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Tema destacado: Únete al Grupo Steam elhacker.NET

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11  Media / Diseño Gráfico / Mejor descompilador flash? en: 7 Mayo 2008, 02:42 am
Hola foro, quisiera saber cual es el mejor descompilar flash, he probado flash decomplier 3.1 y me parecio genial,pero solo la version demo (ya que no pude conseguir el serial XD)

Cual me recomiendan?
12  Media / Juegos y Consolas / Errores comunes CSS en: 2 Mayo 2008, 06:33 am
Bueno aca les dejo los tipicos errores que puede darte el CSS

"Unable to load filesystem_steam.dll" ERROR
- Make sure you copy the files inside crack folder to your css folder (Seantos)

CClientState::ProcessGameEvent: KeyValue length mismatch.
Netchannel: failed processing message svc_GameEvent.

- delete ClientRegistry.blob in css folder and this is important start css and wait as long as it creates new bob file (x3minferis, "some one help me i dont remember who:) but thnx anyway")

Disconnect: STEAM UserID STEAM_#:#:####### is in server ban list
- means that steam id was banned, try creating another account, and use that info in steamapp (dred)

I click on a server, and it starts connecting. After staying at retrieving server info, my comp freezes
- reinstall css (josephhkim)

SteamStartup() failed: *SteamBlockingCall(Login)(0xab0001,0,0x105fd04) failed with error 200: Failed to connect to any GeneralDirectoryServer, WinSock Error 10065 "No route to host"
- ur not connected in the net
- if you want offline, find steam.dll in your css folder and rename it
- double check steamapp.cfg

SteamStartup() failed: *SteamBlockingCall(Login)(0xab0001,0,0x103fd04) failed with error 201: Cannot perform this operation while offline
Possible solutions
- you must be online
- dont delete steam.dll if you want to play online
- doouble check your steamapp.cfg
- make sure you install latest updates
- follow instructions carefully

Memory Could not be Read
- possible solution, add this command @ shortcut -heapsize 128000 (by dred)

Invalid UserID ticket
- Redo the .blob
- or create another account Smile

SteamStartup() failed: *SteamBlockingCall(login)(0xab0001,0,0x13afd04) failed with error 201: Cannot perform this operation while offline
- you must connect to the internet

The CSBot is not available in the beta
Error: CreateBot() failed.
- For some reasons your CS:S is not [Final]
- download CS:S [final] w/c includes bots

"SteamStartup() failed:*SteamBlockingCall(login)(0xab0001,0,0x13afd04) failed with error 200: Connection Reset, WinSock Error 10045"Connection reset by peer"
- steam is busy for the moment
- dont mess anything in ur CS:S folder
- try to log.in later

Cant open background image "materials/console/background01.vtf"
- x:/path to counter strike source/cstrike/materials/
- copy the console folder and place it
- x:/path to counter strike source/hl2/materials/

Engine Error: Internal driver error in IDirect3DDevice9::Present()
- try to use default video settings
- update your driver ( or use tweak drivers )

engine memory less than 128mb
- less than 128? you need more ram @ least 256

Unable to set mode
- try adding -autoconfig @ shortcut


- go to your registry -> or type regedit @ run

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareValveSourceSettings -> look up the entry "ScreenRefreshRate" -> doubleclick -> type your favoured monitor hz value into the field (i.e. 100hz, if your monitor can handle it) -> change the base setting from hexadecimal to decimal -> finished


-steam -game cstrike -width 1152 -height 864
-steam -game cstrike -width 1024 -height 768
-steam -game cstrike -width 800 -height 600

CResponseSystem::LoadFrombuffer: unknown entry type "P", expectiing "response", "criterion", "enumeration" or "rules" in files scripts/talker/response_rules.txt(offset:1)
- double check ur shortcut line -steam -game cstrike ( fixed by mastershake )

- check the shortcut line in ur hl2.exe
- make sure you have this lines correctly -steam -dxlevel 90 -heapsize 128000 -game cstrike

Unable to load manifest file "scripts/soundscapes_manifest
- copy x:/css/cstrike/scripts/surfaceproperties_manifest.txt
- paste it in x:/path to hl2.exe/hl2/scripts/surfaceproperties_manifest.txt

This server is using a newer protocol
- you have old version, update it!

Error 108: The Local Steam Service is not running
- double check steamapp.cfg folder
- find steamapp.cfg in your css folder
- locate #SteamInstallPath="X:"
- and change to this SteamInstallPath="c:path to folder that contains hl2.exe
- always double check the # sign

Another possible solution by biggiesmallz (error 108)

- go to the steam folder and delete clientregistry.blob
- run steam, wait steam will update then logon, exit
- copy Clientregistry.blob from steam folder to css

Error 101 & Error 104
- double check steamapp.cfg folder
- find steamapp.cfg in your css folder
- locate SteamAppUser & SteamUserPassphrase
- for SteamAppUser ( SteamAppUser=steam account )
- for SteamUserPassphrase ( SteamUserPassphrase= "password in steam" with " sign )
- double check # sign

I get a black screen when open CSS
- this something had to do with your video drivers
- or add -autoconfig @ shortcut

CModelLoader::GetExtraData: re-caching models/error.mdl failed (by mortify)
- Put in the cssstrike folder.
for ex.: C:Counter Strike Sourcecstrikemodels

- NOTE:C:Counter Strike Sourcecstrikemodelsweapons
- C:Counter Strike SourcecstrikemodelsShells

- In this models folder there are many folders like weapons ,shells etc...
you put the error.mdl from
- C:Counter Strike Sourcehl2models
- C:Counter Strike Sourcecstrikemodels

Error 4: Bad Launch Configuration
- double check steamapp.cfg
- make sure that there"s no # sign in SteamAppId, SteamInstallPath, SteamAppUser, SteamUserPassphrase

Error 116: Cache needs repair
- redo / create another steam account bro Wink

Dynamic link library d3d9.dll (mission)
-download directx90.c www.google.com it.
-still problems. update your grafic car drivers.

Unable to init shader (mission)
- download directx90.c www.google.com it.
- still problems. update your grafic car drivers.

Error! Unable to get IFileSystem interface from filesystem factory (mission)
- see your shortcut. it as got to be: "hl2.exe locationhl2.exe" -steam -game cstrike

Unable to load material system
Download this patch material
- http://dn3k.net/uploaded_content/700patch_material.rar
- http://dn3k.net/uploaded_content/173patch_material.rar
- http://dn3k.net/uploaded_content/487patch_material.rar
- if the link is broken tell me il upload another one

fuente: http://www.steampowered.com

Espero que les sirva :P
13  Media / Diseño Gráfico / mi primera firma en: 11 Febrero 2008, 23:44 pm
Hola foro,nunca use el photoshop para hacer firmas...esta es la primera que hago
que les parece?

no se como enmarcarla  :P :P

14  Programación / Desarrollo Web / Como eliminar rangos de post del administrador? en: 5 Febrero 2008, 21:17 pm
Hola foro.tengo una duda y tal vez este mal formula la pregunta
Tengo un foro de smf y lo que trato de hacer es que al administrador no le aparezcan los nombres de los grupos basados en el conteo de mensajes:


Mensajes: 1

Osea que no figure el rango de "Newbie" ni el de otro cualquier grupo
15  Media / Diseño Gráfico / Mi box del hacker.net en: 27 Enero 2008, 00:43 am
que les parece?

16  Foros Generales / Sugerencias y dudas sobre el Foro / y el boton de buscar? donde esta? en: 27 Noviembre 2007, 04:32 am
soy yo o falta el boton de buscar en el foro? :s
17  Foros Generales / Sugerencias y dudas sobre el Foro / Eliminar post de bug bux.to en: 11 Noviembre 2007, 21:29 pm
pienso que deberian de borrar los dos post que hay con respecto al bug de bux.to en hacking basico.
Creo yo, da una malo imagen al foro, uno expuso el bug y ahora usan ese metodo para estafas, y se esta llenando de lammerada.
En un dia recibi mas de 10 post pidiendo que les expliquen como usar el bug..blablabla
es algo cansador
18  Foros Generales / Sugerencias y dudas sobre el Foro / host videos hacking "elhacker.net" en: 1 Noviembre 2007, 17:31 pm
Se me ocurrio hace unos instante al montar un script de video host de Alstrasoft.
Tal vez resulta tonta la idea, pero se podria crear un host alterno al foro.
En el cual usuarios o solo los moderadores del foro expongan videos tutoriales. tanto asi como de diseño grafico, hacking ,cejemplo: ver como explotan vulnerabilidades,como compilar exploits  etc...

Si es una idea absurda. disculpenme :D
19  Media / Diseño Gráfico / Efecto para texto en photoshop (resubido) en: 26 Octubre 2007, 19:37 pm
46 efectos para texto en photoshop `para descargar


Descarga: http://w14.easy-share.com/8404271.html

20  Media / Diseño Gráfico / Gradientes para photoshop en: 26 Octubre 2007, 19:22 pm
Descargas de gradientes para utilizar en photoshop:



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