#!usr/bin/perl #Exploit DB Helper 0.5 #Coded By Doddy H use LWP::UserAgent; use HTML::Parser; use Data::Dumper; use Time::HiRes "usleep"; my $nave = LWP::UserAgent->new; $nave->agent( "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20080201Firefox/" ); $nave->timeout(5); head(); if ( $cosa eq "" ) { menu(); } my %found = buscar($cosa); unless ( -d $cosa ) { } my $tata = $da; $tata =~ s/\<//; $tata =~ s/(\s)+$//; if ( download( $found{$da}, $cosa . "/" . $tata . ".txt" ) ) { } } copyright(); sub buscar { for my $n ( 1 .. 666 ) { my $code = toma( "http://www.exploit-db.com/search/?action=search&filter_page=" . $n . "&filter_description=" . $_[0] . "&filter_exploit_text=&filter_author=&filter_platform=0&filter_type=0&filter_lang_id=0&filter_port=&filter_osvdb=&filter_cve=" ); if ( $code =~ /No results/ig ) { } %busca = getlinks($code); } } sub getlinks { my $test = HTML::Parser->new( start_h => [ \&start, "tagname,attr" ], text_h => [ \&text, "dtext" ], ); $test->parse( $_[0] ); sub start { my ( $a, $b ) = @_; my %e = %$b; unless ( $a ne "a" ) { $d = $e{href}; $c = $a; } } sub text { unless ( $c ne "a" ) { if ( $d =~ /www.exploit-db.com\/exploits\/(.*)/ ) { my $id = $1; my $url = "http://www.exploit-db.com/download/" . $id; $links{$title} = $url; } $d = ""; } } } sub toma { } sub repes { my @limpio; foreach $test (@_) { } } sub download { if ( $nave->mirror( $_[0], $_[1] ) ) { if ( -f $_[1] ) { return true; } } } sub head { my @logo = ( "#=============================================#", "\n", "# Exploit DB 0.5 #", "\n", "#---------------------------------------------#", "\n", "# Written By Doddy H #", "\n", "# Email: lepuke[at]hotmail[com] #", "\n", "# Website: doddyhackman.webcindario.com #", "\n", "#---------------------------------------------#", "\n", "# The End ? #", "\n", "#=============================================#", "\n" ); marquesina(@logo); } sub marquesina { #Effect based in the exploits by Jafer Al Zidjali my @logo = @_; my $car = "|"; for my $uno (@logo) { $|++; if ( $car eq "|" ) { mostrar( "\b" . $dos . $car, "/" ); } elsif ( $car eq "/" ) { mostrar( "\b" . $dos . $car, "-" ); } elsif ( $car eq "-" ) { mostrar( "\b" . $dos . $car, "\\" ); } else { mostrar( "\b" . $dos . $car, "|" ); } usleep(40_000); } } sub mostrar { $car = $_[1]; } } sub copyright { marquesina("-- == (C) Doddy Hackman 2012 == --"); <stdin>; } #The End ?