escuchado

G R A C I A S dios os lo pague

pero el q dice vicente es el mismo q el de tandomize o no?
no he pillao de donde hay q bajarlo..solo tengo el emule

« Última modificación: 21 Enero 2006, 14:10 pm por druged » En línea


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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #4 en: 21 Enero 2006, 14:23 pm »

Gracias randomize...el tuyo es la leche.....me voy a bajarlo a ver qu etal...o dime algo mas de el...

El mio es en español y el tuyo...

La descarga se puede hacer, directa, emule,torrent y el pando..el pando me lo baje de softonic y me bajo a toda leche
« Última modificación: 21 Enero 2006, 14:31 pm por vicente101 » En línea

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Beautiful Day

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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #5 en: 21 Enero 2006, 15:13 pm »

... dime algo mas de el...

Unattended & Unofficial Windows XP Service Pack 3 Build 2  ;)

As you can see it is in English language (en or us).

Megaupload is too slowly.



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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #6 en: 22 Enero 2006, 02:28 am »


bastante buena la instalación desatendida...

cuando vi las imagenes me recordo a una versión igual de win XP que anda circulando por la web y aqui en mexico que se llama Windows XP edicion especial 2005 o algo así...

todo el ambiente de windows vista y un buen de programas pero bastante buena la compilación que nos presentan Randomize y Vicente... gracias...
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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #7 en: 22 Enero 2006, 20:50 pm »


estoy probando un WinXP_Sp2_uE_v3 en español, bastante buena. Le he pasado el ad-aware, el spybot, el kaspersky y el ccleaner y está correcto.

Aunque es una buena opcion, me gusta mas el dvd de TODO EN UNO V5.

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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #8 en: 22 Enero 2006, 23:30 pm »


Tras revisar los dos trabajos me quedo con el mio...

Por dos razones:

Por ser mucho mas rapido ( ya que esta hecho para conseguir una mayor rapidez) y por ser en español...

Y en cuanto a listado de controladores que me indicais en el segundo el primero los tiene y mucho mas....

...Apuesto por  el mio al estar basado en obtener una MAYOR RAPIDEZ  que ninguno y haber sido limpiadas todas las tonterias....

Vamos el que no se lo pornga es que no tiene ni papa de español....
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Re: Aqui teneis un CD con el XP y todo lo imprescindible...y rapidisimo
« Respuesta #9 en: 25 Enero 2006, 14:25 pm »

joder no t os lo vais a creer...m tiro 50h con el emule pa descargar el xp UE SP2 V4 yo todo contento apago el ordenador lo arranco con la iso me emociono formateo todo el HD m pongo a instalarlo todo way y cuando va a empezar a instalar las apps coje y m pide el password de administrador  :huh: eso a las 4 d la mañana tenia ganas d tirar el portatil por la ventana  :'( pruebo con muchas contraseñas pero por mi cabeza solo m pasaban los elementos de microsoft q lo han falsificado y lo han puesto en el emule pa q gente como yo se desespere y se compre el original....noooooooo?
xk no creo k alguien haya montado mal la ISO y le haya puesto un password de inicio de sesion no??
ademas todo muy elegante pa q nadie sospeche q ha sido microsoft... :-[
en fin ellos protegen su negocio...ahora tengo miedo de descargarme la misma porq seguro q es falsa....con lo way y moderna q parecia....
lo mas triste es q ahora tengo q venir al ciber ha escribir estas palabras e intentar bajarme otra vez el windows...xq con el troppix no puedo navegar..solo crackear weps...

« Última modificación: 27 Enero 2006, 10:11 am por druged » En línea

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