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| | |-+  Tengo problemas para compilar qt 4.8.3 !
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Tengo problemas para compilar qt 4.8.3 !
« en: 13 Octubre 2012, 00:53 am »

Hola traigo un trajín con Qt increíble desinstale la librería y ahora la quiero instalar y no me compila... He probado prácticamente todo, y ya tengo que pedir ayuda...

  1. C:\Qt\4.8.3>configure.exe
  2. Which edition of Qt do you want to use ?
  3. Type 'c' if you want to use the Commercial Edition.
  4. Type 'o' if you want to use the Open Source Edition.
  5. o
  7. This is the Qt for Windows Open Source Edition.
  9. You are licensed to use this software under the terms of
  10. the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1
  11. or the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3.
  13. Type '3' to view the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3).
  14. Type 'L' to view the Lesser GNU General Public License version 2.1 (LGPLv2.1).
  15. Type 'y' to accept this license offer.
  16. Type 'n' to decline this license offer.
  18. Do you accept the terms of the license?
  19. y
  20. All the required DirectShow/Direct3D files couldn't be found.
  21. Make sure you have either the platform SDK AND the DirectShow SDK or the Windows
  22. SDK installed.
  23. If you have the DirectShow SDK installed, please make sure that you have run the
  24. <path to SDK>\SetEnv.Cmd script.
  25. vmr9.h not found
  26. dshow.h not found
  27. strmiids.lib not found
  28. dmoguids.lib not found
  29. msdmo.lib not found
  30. d3d9.h not found
  31. Environment:
  32.    INCLUDE=
  33.      Unset
  34.    LIB=
  35.      Unset
  36.    PATH=
  37.      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live
  38.      C:\Windows\system32
  39.      C:\Windows
  40.      C:\Windows\System32\Wbem
  41.      C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
  42.      C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Shared
  43.      C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\bin
  44.      C:\Users\Xafi\AppData\Local\Smartbar\Application\
  45.      C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.8.1\mingw\bin
  47. You are licensed to use this software under the terms of the GNU GPL version 3.Y
  48. ou are licensed to use this software under the terms of the Lesser GNU LGPL vers
  49. ion 2.1.
  50. See C:/Qt/4.8.33
  52. or C:/Qt/4.8.3L
  54. Configuration:
  55.    minimal-config
  56.    small-config
  57.    medium-config
  58.    large-config
  59.    full-config
  60.    build_all
  61.    debug
  62. Qt Configuration:
  63.    release
  64.    debug
  65.    zlib
  66.    png
  67.    accessibility
  68.    qt3support
  69.    opengl
  70.    s60
  71.    ipv6
  72.    script
  73.    scripttools
  74.    xmlpatterns
  75.    multimedia
  76.    audio-backend
  77.    declarative
  78.    native-gestures
  79.    svg
  80.    concurrent
  81.    minimal-config
  82.    small-config
  83.    medium-config
  84.    large-config
  85.    full-config
  87. QMAKESPEC...................win32-g++ (detected)
  88. Architecture................windows
  89. Maketool....................mingw32-make
  90. Debug symbols...............yes
  91. Link Time Code Generation...no
  92. Accessibility support.......yes
  93. STL support.................yes
  94. Exception support...........yes
  95. RTTI support................yes
  96. MMX support.................yes
  97. 3DNOW support...............no
  98. SSE support.................yes
  99. SSE2 support................yes
  100. IWMMXT support..............no
  101. NEON support................no
  102. OpenGL support..............yes
  103. OpenVG support..............no
  104. OpenSSL support.............no
  105. QtDBus support..............no
  106. QtXmlPatterns support.......yes
  107. Phonon support..............no
  108. QtMultimedia support........yes
  109. Large File support..........no
  110. NIS support.................no
  111. Iconv support...............
  112. WebKit support..............yes
  113. Declarative support.........yes
  114. Declarative debugging.......yes
  115. QtScript support............yes
  116. QtScriptTools support.......yes
  117. Graphics System.............raster
  118. Qt3 compatibility...........yes
  119. DirectWrite support.........no
  121. Third Party Libraries:
  122.    ZLIB support............qt
  123.    GIF support.............plugin
  124.    TIFF support............plugin
  125.    JPEG support............plugin
  126.    PNG support.............yes
  127.    MNG support.............plugin
  128.    FreeType support........no
  130. Styles:
  131.    Windows.................yes
  132.    Windows XP..............no
  133.    Windows Vista...........no
  134.    Plastique...............yes
  135.    Cleanlooks..............yes
  136.    Motif...................yes
  137.    CDE.....................yes
  138.    Windows CE..............no
  139.    Windows Mobile..........no
  140.    S60.....................no
  142. Sql Drivers:
  143.    ODBC....................no
  144.    MySQL...................no
  145.    OCI.....................no
  146.    PostgreSQL..............no
  147.    TDS.....................no
  148.    DB2.....................no
  149.    SQLite..................plugin (qt)
  150.    SQLite2.................no
  151.    InterBase...............no
  153. Sources are in..............C:\Qt\4.8.3
  154. Build is done in............C:\Qt\4.8.3
  155. Install prefix..............C:\Qt\4.8.3
  156. Headers installed to........C:/Qt/4.8.3/include
  157. Libraries installed to......C:/Qt/4.8.3/lib
  158. Plugins installed to........C:/Qt/4.8.3/plugins
  159. Imports installed to........C:/Qt/4.8.3/imports
  160. Binaries installed to.......C:/Qt/4.8.3/bin
  161. Docs installed to...........C:/Qt/4.8.3/doc
  162. Data installed to...........C:/Qt/4.8.3
  163. Translations installed to...C:/Qt/4.8.3/translations
  164. Examples installed to.......C:/Qt/4.8.3/examples
  165. Demos installed to..........C:/Qt/4.8.3/demos
  167. Creating qmake...
  168. g++ -c -oqconfig.o -O -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Ige
  169. nerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -Igenerators/integrity -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/include -
  170. IC:\Qt\4.8.3/include/QtCore -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/include -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/include/QtCore -
  171. IC:\Qt\4.8.3/src/corelib/global -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/src/corelib/xml -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/mksp
  172. ecs/win32-g++ -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/tools/shared -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES
  176. _OPENSOURCE_EDITION C:\Qt\4.8.3/src/corelib/global/qconfig.cpp
  177. g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
  178. mingw32-make: *** [qconfig.o] Error 1
  179. del project.o main.o makefile.o unixmake.o unixmake2.o mingw_make.o option.o win
  180. makefile.o projectgenerator.o property.o meta.o makefiledeps.o metamakefile.o xm
  181. loutput.o pbuilder_pbx.o borland_bmake.o msvc_nmake.o msvc_vcproj.o msvc_vcxproj
  182. .o msvc_objectmodel.o msbuild_objectmodel.o symmake.o initprojectdeploy_symbian.
  183. o symmake_abld.o symmake_sbsv2.o symbiancommon.o registry.o epocroot.o gbuild.o
  184. qbitarray.o qbuffer.o qbytearray.o qcryptographichash.o qvsnprintf.o qbytearraym
  185. atcher.o qconfig.o qdatetime.o qdir.o qdiriterator.o qfile.o qtemporaryfile.o qf
  186. ileinfo.o qabstractfileengine.o qfilesystementry.o qfilesystemengine.o qfilesyst
  187. emengine_win.o qfilesystemiterator_win.o qfsfileengine.o qfsfileengine_iterator.
  188. o qfsfileengine_win.o qglobal.o qhash.o qiodevice.o qlibraryinfo.o qlist.o qlink
  189. edlist.o qlocale.o qlocale_tools.o qlocale_win.o qmalloc.o qmap.o qregexp.o qtex
  190. tcodec.o qutfcodec.o qstring.o qstringlist.o qsystemerror.o qsystemlibrary.o qte
  191. xtstream.o quuid.o qvector.o qsettings.o qsettings_win.o qvariant.o qmetatype.o
  192. qxmlstream.o qxmlutils.o qnumeric.o
  193. g++ -c -oproject.o -O -I. -Igenerators -Igenerators/unix -Igenerators/win32 -Ige
  194. nerators/mac -Igenerators/symbian -Igenerators/integrity -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/include -
  195. IC:\Qt\4.8.3/include/QtCore -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/include -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/include/QtCore -
  196. IC:\Qt\4.8.3/src/corelib/global -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/src/corelib/xml -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/mksp
  197. ecs/win32-g++ -IC:\Qt\4.8.3/tools/shared -DQT_NO_TEXTCODEC -DQT_NO_UNICODETABLES
  201. _OPENSOURCE_EDITION project.cpp
  202. g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
  203. mingw32-make: *** [project.o] Error 1
  204. Building qmake failed, return code 2
  207. C:\Qt\4.8.3>

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Re: Tengo problemas para compilar qt 4.8.3 !
« Respuesta #1 en: 13 Octubre 2012, 02:30 am »

¿Sigues teniendo más de un compilador instalado?Comprueba la variable de entorno PATH por si ves algo raro, desinstala el QtSDK en caso de que no se pueda hacer nada. ¿Estás seguro de que no es un error de descarga?¿Estás seguro que la versión del compilador con la que compilas es la correcta para compilar la librería?.Además fíjate en esto:
All the required DirectShow/Direct3D files couldn't be found.
Make sure you have either the platform SDK AND the DirectShow SDK or the Windows
 SDK installed.
If you have the DirectShow SDK installed, please make sure that you have run the
 <path to SDK>\SetEnv.Cmd script.
vmr9.h not found
dshow.h not found
strmiids.lib not found
dmoguids.lib not found
msdmo.lib not found
d3d9.h not found
Y en esta parte también se vé claramente que tienes dos mingw's aunque sean los mismos , dos veces en la variable path.
      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live
      C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Shared

« Última modificación: 13 Octubre 2012, 02:58 am por avesudra » En línea

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