sirve para evitar deshacer movimientos ¿Alguien puede decirme por qué el vector solución crece más allá de los 50 elementos? (Cabe decir, que efectivamente, k no sobrepasa nunca el valor 50).
if(a[k] != mov_inv[c[i]]):
moves = {0:('R','D'),1:('R','L','D'),2:('R','L','D'),3:('L','D'),4:('R','D','U'),5:('R','L','D','U'), 6:('R','L','D','U'),7:('L','U','D'),8:('R','D','U'),9:('R','L','D','U'),10:('R','L','D','U'), 11:('L','U','D'),12:('U','R'),13:('L','U','R'),14:('L','U','R'),15:('U','L')} mov_inv = {'U':'D','D':'U','R':'L','L':'R'} def backtracking(a,k,tab): c = [] if is_solution(tab): process_solution(a) elif k < 51: print a c = construct_candidates(tab) for i in range(len(c)): if(a[k] != mov_inv[c[i]]): a.append(c[i]) make_move(tab,a[k+1]) backtracking(a,k+1,tab) unmake_move(tab,a[k+1]) a = a[:-1] def inversions(a): n_inv = 0 a_copy = a[:] a_copy.remove(0) for i in range(len(a_copy)): for j in range(i,len(a_copy)): if a_copy[i] > a_copy[j]: n_inv = n_inv + 1 return n_inv def is_solvable(a): n_inv = inversions(a) if ((a.index(0) % 4) % 2) == 0 and n_inv % 2 == 0: return True if ((a.index(0) % 4) % 2) == 1 and n_inv % 2 == 1: return True return False def construct_candidates(tab): i = tab.index(0) m = moves[i] c = [] for j in range(len(m)): c.append(m[j]) return c def make_move(tab,m): i = tab.index(0) if m == 'U': c = tab[i-4] tab[i-4] = 0 tab[i] = c elif m == 'D': c = tab[i+4] tab[i+4] = 0 tab[i] = c elif m == 'L': c = tab[i-1] tab[i-1] = 0 tab[i] = c elif m == 'R': c = tab[i+1] tab[i+1] = 0 tab[i] = c def unmake_move(tab,m): make_move(tab,mov_inv[m]) def is_solution(tab): if(tab[15] != 0): return False else: for i in range(len(tab)-1): if tab[i] != i+1: return False return True def process_solution(a): print a a = [-1] tab = [2,3,4,0, 1,5,7,8, 9,6,10,12, 13,14,11,15] if not is_solvable(tab): print "This puzzle is not solvable" else: backtracking(a,0,tab)