Ejemplo de uso
#!usr/bin/perl #Iframe DDos Attack Tool (C) Doddy Hackman 2011 use Cwd; installer(); sub head { } sub copyright { } sub sintax { } sub start { my ($target,$files,$iframe) = @_; for my $can(1..$files) { for my $tx(1..$iframe) { } close POC; } } head(); unless(@ARGV > 2) { sintax(); } else { start($ARGV[0],$ARGV[1],$ARGV[2]); } copyright(); sub installer { unless (-d "files/") { }} # ¿ The End ?
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\Leviatan\Hacking\WarFactoy II
Finales\poc iframe>poc.pl "pepo.com" 4 4
-- == Iframe DDos Attack Tool == --
[+] Starting the party
[+] Generating files and iframes
[+] All Save in C:/Documents and Settings/Administrador/Escritorio/Leviatan/Hack
ing/WarFactoy II Finales/poc iframe/files/
-- == Doddy Hackman 2011