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Ebooks referentes a Perl
« en: 27 Agosto 2008, 21:47 pm »

Learning Perl on Win32 Systems

In this smooth, carefully paced course, leading Perl trainers and a Windows NT practitioner teach you to program in the language that promises to emerge as the scripting language of choice on NT. With a foreword by Larry Wall, the creator of Perl, this book is the "official" guide for both formal (classroom) and informal learning. Based on the "llama book," Learning Perl on Win32 Systems features tips for PC users and new NT-specific examples. Perl for Win32 is a language for easily manipulating text, files, user and group profiles, performance and event logs, and registry entries, and a distribution is available on the Windows NT Resource Kit. Peer-to-peer technical support is now available on the perl.win32.users mailing list. The contents include:

    * An introduction to "the Perl way" for Windows users
    * A quick tutorial stroll through Perl in one lesson
    * Systematic, topic-by-topic coverage of Perl's broad capabilities
    * Innumerable, brief code examples
    * Programming exercises for each topic, with fully worked-out answers

Table of Contents
Foreword to the First Edition of Learning Perl
Foreword to the Present Edition
Chapter 1:Introduction
Chapter 2:Scalar Data
Chapter 3:Arrays and List Data
Chapter 4:Control Structures
Chapter 5:Hashes
Chapter 6:Basic I/O
Chapter 7:Regular e-xpressions
Chapter 8:Functions
Chapter 9:Miscellaneous Control Structures
Chapter 10:Filehandles and File Tests
Chapter 11:Formats
Chapter 12:Directory Access
Chapter 13:File and Directory Manipulation
Chapter 14:Process Management
Chapter 15:Other Data Transformation
Chapter 16:System Information
Chapter 17:Database Manipulation
Chapter 18:CGI Programming
Chapter 19:OLE Automation


Mastering Algorithms with Perl

Publisher O’Reilly
Author(s) John Macdonald, Jon Orwant, Jarkko Hietaniemi
ISBN 1565923987
Release Date 01 August 1999
Pages 701

Written for readers with at least some Perl programming experience, Mastering Algorithms in Perl delivers a solid library of algorithms written in Perl for business and mathematical computing. From data structures to cryptography and more advanced mathematical algorithms, this book provides a worthwhile guide to extending Perl’s coding capabilities.

The best thing about Mastering Algorithms in Perl is the scope at which it covers the universe of algorithms while refraining from getting bogged down in academic detail. Besides basic data structures–a lynchpin of books on algorithms–the authors provide dozens and dozens of algorithms for sorting, searching, and doing mathematical computations of all kinds. While they discuss “Big-O” notation and assume a general familiarity with math, they don’t overwhelm the reader. (You can even borrow the code without needing a math degree to understand it.) The focus is on efficient, reusable Perl subroutines written and compiled by three Perl experts.

Standout chapters include extending Perl’s already powerful string processing abilities, game programming, and cryptography. Generally, the authors achieve a good mix of more advanced (and less well-known) algorithms, along with the basics. Chances are you won’t need to use all the dozen or so sorting algorithms presented here, but the authors include them all, just in case. As a reference and tutorial, readers can pick and choose what they need for real-world Perl development.

There hasn’t been a book dedicated exclusively to Perl algorithms prior to the publication of this one. In all, Mastering Algorithms in Perl fills a useful niche by compiling a powerful library of Perl algorithms that will be useful for anyone who works with this programming language, whether in business or academic computing. –Richard Dragan

From Library Journal
Perl is very similar to C in syntax, and while Perl doesn’t have the speed of complied C, it has been getting much faster. It also is one of the most portable languages, available for most hardware with no changes in code. It is free, which makes it very attractive to developers. This guide covers everything from data structures, sorting and searching, to sets and matrices, to cryptography, probability, and statistics. Readers must already know Perl, so this is recommended for advanced programming collections.


Perl Hacks: Tips & Tools for Programming, Debugging, and Surviving

Publisher: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Language: English
ISBN: 0596526741
Paperback: 296 pages
Data: May 8, 2006
Format: CHM

With more than a million dedicated programmers, Perl has proven to be the best computing language for the latest trends in computing and business. While other languages have stagnated, Perl remains fresh, thanks to its community-based development model, which encourages the sharing of information among users. This tradition of knowledge-sharing allows developers to find answers to almost any Perl question they can dream up.

And you can find many of those answers right here in Perl Hacks. Like all books in O’Reilly’s Hacks Series, Perl Hacks appeals to a variety of programmers, whether you’re an experienced developer or a dabbler who simply enjoys exploring technology. Each hack is a short lesson–some are practical exercises that teach you essential skills, while others merely illustrate some of the fun things that Perl can do. Most hacks have two parts: a direct answer to the immediate problem you need to solve right now and a deeper, subtler technique that you can adapt to other situations. Learn how to add CPAN shortcuts to the Firefox web browser, read files backwards, write graphical games in Perl, and much more.

For your convenience, Perl Hacks is divided by topic–not according to any sense of relative difficulty–so you can skip around and stop at any hack you like. Chapters include:
* Productivity Hacks
* User Interaction
* Data Munging
* Working with Modules
* Object Hacks
* Debugging

Whether you’re a newcomer or an expert, you’ll find great value in Perl Hacks, the only Perl guide that offers something useful and fun for everyone.


Mastering Perl/Tk

Mastering Perl/Tk
O'Reilly Media; 1st Edition | ISBN: 1565927168 | 768 Pages | CHM

Perl/Tk is the marriage of the Tk graphical toolkit with Perl, the powerful programming language used primarily for system administration, web programming, and database manipulation. With Perl/Tk, you can build Perl programs with an attractive, intuitive GUI interface with all the power of Perl behind it. Mastering Perl/Tk is the "bible" of Perl/Tk: It's not only a great book for getting started, but the best reference for learning the techniques of experienced Perl/Tk programmers. The first half of the book contains the basics on how to use Perl/Tk, and then branches out into advanced applications with a series of extensive program examples. The result is a book accessible for novices, and invaluable for experienced programmers ready to learn the next step in the elegant and effective use of Perl/Tk. The book includes:
* An introduction to each of the basic Perl/Tk widgets and geometry managers
* A dissection of the MainLoop, including how to use callbacks and bindings effectively
* Coverage of the Tix widgets, an extended set of widgets that are a part of the standard Perl/Tk distribution
* Working with images in Perl/Tk, including bitmaps, pixmaps, photos, and how to compose a compound image type
* How to create custom mega-widgets in Perl/Tk, both composite and derived
* Handling interprocess communication with Perl/Tk, both with standard Unix utilities (pipes and sockets) and with the send command designed for direct communication between Tk applications
* Developing your own Tk widget in the C language
* Examples of web applications written with Perl/Tk and the LWP library

The book also includes appendices on installing Perl/Tk, a complete quick-reference for each standard widget, and listings of all the extended examples in the book. Nancy Walsh is the author of Learning Perl/Tk, and Steve Lidie wrote the Perl/Tk Pocket Reference as well as a series of Perl/Tk articles in The Perl Journal. Together, they have written Mastering Perl/Tk to be the definitive guide to Perl/Tk.


Perl and XML

O'Reilly | ISBN: 059600205X | 158 pages | 1.1 MB | PDF

SXML is a text-based markup language that has taken the programming world by storm. More powerful than HTML yet less demanding than SGML, XML has proven itself to be flexible and resilient. XML is the perfect tool for formatting documents with even the smallest bit of complexity, from Web pages to legal contracts to books. However, XML has also proven itself to be indispensable for organizing and conveying other sorts of data as well, thus its central role in web services like SOAP and XML-RPC. As the Perl programming language was tailor-made for manipulating text, few people have disputed the fact that Perl and XML are perfectly suited for one another. The only question has been what's the best way to do it. That's where this book comes in. Perl & XML is aimed at Perl programmers who need to work with XML documents and data. The book covers all the major modules for XML processing in Perl, including XML::Simple, XML::Parser, XML::LibXML, XML::XPath, XML::Writer, XML::Pyx, XML::Parser::PerlSAX, XML::SAX, XML::SimpleObject, XML::TreeBuilder, XML::Grove, XML::DOM, XML::RSS, XML::Generator::DBI, and SOAP::Lite. But this book is more than just a listing of modules; it gives a complete, comprehensive tour of the landscape of Perl and XML, making sense of the myriad of modules, terminology, and techniques. This book covers:

- parsing XML documents and writing them out again
- working with event streams and SAX
- tree processing and the Document Object Model
- advanced tree processing with XPath and XSLT

Most valuably, the last two chapters of Perl & XML give complete examples of XML applications, pulling together all the tools at your disposal. All together, Perl & XML is the single book that gives you a solid grounding in XML processing with Perl.


« Última modificación: 27 Agosto 2008, 22:44 pm por ronal120 » En línea

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