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Tema destacado: Introducción a Git (Primera Parte)

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1  Foros Generales / Sugerencias y dudas sobre el Foro / Re: Historia de elhacker.net (Segunda parte) en: 21 Abril 2013, 05:49 am
una pregunta chicos...el usuario neptuno aun sigue aqui en el foro?
2  Comunicaciones / Redes / Hacking Routers - FREE ADSL en: 4 Abril 2013, 02:42 am
Hacking ADSL Routers for free accounts

Most of the people never change their default passwords no matter what it is, they don't change them because they think that they are safe. In this tutorial I'll show you one of the ways how to use this mistake and get free ADSL/Wireless (If wireless router is used) accounts and enjoy in unlimited downloads.

First we will download the necessary tools:

1.) XPass Download --> http://adf.ly/MBTnN
2.) Angry IP Scanner v3.0.4 Beta http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipscan/files/ipscan3-binary/3.0-beta4/ipscan-3.0-beta4.exe/download?use_mirror=citylan

3.) If you don't have Java installed, download and install it here: JAVA

You will also need to have version 8 OR older of Internet Explorer.

Ok so let's start with getting the job done:

1.) Go to http://www.whatismyip.com/ and check your IP address, let's say that your current (ADSL providers usually give you dynamic IP's) IP is, you will change the last two groups of numbers.

2.) Open Angry IP scanner it will look like this:

Now where it says IP range in the first input field we'll enter our IP address (but we'll change the last two-or three digits, in this case there are two to zero) so it will be like this:

And in the second input field we will enter the IP with changed last two groups of numbers so it actually has something to scan, we'll change it to:

And before we click scan we need to set some options so it only shows us alive hosts:

Click Tools and then click preferences:

Then under the under the ports tab under Port Selection type 80 'cos we will be interested in hosts with port 80 opened:

And on the display tab choose "Hosts with open ports only":

Then click OK to save the preferences and click start:

After few seconds or minutes you should see your first IP addresses:

Now just select one of the IP addresses and open it with INTERNET EXPLORER!!!

It will ask you for a login credentials:

Now here comes the mistake people often make, default username and password, in this case it was admin:admin but you can look for default router passwords and usernames, so when I logged in it looked like this:

Now for most of the routers (atleast the ones I had exp. with) you can find username in plain text and password covered with *'s when setting up a new connection, so just look for something that says connection wizard or connection setup, and follow the steps till you find the username and password as mentioned.

So why did we use Internet Explorer for this??

Because XPass works only with IE, we couldn't figure the pass out if we used Firefox or Chrome or Opera.

And now when we have the page where username and pass. are just open XPass click on the X sign and drag it over the *'s and you will have this:

And password in this case is: 854179

Continue doing this with different IP's that Angry IP Scanner detects till you have enough accounts to fulfill your download needs.

Hope you liked the tutorial.

1.-Aumentar la velocidad poniendo los datos en todo los routers que encontremos


Cualquier duda me avisan


3  Programación / Ingeniería Inversa / Re: [Tutorial] Usar Cheat Engine para modificar juegos + inyección de código en: 21 Marzo 2013, 20:54 pm
es lo que hize desde un princio pero igual me lo detecta ...

4  Programación / Ingeniería Inversa / Re: [Tutorial] Usar Cheat Engine para modificar juegos + inyección de código en: 20 Marzo 2013, 00:21 am
que hacer en caso que el cheat engine sea detectado ?
5  Seguridad Informática / Hacking Wireless / Re: Puerta trasera en Technicolor TG582n en: 26 Febrero 2013, 02:03 am
una pregunta , acerca de esa web site , usted conoce algun foro de reverse firmware en español ? gracias esperare repuestas  :D
6  Programación / Ingeniería Inversa / Re: tutorial crackme.exe en: 25 Febrero 2013, 17:27 pm
gracias por tu trabajo , vamos ha hecharle una mirada bro ... :D
7  Seguridad Informática / Hacking / Re: Call For Papers GuadalajaraCON 2013! en: 25 Febrero 2013, 04:05 am
una pregunta los videos seran subidos ?
8  Seguridad Informática / Hacking / Re: problema con el exploit windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi en: 22 Octubre 2012, 05:27 am
Yo no te recomiendo usar ese exploit ya esta mas quemado , jajaj solo sirviria , si la victima ha instalado windows xp y tenga el firewall desactivado ... y ningun parche ... , en pocas palabras sirve solamente

si la pc es virgen , osea recien formateada ,y firewall desactivo ,

espero que me hallas entendido  :silbar:
9  Seguridad Informática / Hacking / Evadiendo los mejores antivirus 0/42 en: 22 Octubre 2012, 05:10 am
Hola a todos les comparto este video tutorial la forma de evadir los antivirus , no es necesario que explique , porque el video lo explica mejor ... espero que les guste y vallamos al grano


Parte 2


Parte 3


Source download MP  :D
10  Seguridad Informática / Hacking / Bypass antivirus metodo c++ 0/42 en: 22 Octubre 2012, 05:08 am
Hola a todos aqui les traigo 2 video tutoriales el primer video tutorial explica la forma de crear una puerta trasera en la maquina atacada , en el segundo video tutorial se explica la forma de evadir los antivirus en este caso se utilizo virustotal.com como Prueba de concepto , espero que les guste a todos muy bien explicados

Resumen del video :

1.-Bypass firewall de windows
2.-Bypass antivirus 0/42

Parte 2

Saludos  :D
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