- Realizar una peticion GET a una pagina y capturar la respuesta
- Realizar una peticion POST a una pagina y capturar la respuesta
- Crear o escribir en un archivo
- Leer un archivo
- Ejecutar comandos y recibir la respuesta
- HTTP FingerPrinting
- Recibir el codigo de respuesta HTTP de una pagina
- Limpiar repetidos en un array
- Limpiar URL en un array a partir de la "query"
- Split casero xD
- Descargar archivos de internet
- Capturar el nombre del archivo de una URL
- URI Split
- MD5 Encode
- Capturar el MD5 de un archivo
- Resolve IP
El codigo :
// Unit : DH Tools // Version : 0.2 // (C) Doddy Hackman 2015 unit DH_Tools; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, WinInet, Classes, IdHTTP, Generics.Collections, URLMon, IdURI, IdHashMessageDigest, WinSock; function toma(const pagina: string): UTF8String; function tomar(pagina: string; postdata: AnsiString): string; procedure savefile(filename, texto: string); function read_file(const archivo: TFileName): String; function console(cmd: string): string; function http_finger(page: string): string; function response_code(page: string): string; function clean_list(const list: TList<String>): TList<String>; function cut_list(const list: TList<String>): TList<String>; function regex(text: String; deaca: String; hastaaca: String): String; function download_file(page, save: string): bool; function get_url_file(Url: string): string; function uri_split(Url, opcion: string): string; function md5_encode(text: string): string; function md5_file(const filename: string): string; function resolve_ip(const target: string): string; implementation function toma(const pagina: string): UTF8String; // Credits : Based on http://www.scalabium.com/faq/dct0080.htm // Thanks to www.scalabium.com var nave1: HINTERNET; nave2: HINTERNET; tou: DWORD; codez: UTF8String; codee: array [0 .. 1023] of byte; finalfinal: string; begin try begin finalfinal := ''; Result := ''; nave1 := InternetOpen ('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0', INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0); nave2 := InternetOpenUrl(nave1, PChar(pagina), nil, 0, INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD, 0); repeat begin InternetReadFile(nave2, @codee, SizeOf(codee), tou); SetString(codez, PAnsiChar(@codee[0]), tou); finalfinal := finalfinal + codez; end; until tou = 0; InternetCloseHandle(nave2); InternetCloseHandle(nave1); Result := finalfinal; end; except // end; end; function regex(text: String; deaca: String; hastaaca: String): String; begin Delete(text, 1, AnsiPos(deaca, text) + Length(deaca) - 1); SetLength(text, AnsiPos(hastaaca, text) - 1); Result := text; end; function tomar(pagina: string; postdata: AnsiString): string; // Credits : Based on : http://tulisanlain.blogspot.com.ar/2012/10/how-to-send-http-post-request-in-delphi.html // Thanks to Tulisan Lain const accept: packed array [0 .. 1] of LPWSTR = (PChar('*/*'), nil); var nave3: HINTERNET; nave4: HINTERNET; nave5: HINTERNET; todod: array [0 .. 1023] of AnsiChar; numberz: Cardinal; numberzzz: Cardinal; finalfinalfinalfinal: string; begin try begin finalfinalfinalfinal := ''; Result := ''; nave3 := InternetOpen (PChar('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0'), INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, nil, nil, 0); nave4 := InternetConnect(nave3, PChar(regex(pagina, '://', '/')), INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT, nil, nil, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 1); nave5 := HttpOpenRequest(nave4, PChar('POST'), PChar(get_url_file(pagina) ), nil, nil, @accept, 0, 1); HttpSendRequest(nave5, PChar('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), Length('Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'), PChar(postdata), Length(postdata)); repeat begin InternetReadFile(nave5, @todod, SizeOf(todod), numberzzz); if numberzzz = SizeOf(todod) then begin Result := Result + AnsiString(todod); end; if numberzzz > 0 then for numberz := 0 to numberzzz - 1 do begin finalfinalfinalfinal := finalfinalfinalfinal + todod[numberz]; end; end; until numberzzz = 0; InternetCloseHandle(nave3); InternetCloseHandle(nave4); InternetCloseHandle(nave5); Result := finalfinalfinalfinal; end; except // end; end; procedure savefile(filename, texto: string); var ar: TextFile; begin AssignFile(ar, filename); FileMode := fmOpenWrite; if FileExists(filename) then Append(ar) else Rewrite(ar); Write(ar, texto); CloseFile(ar); end; function read_file(const archivo: TFileName): String; var lista: TStringList; begin if (FileExists(archivo)) then begin lista := TStringList.Create; lista.Loadfromfile(archivo); Result := lista.text; lista.Free; end; end; function console(cmd: string): string; // Credits : Function ejecutar() based in : http://www.delphidabbler.com/tips/61 // Thanks to www.delphidabbler.com var parte1: TSecurityAttributes; parte2: TStartupInfo; parte3: TProcessInformation; parte4: THandle; parte5: THandle; control2: Boolean; contez: array [0 .. 255] of AnsiChar; notengoidea: Cardinal; fix: Boolean; code: string; begin code := ''; with parte1 do begin nLength := SizeOf(parte1); bInheritHandle := True; lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; end; CreatePipe(parte4, parte5, @parte1, 0); with parte2 do begin FillChar(parte2, SizeOf(parte2), 0); cb := SizeOf(parte2); dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW or STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; wShowWindow := SW_HIDE; hStdInput := GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); hStdOutput := parte5; hStdError := parte5; end; fix := CreateProcess(nil, PChar('cmd.exe /C ' + cmd), nil, nil, True, 0, nil, PChar('c:/'), parte2, parte3); CloseHandle(parte5); if fix then repeat begin control2 := ReadFile(parte4, contez, 255, notengoidea, nil); end; if notengoidea > 0 then begin contez[notengoidea] := #0; code := code + contez; end; until not(control2) or (notengoidea = 0); Result := code; end; function http_finger(page: string): string; var nave: TIdHTTP; resultado: string; begin nave := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); nave.Request.UserAgent := 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0'; nave.Get(page); resultado := '[+] ' + nave.Response.ResponseText + sLineBreak + '[+] Date : ' + DateTimeToStr(nave.Response.Date) + sLineBreak + '[+] Server : ' + nave.Response.Server + sLineBreak + '[+] Last-Modified : ' + DateTimeToStr(nave.Response.LastModified) + sLineBreak + '[+] ETag : ' + nave.Response.ETag + sLineBreak + '[+] Accept-Ranges : ' + nave.Response.AcceptRanges + sLineBreak + '[+] Content-Length : ' + IntToStr(nave.Response.ContentLength) + sLineBreak + '[+] Connection : ' + nave.Response.Connection + sLineBreak + '[+] Content-Type : ' + nave.Response.ContentType; Result := resultado; end; function response_code(page: string): string; var nave: TIdHTTP; code: string; begin nave := TIdHTTP.Create(nil); nave.Request.UserAgent := 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0'; try begin nave.Head(page); code := IntToStr(nave.ResponseCode); end; except begin code := '404'; end; end; Result := code; end; function clean_list(const list: TList<String>): TList<String>; var lista: TList<String>; elemento: string; begin lista := TList<String>.Create; for elemento in list do begin if not lista.Contains(elemento) then begin lista.Add(elemento); end; end; Result := lista; end; function cut_list(const list: TList<String>): TList<String>; var lista: TList<String>; elemento: string; otralista: TStrings; begin lista := TList<String>.Create; for elemento in list do begin if (Pos('=', elemento) > 0) then begin otralista := TStringList.Create; ExtractStrings(['='], [], PChar(elemento), otralista); lista.Add(otralista[0] + '='); end; end; Result := lista; end; function download_file(page, save: string): bool; begin UrlDownloadToFile(nil, PChar(page), PChar(save), 0, nil); if FileExists(save) then begin Result := True; end else begin Result := False; end; end; function get_url_file(Url: string): string; var URI: TIdURI; begin URI := TIdURI.Create(Url); Result := URI.Document; end; function uri_split(Url, opcion: string): string; var URI: TIdURI; begin URI := TIdURI.Create(Url); if opcion = 'host' then begin Result := URI.Host; end; if opcion = 'port' then begin Result := URI.Port; end; if opcion = 'path' then begin Result := URI.Path; end; if opcion = 'file' then begin Result := URI.Document; end; if opcion = 'query' then begin Result := URI.Params; end; if opcion = '' then begin Result := 'Error'; end; end; function md5_encode(text: string): string; var md5: TIdHashMessageDigest5; begin md5 := TIdHashMessageDigest5.Create; Result := LowerCase(md5.HashStringAsHex(text)); end; function md5_file(const filename: string): string; var md5: TIdHashMessageDigest5; stream: TFileStream; begin if (FileExists(filename)) then begin md5 := TIdHashMessageDigest5.Create; stream := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); Result := LowerCase(md5.HashStreamAsHex(stream)); end else begin Result := 'Error'; end; end; function resolve_ip(const target: string): string; var socket: TWSAData; uno: PHostEnt; dos: TInAddr; ip: string; begin try begin WSAStartup($101, socket); uno := WinSock.GetHostByName(PAnsiChar(AnsiString(target))); dos := PInAddr(uno^.h_Addr_List^)^; ip := WinSock.inet_ntoa(dos); if ip = '' then begin Result := 'Error'; end else begin Result := ip; end; end; except Result := 'Error'; end; end; end. // The End ?
Ejemplos de uso :
unit dh; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, DH_Tools, Generics.Collections; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Memo1: TMemo; Button1: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var paginas: TList<String>; pagina: string; lista: TList<String>; code: string; begin // code := toma('http://localhost/login.php'); // ShowMessage(code); // code := tomar('http://localhost/login.php','usuario=test&password=test&control=Login'); // ShowMessage(code); // savefile('logs.txt','test'); // code := read_file('logs.txt'); // ShowMessage(code); // code := console('ver'); // ShowMessage(code); // code := http_finger('http://www.petardas.com'); // ShowMessage(code); // code := response_code('http://www.petardas.com'); // ShowMessage(code); { paginas := TList<String>.Create; paginas.AddRange(['test1', 'test1', 'test3', 'test4', 'test5']); lista := clean_list(paginas); for pagina in lista do begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Value : ' + pagina); end; } { paginas := TList<String>.Create; paginas.AddRange(['http://localhost/sql1.php?id=dsadasad', 'http://localhost/sql2.php?id=dsadasad', 'http://localhost/sql3.php?id=dsadasad', 'http://localhost/sql3.php?id=dsadasad']); lista := cut_list(clean_list(paginas)); for pagina in lista do begin Memo1.Lines.Add('Value : ' + pagina); end; } { if (download_file('http://localhost/test.rar', 'test.rar')) then begin ShowMessage('Yeah'); end else begin ShowMessage('Error'); end; } // ShowMessage(get_url_file('http://localhost/sql.php?id=dsadsadsa')); // ShowMessage(uri_split('http://localhost/sql.php?id=dsadsadd','query')); // ShowMessage(md5_encode('123')); // ShowMessage(md5_file('c:/xampp/xampp-control.exe')); // ShowMessage(resolve_ip('www.petardas.com')); end; end.
Eso seria todo.