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benja vallejos

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unreal goty o 1999
« en: 26 Julio 2013, 07:34 am »

hola gente de elhacker bueno miren tengo una gran duda y necesito de alguien que sepa sobre programacion me gustaria saber de que trata este script y si alguien conoce su lenguaje.
// AsmdPulseRifle.
// Written By nOs*Wildcard
class AsmdPulseRifle expands WildcardsWeapons;

var float Angle, Count;
var PBolt PlasmaBeam;
var() sound DownSound;
var() int HitDamage;

auto state Pickup
   ignores AnimEnd;

   event BeginState()

   event EndState()

   // Landed on ground.
   simulated function Landed(Vector HitNormal)
      local rotator newRot;

      newRot = Rotation;
      newRot.pitch = 0;
      if ( Role == ROLE_Authority )
         bSimFall = false;
         SetTimer(2.0, false);

simulated event RenderOverlays( canvas Canvas )

   Texture'Ammoled'.NotifyActor = Self;
   Texture'Ammoled'.NotifyActor = None;


simulated function Destroyed()
   if ( PlasmaBeam != None )


simulated function AnimEnd()
   if ( (Level.NetMode == NM_Client) && (Mesh != PickupViewMesh) )
      if ( AnimSequence == 'SpinDown' )
         AnimSequence = 'Idle';
// set which hand is holding weapon
function setHand(float Hand)
   if ( Hand == 2 )
      FireOffset.Y = 0;
      bHideWeapon = true;
      if ( PlasmaBeam != None )
         PlasmaBeam.bCenter = true;
      bHideWeapon = false;
   PlayerViewOffset = Default.PlayerViewOffset * 100;
   if ( Hand == 1 )
      if ( PlasmaBeam != None )
         PlasmaBeam.bCenter = false;
         PlasmaBeam.bRight = false;
      FireOffset.Y = Default.FireOffset.Y;
      Mesh = mesh(DynamicLoadObject("Botpack.PulseGunL", class'Mesh'));
      if ( PlasmaBeam != None )
         PlasmaBeam.bCenter = false;
         PlasmaBeam.bRight = true;
      FireOffset.Y = -1 * Default.FireOffset.Y;
      Mesh = mesh'PulseGunR';

// return delta to combat style
function float SuggestAttackStyle()
   local float EnemyDist;

   EnemyDist = VSize(Pawn(Owner).Enemy.Location - Owner.Location);
   if ( EnemyDist < 1000 )
      return 0.4;
      return 0;

function float RateSelf( out int bUseAltMode )
   local Pawn P;

   if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <=0 )
      return -2;

   P = Pawn(Owner);
   if ( (P.Enemy == None) || (Owner.IsA('Bot') && Bot(Owner).bQuickFire) )
      bUseAltMode = 0;
      return AIRating;

   if ( P.Enemy.IsA('StationaryPawn') )
      bUseAltMode = 0;
      return (AIRating + 0.4);
      bUseAltMode = int( 700 > VSize(P.Enemy.Location - Owner.Location) );

   AIRating *= FMin(Pawn(Owner).DamageScaling, 1.5);
   return AIRating;

simulated function PlayFiring()
   AmbientSound = FireSound;
   SoundVolume = Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*255;
   LoopAnim( 'shootLOOP', 1 + 0.5 * FireAdjust, 0.0);
   bWarnTarget = (FRand() < 0.2);

simulated function PlayAltFiring()
   AmbientSound = AltFireSound;
   SoundVolume = Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening*255;
   LoopAnim( 'shootLOOP', 1 + 0.5 * FireAdjust, 0.0);
   bWarnTarget = (FRand() < 0.2);

function AltFire( float Value )
   if ( AmmoType == None )
      // ammocheck
   if (AmmoType.UseAmmo(1))
      bCanClientFire = true;
      ProjectileFire(AltProjectileClass, AltProjectileSpeed, bAltWarnTarget);

simulated event RenderTexture(ScriptedTexture Tex)
   local Color C;
   local string Temp;
   Temp = String(AmmoType.AmmoAmount);

   while(Len(Temp) < 3) Temp = "0"$Temp;

   Tex.DrawTile( 30, 100, (Min(AmmoType.AmmoAmount,AmmoType.Default.AmmoAmount)*196)/AmmoType.Default.AmmoAmount, 10, 0, 0, 1, 1, Texture'AmmoCountBar', False );

   if(AmmoType.AmmoAmount < 10)
      C.R = 255;
      C.G = 255;
      C.B = 0;   
      C.R = 255;
      C.G = 0;
      C.B = 255;

   Tex.DrawColoredText( 56, 14, Temp, Font'LEDFont', C );   

state NormalFire
   ignores AnimEnd;

   function Projectile ProjectileFire(class<projectile> ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn)
      local Vector Start, X,Y,Z;

      Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z;
      AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarn);   
      Start = Start - Sin(Angle)*Y*4 + (Cos(Angle)*4 - 10.78)*Z;
      Angle += 1.8;
      return Spawn(ProjClass,,, Start,AdjustedAim);   

   function Tick( float DeltaTime )
      if (Owner==None)

   function BeginState()
      Angle = 0;
      AmbientGlow = 200;

   function EndState()
      AmbientSound = None;
      AmbientGlow = 0;   
      OldFlashCount = FlashCount;   


simulated function PlaySpinDown()
   if ( (Mesh != PickupViewMesh) && (Owner != None) )
      PlayAnim('Spindown', 1.0, 0.0);
      Owner.PlayOwnedSound(DownSound, SLOT_None,1.0*Pawn(Owner).SoundDampening);

state ClientFiring
   simulated function Tick( float DeltaTime )
      if ( (Pawn(Owner) != None) && (Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0) )
         AmbientSound = FireSound;
         AmbientSound = None;

   simulated function AnimEnd()
      if ( (AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0) )
      else if ( !bCanClientFire )
      else if ( Pawn(Owner) == None )
      else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 )
      else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 )

state ClientAltFiring
   simulated function AnimEnd()
      if ( AmmoType.AmmoAmount <= 0 )
      else if ( !bCanClientFire )
      else if ( Pawn(Owner) == None )
      else if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire != 0 )
         LoopAnim( 'shootLOOP', 1 + 0.5 * FireAdjust, 0.0);
      else if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire != 0 )

state AltFiring
   ignores AnimEnd;

   function Projectile ProjectileFire(class<projectile> ProjClass, float ProjSpeed, bool bWarn)
      local Vector Start, X,Y,Z;

      Start = Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + FireOffset.X * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z;
      AdjustedAim = pawn(owner).AdjustAim(ProjSpeed, Start, AimError, True, bWarn);   
      Start = Start - Sin(Angle)*Y*4 + (Cos(Angle)*4 - 10.78)*Z;
      Angle += 1.8;
      return Spawn(ProjClass,,, Start,AdjustedAim);   

   function Tick( float DeltaTime )
      if (Owner==None)

   function BeginState()
      Angle = 0;
      AmbientGlow = 200;

   function EndState()
      AmbientSound = None;
      AmbientGlow = 0;   
      OldFlashCount = FlashCount;   


state Idle
   if ( (AmmoType != None) && (AmmoType.AmmoAmount<=0) )
      Pawn(Owner).SwitchToBestWeapon();  //Goto Weapon that has Ammo
   if ( Pawn(Owner).bFire!=0 ) Fire(0.0);
   if ( Pawn(Owner).bAltFire!=0 ) AltFire(0.0);   


simulated function PlayIdleAnim()
   if ( Mesh == PickupViewMesh )

   if ( (AnimSequence == 'BoltLoop') || (AnimSequence == 'BoltStart') )
   else if ( AnimSequence != 'SpinDown' )
      TweenAnim('Idle', 0.1);

simulated function TweenDown()
   if ( IsAnimating() && (AnimSequence != '') && (GetAnimGroup(AnimSequence) == 'Select') )
      TweenAnim( AnimSequence, AnimFrame * 0.4 );
      TweenAnim('Down', 0.26);

function ProcessTraceHit(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal, Vector X, Vector Y, Vector Z)
   local int i;
   local PlayerPawn PlayerOwner;

   if (Other==None)
      HitNormal = -X;
      HitLocation = Owner.Location + X*10000.0;

   PlayerOwner = PlayerPawn(Owner);
   if ( PlayerOwner != None )
      PlayerOwner.ClientInstantFlash( -0.4, vect(450, 190, 650));
   SpawnEffect(HitLocation, Owner.Location + CalcDrawOffset() + (FireOffset.X + 20) * X + FireOffset.Y * Y + FireOffset.Z * Z);

   if ( ShockProj(Other)!=None )
      Spawn(class'ut_RingExplosion5',,, HitLocation+HitNormal*8,rotator(HitNormal));

   if ( (Other != self) && (Other != Owner) && (Other != None) )
      Other.TakeDamage(HitDamage, Pawn(Owner), HitLocation, 60000.0*X, MyDamageType);

function SpawnEffect(vector HitLocation, vector SmokeLocation)
   local ShockBeam Smoke,shock;
   local Vector DVector;
   local int NumPoints;
   local rotator SmokeRotation;

   DVector = HitLocation - SmokeLocation;
   NumPoints = VSize(DVector)/135.0;
   if ( NumPoints < 1 )
   SmokeRotation = rotator(DVector);
   SmokeRotation.roll = Rand(65535);
   Smoke = Spawn(class'ShockBeam',,,SmokeLocation,SmokeRotation);
   Smoke.MoveAmount = DVector/NumPoints;
   Smoke.NumPuffs = NumPoints - 1;   

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Re: unreal goty o 1999
« Respuesta #1 en: 26 Julio 2013, 10:10 am »

Parece ser un Mutator de la ASMD :) el lenguaje creo que es UnrealScript.

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benja vallejos

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Re: unreal goty o 1999
« Respuesta #2 en: 26 Julio 2013, 23:38 pm »

pero conoces lo que describe en cada inea?
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Re: unreal goty o 1999
« Respuesta #3 en: 2 Agosto 2013, 00:29 am »

Visto en plano pues algo se entiende pero hay que mirarselo bien, es una classe, y como toda clase tendra sus metodos, propiedades, atributos etc... etc... aparte parece que hereda, la verdad no se UnrealScript, pero por lo que veo se asemeja mucho al estandar.
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