cDiskStressTester - a c++ based disk stress tester
Author: Shravan Jambukesan <sxj160330@utdallas.edu>
Compiled with gcc
PLEASE NOTE: The long term effects of running this test repetitively *still* have not been studied. Use with caution.
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <sstream>
#include "FileCreator.h"
bool createFiles(long);
using namespace std;
string verbose;
bool isVerbose;
int main()
long numFiles;
bool isRepeat = true;
string repeating = "";
while(isRepeat == true)
isRepeat = false;
bool b = true;
cout << "Welcome to cDiskStressTester" << endl;
cout << "Designed and implemented by Shravan Jambukesan" << endl;
cout << "Source code available at https://github.com/ShravanJ/cDiskStressTester" << endl;
cout << "Press CTRL+C to stop the program before it finishes if needed" << endl;
cout << "Enter in the number of files you would like to create: ";
cin >> numFiles;
cout << "Would you like verbose output <yes/no>?: ";
cin >> verbose;
if(verbose == "yes")
isVerbose = true;
isVerbose = false;
cout << "Running stress test with " << numFiles << " files" << endl;
bool run = createFiles(numFiles);
b = false;
cout << endl;
cout << "Would you like to test again <yes/no>?: ";
cin >> repeating;
if(repeating == "yes")
isRepeat = true;
cout << endl;
return 0;
bool createFiles(long num)
bool done = false;
string str = "";
double duration;
clock_t start;
start = clock();
ostringstream oss;
for(long x = 1; x <= num; x++)
oss << x;
str = "cDiskStressTesterFile_" + oss.str() + ".txt";
FileCreator fc(str);
cout << "File " << str << " was created" << endl;
if(x == num)
done = true;
duration = (clock() - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
cout << num << " files were generated in " << duration << " seconds" << endl;
return done;
me dice filecreator.h no surch directory alguna solucion para que me compile?