#!usr/bin/perl #Finder Pass 0.3 #Coded By Doddy H use LWP::UserAgent; my $nave = LWP::UserAgent->new; $nave->agent( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20080201Firefox/" ); $nave->timeout(5); menu(); sub menu { head(); if ( $op eq "1" ) { if ( ver_length($ha) ) { my $re = crackit($ha); unless ( $re =~ /false01/ ) { savefile( "hashes-found.txt", $ha . ":" . $re ); } else { } } else { } <stdin>; menu(); } if ( $op eq "2" ) { if ( -f $fi ) { my @varios = <WORD>; close WORD; my @varios = repes(@varios); for $hash (@varios) { if ( ver_length($hash) ) { my $re = crackit($hash); unless ( $re =~ /false01/ ) { savefile( "hashes-found.txt", $hash . ":" . $re ); } } } } else { } <stdin>; menu(); } if ( $op eq "3" ) { copyright(); } } sub crackit { my %hash = ( 'http://md5.hashcracking.com/search.php?md5=' => { 'tipo' => 'get', 'regex' => "Cleartext of $target is (.*)", }, 'http://www.hashchecker.com/index.php?_sls=search_hash' => { 'variables' => { 'search_field' => $target, 'Submit' => 'search' }, 'regex' => "<td><li>Your md5 hash is :<br><li>$target is <b>(.*)<\/b>", }, 'http://md5.rednoize.com/?q=' => { 'tipo' => 'get', 'regex' => "<div id=\"result\" >(.*)<\/div>" }, 'http://md52.altervista.org/index.php?md5=' => { 'tipo' => 'get', 'regex' => "<br>Password: <font color=\"Red\">(.*)<\/font><\/b>" } ); if ( $hash{$data}{tipo} eq "get" ) { $code = toma( $data . $target ); if ( $code =~ /$hash{$data}{regex}/ig ) { my $found = $1; unless ( $found =~ /\[Non Trovata\]/ ) { last; } } } else { $code = tomar( $data, $hash{$data}{variables} ); if ( $code =~ /$hash{$data}{regex}/ig ) { my $found = $1; last; } } } } sub copyright { <stdin>; } sub head { ########## ######### ######### ##### # ### ### # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # ### # # # # # # ### ### ### # # ## ## # # # # # # # # # # # ##### # # # # # ## # # # # # # # # # # # # # ### ###### # ##### ######## # ### ### ###### ### [++] Options [+] 1 : Hash [+] 2 : File with hashes [+] 3 : Exit ); } sub savefile { close SAVE; } sub repes { my @limpio; foreach $test (@_) { } } sub ver_length { } sub toma { } sub tomar { my ( $web, $var ) = @_; } #The End ?