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| |-+  Programación C/C++ (Moderadores: Eternal Idol, Littlehorse, K-YreX)
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« en: 25 Abril 2011, 04:35 am »

Estoy intentando compilar el rootkit HxDef (Hacker Defender)
Resulta que me tira un par de errores y no compila...

Hice todo tal cual esta en el tutorial y nada  >:(
A ver si algun groso en C/C++ me ayuda ;-)

BUILD: Compile and Link for x86
BUILD: Loading c:\ddk\build.dat...
BUILD: Computing Include file dependencies:
BUILD: Start time: Sun Apr 24 23:16:57 2011
BUILD: Examining c:\ddk\driver directory for files to compile.
BUILD: Saving c:\ddk\build.dat...
BUILD: Compiling and Linking c:\ddk\driver directory
Configuring OACR for 'WDKSamples:x86fre' - <OACR on>
Compiling - driver.c
1>errors in directory c:\ddk\driver
1>c:\ddk\inc\ddk\ntifs.h(85) : error C2371: 'PEPROCESS' : redefinition; different basic types
1>c:\ddk\inc\ddk\ntifs.h(86) : error C2371: 'PETHREAD' : redefinition; different basic types
1>c:\ddk\driver\driver.c(190) : error C4013: 'ZwOpenProcessToken' undefined; assuming extern returning int
1>c:\ddk\driver\driver.c(200) : error C4013: 'ZwSetInformationProcess' undefined; assuming extern returning int
Linking Executable - objfre_wxp_x86\i386\driver.sys
1>link : error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'c:\ddk\driver\objfre_wxp_x86\i386\driver.obj'
BUILD: Finish time: Sun Apr 24 23:16:59 2011

    3 files compiled - 1 Warning - 4 Errors
    1 executable built - 1 Error

Creo que el problema esta en que se uso otra version del "ntifs.h" para compilarlo, busque un poco en Google y probe las que encontre pero nada.

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