Tema: No Puedo poner los for que me da la gana (Leído 4,234 veces)
Mensajes: 6
Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim numescaños As Double numescaños = Val(Text3.Text - 1) Dim temp, n As Double Dim hasta As Double Dim m As Double n = Val(4 * (numescaños + 1))
Dim i, j As Double
ReDim matriz(numescaños, 3) ReDim vector(n) Dim votos(3) As Long m = 0
matriz(0, 0) = Text1(0).Text matriz(0, 1) = Text1(1).Text matriz(0, 2) = Text1(2).Text matriz(0, 3) = Text1(3).Text
vector(0) = Text1(0).Text
vector(1) = Text1(1).Text vector(2) = Text1(2).Text vector(3) = Text1(3).Text
minimo = -3
For i = 1 To numescaños minimo = minimo + 3
For j = 0 To 3 dimension = Val(i + j + minimo + 3) matriz(i, j) = Val(matriz(0, j) / (i + 1)) vector(dimension) = Val(matriz(0, j) / (i + 1))
'MsgBox (matriz(i, j))
Next Next
For z = 0 To n - 1
For x = 0 To n
If vector(x) > vector(x + 1) Then temp = vector(x)
vector(x + 1) = vector(x) vector(x) = temp End If
Next x
Next z
For a = 0 To n - 1
MsgBox (vector(a))
hasta = vector(numescaños) MsgBox (hasta)
MsgBox (hasta) For t = 0 To 3 votos(t) = 0 Next
For x = 0 To numescaños
For j = 0 To 3 If matriz(x, j) > hasta Then votos(j) = Val(votos(j) + 1)
k = k + 1 Else
End If
Next Next MsgBox (k) For z = 0 To 3 MsgBox (votos(z)) Next
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