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|-+  Programación
| |-+  Programación C/C++ (Moderadores: Eternal Idol, Littlehorse, K-YreX)
| | |-+  Alguien que tenga el codigo hash
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Autor Tema: Alguien que tenga el codigo hash  (Leído 1,403 veces)

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do not die

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Alguien que tenga el codigo hash
« en: 22 Noviembre 2018, 03:26 am »

en java netbeans o c++

En línea

His name will live, brother
No, I got-, I feel hella shitty because it's like, I '
Like, if I would have known it was so cool
And it's like, I ', if I would have watched interviews sooner, bro', we were so alike
It's unfortunate because it's like, me, when people die, that's when you're there, you know?
'Cause your remorse kinda makes you check' em out
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