#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import win32api import win32con import sys import time import pickle def _clear(): for i in xrange(30): print "\n" def _nErrors(a,b,B,I,S): V = {} V[0,0] = 0 for i in xrange(1,len(b)+1): V[0,i] = i for i in xrange(1,len(a)+1): V[i,0] = i for i in xrange(1,len(a)+1): for j in xrange(1,len(b)+1): V[i,j] = min(V[i-1,j]+B(a,i-1),V[i,j-1]+I(b,j-1),V[i-1,j-1]+S(a,i-1,b,j-1)) return V[len(a),len(b)] def _generateSample(): _clear() print u"Teclea: El veloz 1 murcielago hindu 2 comia feliz cardillo 3 y kiwi 5. La cigueña tocaba el 6 saxofon 1 detras del palenque 9 de paja. - Escrutinio 1337" m,sentence,times,l,replace,it,et,p = 0,[],[],0,{190:46,188:44,189:45,192:241},0,0,0 gs = u"El veloz 1 murcielago hindu 2 comia feliz cardillo 3 y kiwi 5. La cigueña tocaba el 6 saxofon 1 detras del palenque 9 de paja. - Escrutinio 1337" es = "" ls = len(gs) while True and l!=ls: for i in xrange(256): k = win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(i) if k==-32767: if i==16 or i==160: m=1 elif i>=65 and i<=90: if m==1: sentence.append(unichr(i)) else: sentence.append(unichr(i+32)) et = time.clock() times.append(et-it) m,l,it = 0,l+1,et else: if i==8 and len(sentence)>0 and len(times)>0: sentence = sentence[:-1] ; l = max(l-1,0) ; times = times[:-1] else: if i!=1 and i!=13: sentence.append(unichr(i) if i not in replace else unichr(replace[i])) et = time.clock() times.append(et-it) l,it = l+1,et _clear() print gs sys.stdout.write("".join(sentence)) sys.stdout.flush() es = "".join(sentence) nErrors = _nErrors(gs,es,lambda x,i:1,lambda x,i:1,lambda x,i,y,j: 0 if x[i]==y[j] else 1) v = times+[nErrors] return v if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv)>1: v = _generateSample() with open(sys.argv[1],"wb") as fd: pickle.dump(v,fd) else: print "Especifica el nombre del fichero para almacenar el patron"