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Autor Tema: Desofuscar código PHP [solucionado]  (Leído 10,548 veces)
Shell Root
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Desofuscar código PHP [solucionado]
« en: 29 Mayo 2012, 20:00 pm »

Tengo el componente phpGrid y quiero verle el código, y ps, obviamente esta ofuscado,

Se que se tienen que comentariar las lineas 20,21 para que muestre el código, pero aun a si muestra algunos caracteres raros, ya lo habia hecho pero se me olvido jajajjaa

Alguna idea?

  1. <?php
  2. if (!function_exists("TC9A16C47DA8EEE87")) {
  3.    function TC9A16C47DA8EEE87($T059EC46CFE335260)
  4.    {
  5.        $T059EC46CFE335260 = base64_decode($T059EC46CFE335260);
  6.        $TC9A16C47DA8EEE87 = 0;
  7.        $TA7FB8B0A1C0E2E9E = 0;
  8.        $T17D35BB9DF7A47E4 = 0;
  9.        $T65CE9F6823D588A7 = (ord($T059EC46CFE335260[1]) << 8) + ord($T059EC46CFE335260[2]);
  10.        $TBF14159DC7D007D3 = 3;
  11.        $T77605D5F26DD5248 = 0;
  12.        $T4A747C3263CA7A55 = 16;
  13.        $T7C7E72B89B83E235 = "";
  14.        $T0D47BDF6FD9DDE2E = strlen($T059EC46CFE335260);
  15.        $T43D5686285035C13 = __FILE__;
  16.        $T43D5686285035C13 = file_get_contents($T43D5686285035C13);
  17.        $T6BBC58A3B5B11DC4 = 0;
  18.        preg_match(base64_decode("LyhwcmludHxzcHJpbnR8ZWNobykv"), $T43D5686285035C13, $T6BBC58A3B5B11DC4);
  19.        for (; $TBF14159DC7D007D3 < $T0D47BDF6FD9DDE2E; ) {
  20.            # if (count($T6BBC58A3B5B11DC4))
  21.            #    exit;
  22.            if ($T4A747C3263CA7A55 == 0) {
  23.                $T65CE9F6823D588A7 = (ord($T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3++]) << 8);
  24.                $T65CE9F6823D588A7 += ord($T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3++]);
  25.                $T4A747C3263CA7A55 = 16;
  26.            }
  27.            if ($T65CE9F6823D588A7 & 0x8000) {
  28.                $TC9A16C47DA8EEE87 = (ord($T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3++]) << 4);
  29.                $TC9A16C47DA8EEE87 += (ord($T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3]) >> 4);
  30.                if ($TC9A16C47DA8EEE87) {
  31.                    $TA7FB8B0A1C0E2E9E = (ord($T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3++]) & 0x0F) + 3;
  32.                    for ($T17D35BB9DF7A47E4 = 0; $T17D35BB9DF7A47E4 < $TA7FB8B0A1C0E2E9E; $T17D35BB9DF7A47E4++)
  33.                        $T7C7E72B89B83E235[$T77605D5F26DD5248 + $T17D35BB9DF7A47E4] = $T7C7E72B89B83E235[$T77605D5F26DD5248 - $TC9A16C47DA8EEE87 + $T17D35BB9DF7A47E4];
  34.                    $T77605D5F26DD5248 += $TA7FB8B0A1C0E2E9E;
  35.                } else {
  36.                    $TA7FB8B0A1C0E2E9E = (ord($T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3++]) << 8);
  37.                    $TA7FB8B0A1C0E2E9E += ord($T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3++]) + 16;
  38.                    for ($T17D35BB9DF7A47E4 = 0; $T17D35BB9DF7A47E4 < $TA7FB8B0A1C0E2E9E; $T7C7E72B89B83E235[$T77605D5F26DD5248 + $T17D35BB9DF7A47E4++] = $T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3]);
  39.                    $TBF14159DC7D007D3++;
  40.                    $T77605D5F26DD5248 += $TA7FB8B0A1C0E2E9E;
  41.                }
  42.            } else
  43.                $T7C7E72B89B83E235[$T77605D5F26DD5248++] = $T059EC46CFE335260[$TBF14159DC7D007D3++];
  44.            $T65CE9F6823D588A7 <<= 1;
  45.            $T4A747C3263CA7A55--;
  46.            if ($TBF14159DC7D007D3 == $T0D47BDF6FD9DDE2E) {
  47.                $T43D5686285035C13 = implode("", $T7C7E72B89B83E235);
  48.                $T43D5686285035C13 = "?" . ">" . $T43D5686285035C13;
  49.                return $T43D5686285035C13;
  50.            }
  51.        }
  52.    }
  53. }
  55. ?>

Que ciego, sólo tenia que poner
  1. print (TC9A16C47DA8EEE87("QAAAPD9waHAgICBy.....

« Última modificación: 30 Mayo 2012, 06:16 am por Shell Root » En línea

Te vendería mi talento por poder dormir tranquilo.

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Re: Desofuscar código PHP [solucionado]
« Respuesta #1 en: 5 Junio 2012, 20:45 pm »


podrias indicarme como lograste desofuscar? como indentaste el codigo a mano o con alguna herramienta?

tengo el mismo problema, quisiera explorar el codigo

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Shell Root
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Mensajes: 3.724


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Re: Desofuscar código PHP [solucionado]
« Respuesta #2 en: 6 Junio 2012, 00:42 am »

Eliminar la linea que dije, y realizar un print, ejecutas en el browser la pagina php y te saldra el código PHP, solo queda identarlo y juaz (:http://beta.phpformatter.com/)
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Te vendería mi talento por poder dormir tranquilo.

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Re: Desofuscar código PHP [solucionado]
« Respuesta #3 en: 6 Junio 2012, 05:21 am »

Hola, que pena molestarte...

obtuve este resultado.
?> date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'query' => $sql, 'data' => $data, 'types'=> $types, 'fields' => $fld, 'primary' => $primary, 'input' => $input ); } public $debug = false; public $logtofile = true; public function debugout() { if($this->logtofile) { $fh = @fopen( "jqGrid.log", "a+" ); if( $fh ) { $the_string = "Executed ".count(self::$queryLog)." query(s) - ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s')."\n"; $the_string .= print_r(self::$queryLog,true); fputs( $fh, $the_string, strlen($the_string) ); fclose( $fh ); return( true ); } else { echo "Can not write to log!"; } } else { echo "

\n";  print_r(self::$queryLog);  echo "

\n"; } } public $showError = false; public $errorMessage = ''; public function sendErrorHeader () { if($this->errorMessage) { header($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]." 500 Internal Server error."); if($this->customClass) { try { $this->errorMessage = call_user_func(array($this->customClass,$this->customError),$this->oper,$this->errorMessage); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Can not call the method class - ".$e->getMessage(); } } else if(function_exists($this->customError)) { $this->errorMessage = call_user_func($this->customError,$this->oper,$this->errorMessage); } die($this->errorMessage); } } protected $GridParams = array( "page" => "page", "rows" => "rows", "sort" => "sidx", "order" => "sord", "search" => "_search", "nd" => "nd", "id" => "id", "filter" => "filters", "searchField" => "searchField", "searchOper" => "searchOper", "searchString" => "searchString", "oper" => "oper", "query" => "grid", "addoper" => "add", "editoper" => "edit", "deloper" => "del", "excel" => "excel", "subgrid"=>"subgrid", "totalrows" => "totalrows", "autocomplete"=>"autocmpl" ); public $dataType = "xml"; public $encoding ="utf-8"; public $jsonencode = true; public $datearray = array(); public $mongointegers = array(); public $mongofields = array(); public $SelectCommand = ""; public $ExportCommand = ""; public $gSQLMaxRows = 1000; public $SubgridCommand = ""; public $table = ""; protected $primaryKey; public $readFromXML = false; protected $userdata = null; public $customFunc = null; public $customClass = false; public $customError = null; public $xmlCDATA = false; public $optimizeSearch = false; public $cacheCount = false; public $performcount = true; public $oper; function __construct($db=null, $odbctype='') { if(class_exists('jqGridDB')) $interface = jqGridDB::getInterface(); else $interface = 'local'; $this->pdo = $db; if($interface == 'pdo' && is_object($this->pdo)) { $this->pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $this->dbtype = $this->pdo->getAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); if($this->dbtype == 'pgsql') $this->I = 'I'; } else { $this->dbtype = $interface.$odbctype; } $oper = $this->GridParams["oper"]; $this->oper = jqGridUtils::GetParam($oper,false); } protected function parseSql($sqlElement, $params, $bind=true) { $sql = jqGridDB::prepare($this->pdo,$sqlElement, $params, $bind); return $sql; } protected function execute($sqlId, $params, &$sql, $limit=false,$nrows=-1,$offset=-1, $order='', $sort='') { if($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') { return jqGridDB::mongoexecute($sqlId, $params, $sql, $limit, $nrows=0, $offset, $order, $sort, $this->mongofields); } if($this->dbtype == 'array') { if($params && is_array($params)) { foreach($params as $k=>$v) $params[$k] = "'".$v."'"; } } $this->select= $sqlId; if($limit) { $this->select = jqGridDB::limit($this->select, $this->dbtype, $nrows,$offset, $order, $sort ); } if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($this->select, $params); try { $sql = $this->parseSql($this->select, $params); $ret = true; if($sql) $ret = jqGridDB::execute($sql, $params); if(!$ret) { $this->errorMessage = jqGridDB::errorMessage( $this->pdo ); throw new Exception($this->errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e) { if(!$this->errorMessage) $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); if($this->showError) { $this->sendErrorHeader(); } else { echo $this->errorMessage; } return false; } return true; } protected function getSqlElement($sqlId) { $tmp = explode('.', $sqlId); $sqlFile = trim($tmp[0]) . '.xml'; if(file_exists($sqlFile)) { $root = simplexml_load_file($sqlFile); foreach($root->sql as $sql) { if ($sql['Id'] == $tmp[1]) { if(isset ($sql['table']) && strlen($sql['table'])>0 ) { $this->table = $sql['table']; } if(isset ($sql['primary']) && strlen($sql['primary'])>0 ) { $this->primaryKey = $sql['primary']; } return $sql; } } } return false; } protected function _getcount($sql, array $params=null, array $sumcols=null) { $qryRecs = new stdClass(); $qryRecs->COUNT = 0; $s =''; if(is_array($sumcols) && !empty($sumcols)) { foreach($sumcols as $k=>$v) { if(is_array($v)) { foreach($v as $dbfield=>$oper){ $s .= ",".trim($oper)."(".$dbfield.") AS ".$k; } } else { $s .= ",SUM(".$v.") AS ".$k; } } } if (preg_match("/^\s*SELECT\s+DISTINCT/is", $sql) || preg_match('/\s+GROUP\s+BY\s+/is',$sql) || preg_match('/\s+UNION\s+/is',$sql) || substr_count(strtoupper($sql), 'SELECT ') > 1 || substr_count(strtoupper($sql), ' FROM ') > 1 || $this->dbtype == 'oci8' ) { $rewritesql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNT ".$s." FROM ($sql) gridalias"; } else { $rewritesql = preg_replace('/^\s*SELECT\s.*\s+FROM\s/Uis','SELECT COUNT(*) AS COUNT '.$s.' FROM ',$sql); } if (isset($rewritesql) && $rewritesql != $sql) { if (preg_match('/\sLIMIT\s+[0-9]+/i',$sql,$limitarr)) $rewritesql .= $limitarr[0]; $qryRecs = $this->queryForObject($rewritesql, $params, false); if ($qryRecs) return $qryRecs; } return $qryRecs; } protected function queryForObject($sqlId, $params, $fetchAll=false) { $sql = null; $ret = $this->execute($sqlId, $params, $sql, false); if ($ret) { $ret = jqGridDB::fetch_object($sql,$fetchAll,$this->pdo); jqGridDB::closeCursor($sql); } return $ret; } protected function getStringForGroup( $group, $prm ) { $i_ = $this->I; $sopt = array('eq' => "=",'ne' => "<>",'lt' => "<",'le' => "<=",'gt' => ">",'ge' => ">=",'bw'=>" {$i_}LIKE ",'bn'=>" NOT {$i_}LIKE ",'in'=>' IN ','ni'=> ' NOT IN','ew'=>" {$i_}LIKE ",'en'=>" NOT {$i_}LIKE ",'cn'=>" {$i_}LIKE ",'nc'=>" NOT {$i_}LIKE ", 'nu'=>'IS NULL', 'nn'=>'IS NOT NULL'); $s = "("; if( isset ($group['groups']) && is_array($group['groups']) && count($group['groups']) >0 ) { for($j=0; $j 1 ) { $s .= " ".$group['groupOp']." "; } try { $dat = $this->getStringForGroup($group['groups'][$j], $prm); $s .= $dat[0]; $prm = $prm + $dat[1]; } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } } if (isset($group['rules']) && count($group['rules'])>0 ) { try{ foreach($group['rules'] as $key=>$val) { if (strlen($s) > 1) { $s .= " ".$group['groupOp']." "; } $field = $val['field']; $op = $val['op']; $v = $val['data']; if( strtolower($this->encoding) != 'utf-8' ) { $v = iconv("utf-8", $this->encoding."//TRANSLIT", $v); } if( $op ) { if(in_array($field,$this->datearray)){ $v = jqGridUtils::parseDate($this->userdateformat,$v,$this->dbdateformat); } switch ($op) { case 'bw': case 'bn': $s .= $field.' '.$sopt[$op]." ?"; $prm[] = "$v%"; break; case 'ew': case 'en': $s .= $field.' '.$sopt[$op]." ?"; $prm[] = "%$v"; break; case 'cn': case 'nc': $s .= $field.' '.$sopt[$op]." ?"; $prm[] = "%$v%"; break; case 'in': case 'ni': $s .= $field.' '.$sopt[$op]."( ?)"; $prm[] = $v; break; case 'nu': case 'nn': $s .= $field.' '.$sopt[$op]." "; break; default : $s .= $field.' '.$sopt[$op]." ?"; $prm[] = $v; break; } } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); } } $s .= ")"; if ($s == "()") { return array("",$prm); } else { return array($s,$prm); } } protected function _buildSearch( array $prm=null, $str_filter = '' ) { $filters = ($str_filter && strlen($str_filter) > 0 ) ? $str_filter : jqGridUtils::GetParam($this->GridParams["filter"], ""); $rules = ""; if($filters) { $count = 0; $filters = str_replace('$', '\$', $filters, $count); if( function_exists('json_decode') && strtolower(trim($this->encoding)) == "utf-8" && $count==0 ) { $jsona = json_decode($filters,true); } else { $jsona = jqGridUtils::decode($filters); } if(is_array($jsona)) { $gopr = $jsona['groupOp']; $rules[0]['data'] = 'dummy'; } } else if (jqGridUtils::GetParam($this->GridParams['searchField'],'')){ $gopr = ''; $rules[0]['field'] = jqGridUtils::GetParam($this->GridParams['searchField'],''); $rules[0]['op'] = jqGridUtils::GetParam($this->GridParams['searchOper'],''); $rules[0]['data'] = jqGridUtils::GetParam($this->GridParams['searchString'],''); $jsona = array(); $jsona['groupOp'] = "AND"; $jsona['rules'] = $rules; $jsona['groups'] = array(); } $ret = array("",$prm); if($jsona) { if($rules && count($rules) > 0 ) { if(!is_array($prm)) { $prm=array(); } $ret = $this->getStringForGroup($jsona, $prm); if(count($ret[1]) == 0 ) $ret[1] = null; } } return $ret; } public function buildSearch ( $filter, $otype = 'str' ) { $ret = $this->_buildSearch( null, $filter ); if($otype === 'str') { $s2a = explode("?",$ret[0]); $csa = count($s2a); $s = ""; for($i=0; $i < $csa-1; $i++) { $s .= $s2a[$i]." '".$ret[1][$i]."' "; } $s .= $s2a[$csa-1]; return $s; } return $ret; } protected function _setSQL() { $sqlId = false; if($this->readFromXML==true && strlen($this->SelectCommand) > 0 ){ $sqlId = $this->getSqlElement($this->SelectCommand); } else if($this->SelectCommand && strlen($this->SelectCommand) > 0) { $sqlId = $this->SelectCommand; } else if($this->table && strlen($this->table)>0) { if($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') { $sqlId = $this->table; } else { $sqlId = "SELECT * FROM ".(string)$this->table; } } if($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') { $sqlId = $this->pdo->selectCollection($sqlId); } return $sqlId; } public function getUserDate() { return $this->userdateformat; } public function setUserDate($newformat) { $this->userdateformat = $newformat; } public function getUserTime() { return $this->usertimeformat; } public function setUserTime($newformat) { $this->usertimeformat = $newformat; } public function getDbDate() { return $this->dbdateformat; } public function setDbDate($newformat) { $this->dbdateformat = $newformat; } public function getDbTime() { return $this->dbtimeformat; } public function setDbTime($newformat) { $this->dbtimeformat = $newformat; } public function getGridParams() { return $this->GridParams; } public function setGridParams($_aparams) { if(is_array($_aparams) && !empty($_aparams)) { $this->GridParams = array_merge($this->GridParams, $_aparams); } } public function selectLimit($limsql='', $nrows=-1, $offset=-1, array $params=null, $order='', $sort='') { $sql = null; $sqlId = strlen($limsql)>0 ? $limsql : $this->_setSQL(); if(!$sqlId) return false; $ret = $this->execute($sqlId, $params, $sql, true,$nrows,$offset, $order, $sort); if ($ret === true) { $ret = jqGridDB::fetch_object($sql, true, $this->pdo); jqGridDB::closeCursor($sql); return $ret; } else return $ret; } public function queryGrid( array $summary=null, array $params=null, $echo=true) { $sql = null; $sqlId = $this->_setSQL(); if(!$sqlId) return false; $page = $this->GridParams['page']; $page = (int)jqGridUtils::GetParam($page,'1'); $limit = $this->GridParams['rows']; $limit = (int)jqGridUtils::GetParam($limit,'20'); $sidx = $this->GridParams['sort']; $sidx = jqGridUtils::GetParam($sidx,''); $sord = $this->GridParams['order']; $sord = jqGridUtils::GetParam($sord,''); $search = $this->GridParams['search']; $search = jqGridUtils::GetParam($search,'false'); $totalrows = jqGridUtils::GetParam($this->GridParams['totalrows'],''); $sord = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $sord); $sidx = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9. _,]/", "", $sidx); $performcount = true; $gridcnt = false; $gridsrearch = '1'; if($this->cacheCount) { $gridcnt = jqGridUtils::GetParam('grid_recs',false); $gridsrearch = jqGridUtils::GetParam('grid_search','1'); if($gridcnt && (int)$gridcnt >= 0 ) $performcount = false; } if($search == 'true') { if($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') { $params = jqGridDB::_mongoSearch($params, $this->GridParams, $this->encoding, $this->datearray, $this->mongointegers); } else { $sGrid = $this->_buildSearch($params); if($this->optimizeSearch === true || $this->dbtype=='array') { $whr = ""; if($sGrid[0]) { if(preg_match("/\s+WHERE\s+/is",$sqlId)) $whr = " AND ".$sGrid[0]; else $whr = " WHERE ".$sGrid[0]; } $sqlId .= $whr; } else { $whr = $sGrid[0] ? " WHERE ".$sGrid[0] : ""; $sqlId = "SELECT * FROM (".$sqlId.") gridsearch".$whr; } $params = $sGrid[1]; if($this->cacheCount && $gridsrearch !="-1") { $tmps = crc32($whr."data".implode(" ",$params)); if($gridsrearch != $tmps) { $performcount = true; } $gridsrearch = $tmps; } } } else { if($this->cacheCount && $gridsrearch !="-1") { if($gridsrearch != '1') { $performcount = true; } } } $performcount = $performcount && $this->performcount; if($performcount) { if($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') { $qryData = jqGridDB::_mongocount($sqlId, $params, $summary); } else { $qryData = $this->_getcount($sqlId,$params,$summary); } if(is_object($qryData)) { if(!isset($qryData->count)) $qryData->count = null; if(!isset($qryData->COUNT)) $qryData->COUNT = null; $count = $qryData->COUNT ? $qryData->COUNT : ($qryData->count ? $qryData->count : 0); } else { $count = isset($qryData['COUNT']) ? $qryData['COUNT'] : 0; } } else { $count = $gridcnt; } if( $count > 0 ) { $total_pages = ceil($count/$limit); } else { $count = 0; $total_pages = 0; $page = 0; } if ($page > $total_pages) $page=$total_pages; $start = $limit*$page - $limit; if ($start<0) $start = 0; if($this->dbtype == 'sqlsrv' || $this->dbtype == 'odbcsqlsrv') { $difrec = abs($start-$count); if( $difrec < $limit) { $limit = $difrec; } } $result = new stdClass(); if(is_array($summary)) { if(is_array($qryData)) unset($qryData['COUNT']); else unset($qryData->COUNT,$qryData->count); foreach($qryData as $k=>$v) { if ($v == null) $v = 0; $result->userdata[$k] = $v; } } if($this->cacheCount) { $result->userdata['grid_recs'] = $count; $result->userdata['grid_search'] = $gridsrearch; $result->userdata['outres'] = $performcount; } if($this->userdata) { if(!isset ($result->userdata)) $result->userdata = array(); $result->userdata = jqGridUtils::array_extend($result->userdata, $this->userdata); } $result->records = $count; $result->page = $page; $result->total = $total_pages; $uselimit = true; if($totalrows ) { $totalrows = (int)$totalrows; if(is_int($totalrows)) { if($totalrows == -1) { $uselimit = false; } else if($totalrows >0 ){ $limit = $totalrows; } } } if($this->dbtype !== 'mongodb') { if($sidx) $sqlId .= " ORDER BY ".$sidx." ".$sord; } $ret = $this->execute($sqlId, $params, $sql, $uselimit ,$limit,$start, $sidx, $sord); if ($ret) { $result->rows = jqGridDB::fetch_object($sql, true, $this->pdo); jqGridDB::closeCursor($sql); if($this->customClass) { try { $result = call_user_func(array($this->customClass,$this->customFunc),$result,$this->pdo); } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Can not call the method class - ".$e->getMessage(); } } else if(function_exists($this->customFunc)) { $result = call_user_func($this->customFunc,$result,$this->pdo); } if($echo){ $this->_gridResponse($result); } else { if($this->debug) $this->debugout(); return $result; } } else { echo "Could not execute query!!!"; } if($this->debug) $this->debugout(); } public function exportToExcel(array $summary=null,array $params=null, array $colmodel=null,$echo = true, $filename='exportdata.xml') { $sql = null; $sql = $this->_rs($params, $summary, true); if ($sql) { $ret = $this->rs2excel($sql, $colmodel, $echo, $filename, $summary); jqGridDB::closeCursor($sql); return $ret; } else return "Error:Could not execute the query"; } protected function _rs($params=null, $summary=null, $excel=false) { if($this->ExportCommand && strlen($this->ExportCommand)>0 ) $sqlId = $this->ExportCommand; else $sqlId = $this->_setSQL(); if(!$sqlId) return false; $sidx = $this->GridParams['sort']; $sidx = jqGridUtils::GetParam($sidx, ''); $sord = $this->GridParams['order']; $sord = jqGridUtils::GetParam($sord,''); $search = $this->GridParams['search']; $search = jqGridUtils::GetParam($search,'false'); $sord = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/", "", $sord); $sidx = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9. _,]/", "", $sidx); if($search == 'true') { if($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') { $params = jqGridDB::_mongoSearch($params, $this->GridParams, $this->encoding, $this->datearray, $this->mongointegers); } else { $sGrid = $this->_buildSearch( $params); if( $this->dbtype=='array') { $whr = ""; if($sGrid[0]) { if(preg_match("/\s+WHERE\s+/is",$sqlId)) $whr = " AND ".$sGrid[0]; else $whr = " WHERE ".$sGrid[0]; } $sqlId .= $whr; } else { $whr = $sGrid[0] ? " WHERE ".$sGrid[0] : ""; $sqlId = "SELECT * FROM (".$sqlId.") gridsearch".$whr; } $params = $sGrid[1]; } } if($this->dbtype !== 'mongodb') { if($sidx) $sqlId .= " ORDER BY ".$sidx." ".$sord; } if(!$excel && is_array($summary)) { if($this->dbtype == 'mongodb') { $qryData = jqGridDB::_mongocount($sqlId, $params, $summary); } else { $qryData = $this->_getcount($sqlId, $params, $summary); } unset($qryData->COUNT,$qryData->count); foreach($qryData as $k=>$v) { if ($v == null) $v = 0; $this->tmpvar[$k] = $v; } } if($this->userdata) { if(!$this->tmpvar) { $this->tmpvar = array(); } $this->tmpvar = jqGridUtils::array_extend($this->tmpvar, $this->userdata); } if($this->debug) { $this->logQuery($sqlId, $params); $this->debugout(); } $ret = $this->execute($sqlId, $params, $sql, true, $this->gSQLMaxRows, 0, $sidx, $sord ); return $sql; } protected $PDF = array( "page_orientation" => "P", "unit"=>"mm", "page_format"=>"A4", "creator"=>"jqGrid", "author"=>"jqGrid", "title"=>"jqGrid PDF", "subject"=>"Subject", "keywords"=>"table, grid", "margin_left"=>15, "margin_top"=>7, "margin_right"=>15, "margin_bottom"=>25, "margin_header"=>5, "margin_footer"=>10, "font_name_main"=>"helvetica", "font_size_main"=>10, "header_logo"=>"", "header_logo_width"=>0, "header_title"=>"", "header_string"=>"", "header"=>false, "footer"=>true, "font_monospaced"=>"courier", "font_name_data"=>"helvetica", "font_size_data"=>8, "image_scale_ratio"=>1.25, "grid_head_color"=>"#dfeffc", "grid_head_text_color"=>"#2e6e9e", "grid_draw_color"=>"#5c9ccc", "grid_header_height"=>6, "grid_row_color"=>"#ffffff", "grid_row_text_color"=>"#000000", "grid_row_height"=>5, "grid_alternate_rows"=>false, "path_to_pdf_class"=>"tcpdf/tcpdf.php", "shrink_cell" => true, "reprint_grid_header"=>false, "shrink_header" => true, "unicode" => true, "encoding" => "UTF-8" ); public function setPdfOptions( $apdf ) { if(is_array($apdf) and count($apdf) > 0 ) { $this->PDF = jqGridUtils::array_extend($this->PDF, $apdf); } } protected function rs2pdf($rs, &$pdf, $colmodel=false, $summary=null) { $s ='';$rows=0; $gSQLMaxRows = $this->gSQLMaxRows; if (!$rs) { printf('Bad Record set rs2pdf'); return false; } $typearr = array(); $ncols = jqGridDB::columnCount($rs); $model = false; $nmodel = is_array($colmodel) ? count($colmodel) : -1; if($nmodel > 0) { for ($i=0; $i < $nmodel; $i++) { if($colmodel[$i]['name']=='actions') { array_splice($colmodel, $i, 1); $nmodel--; break; } } } if($colmodel && $nmodel== $ncols) { $model = true; } $aSum = array(); $aFormula = array(); $ahidden = array(); $aselect = array(); $totw = 0; $pw = $pdf->getPageWidth(); $margins = $pdf->getMargins(); $pw = $pw - $margins['left']-$margins['right']; for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) { $ahidden[$i] = ($model && isset($colmodel[$i]["hidden"])) ? $colmodel[$i]["hidden"] : false; $colwidth[$i] = ($model && isset($colmodel[$i]["width"])) ? 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jqGridUtils::parseDate($this->dbdateformat, $v, $datefmt) : $v; break; case 'datetime': $v = $timefmt != $this->dbtimeformat ? jqGridUtils::parseDate($this->dbtimeformat,$v,$timefmt) : $v; break; case 'numeric': case 'int': $v = trim($v); break; default: $v = trim($v); if (strlen($v) == 0) $v = ''; } if(!$pd['shrink_cell']) { $varr[$i] = $v; $maxh = max($maxh, $pdf->getStringHeight($colwidth[$i], $v, false, true, '', 1) ); } else { $pdf->Cell($colwidth[$i], $pd['grid_row_height'], $v, 1, 0,$align[$i], $fill,'',1); } } if(!$pd['shrink_cell']) { $startY = $pdf->GetY(); if (($startY + $maxh) + $dimensions['bm'] > ($dimensions['hk'])) { $pdf->AddPage(); if($pd['reprint_grid_header']) { printTHeader($ncols, $maxheigh, $colwidth, $fname, $ahidden, $pdf, $pd); $pdf->Ln(); $pdf->SetFillColorArray($pdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($pd['grid_row_color'])); $pdf->SetTextColorArray($pdf->convertHTMLColorToDec($pd['grid_row_text_color'])); $pdf->SetFont(''); } } for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) { if(isset($ahidden[$i]) && $ahidden[$i]) continue; $pdf->MultiCell($colwidth[$i], $maxh, $varr[$i], 1, $align[$i], $fill, 0, '', '', true, 0, true, true, 0, 'T', false); } } if($pd['grid_alternate_rows']) { $fill=!$fill; } $pdf->Ln(); $rows += 1; if ($rows >= $gSQLMaxRows) { break; } } if($this->tmpvar) { $pdf->SetFont('', 'B'); for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) { if(isset($ahidden[$i]) && $ahidden[$i]) continue; foreach($this->tmpvar as $key=>$v) { if($fnmkeys[$i]==$key) { $vv = $v; break; } else { $vv = ''; } } $pdf->Cell($colwidth[$i], $pd['grid_row_height'], $vv, 1, 0,$align[$i], $fill,'',1); } } } public function exportToPdf(array $summary=null,array $params=null, array $colmodel=null, $filename='exportdata.pdf') { $sql = null; global $l; $sql = $this->_rs($params, $summary); if ($sql) { $pd = $this->PDF; try { include($pd['path_to_pdf_class']); $pdf = new TCPDF($pd['page_orientation'], $pd['unit'], $pd['page_format'], $pd['unicode'], $pd['encoding'], false); $pdf->SetCreator($pd['creator']); $pdf->SetAuthor($pd['author']); $pdf->SetTitle($pd['title']); $pdf->SetSubject($pd['subject']); $pdf->SetKeywords($pd['keywords']); $pdf->SetMargins($pd['margin_left'], $pd['margin_top'], $pd['margin_right']); $pdf->SetHeaderMargin($pd['margin_header']); $pdf->setHeaderFont(Array($pd['font_name_main'], '', $pd['font_size_main'])); if($pd['header'] === true) { $pdf->SetHeaderData($pd['header_logo'], $pd['header_logo_width'], $pd['header_title'], $pd['header_string']); } else { $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); } $pdf->SetDefaultMonospacedFont($pd['font_monospaced']); $pdf->setFooterFont(Array($pd['font_name_data'], '', $pd['font_size_data'])); $pdf->SetFooterMargin($pd['margin_footer']); if($pd['footer'] !== true) { $pdf->setPrintFooter(false); } $pdf->setImageScale($pd['image_scale_ratio']); $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, 17); $pdf->setLanguageArray($l); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->SetFont($pd['font_name_data'], '', $pd['font_size_data']); $this->rs2pdf($sql, $pdf, $colmodel, $summary); jqGridDB::closeCursor($sql); $pdf->Output($filename, 'D'); exit(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } } else { return "Error:Could not execute the query"; } } private function rs2csv($rs, $colmodel, $sep=';', $sepreplace=' ', $echo=true, $filename='exportdata.csv', $addtitles=true, $quote = '"', $escquote = '"', $replaceNewLine = ' ') { if (!$rs) return ''; $NEWLINE = "\r\n"; $escquotequote = $escquote.$quote; $gSQLMaxRows = $this->gSQLMaxRows; $s = ''; $ncols = jqGridDB::columnCount($rs); $model = false; $nmodel = is_array($colmodel) ? count($colmodel) : -1; if($nmodel > 0) { for ($i=0; $i < $nmodel; $i++) { if($colmodel[$i]['name']=='actions') { array_splice($colmodel, $i, 1); $nmodel--; break; } } } if($colmodel && $nmodel== $ncols) { $model = true; } $fnames = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) { if($model) { $fname = isset($colmodel[$i]["label"]) ? $colmodel[$i]["label"] : $colmodel[$i]["name"]; $field["name"] = $colmodel[$i]["name"]; $typearr[$i] = isset($colmodel[$i]["sorttype"]) ? $colmodel[$i]["sorttype"] : ''; } else { $field = jqGridDB::getColumnMeta($i,$rs); $fname = $field["name"]; $typearr[$i] = jqGridDB::MetaType($field, $this->dbtype); } $fnames[$i] = $field["name"]; $v = $fname; if ($escquote) $v = str_replace($quote,$escquotequote,$v); $v = strip_tags(str_replace("\n", $replaceNewLine, str_replace("\r\n",$replaceNewLine,str_replace($sep,$sepreplace,$v)))); $ahidden[$i] = ($model && isset($colmodel[$i]["hidden"])) ? $colmodel[$i]["hidden"] : false; if(!$ahidden[$i]) $elements[] = $v; $aselect[$i] = false; if($model && isset($colmodel[$i]["formatter"])) { if($colmodel[$i]["formatter"]=="select") { $asl = isset($colmodel[$i]["formatoptions"]) ? $colmodel[$i]["formatoptions"] : $colmodel[$i]["editoptions"]; if(isset($asl["value"])) $aselect[$i] = $asl["value"]; } } } if ($addtitles) { $s .= implode($sep, $elements).$NEWLINE; } $datefmt = $this->userdateformat; $timefmt = $this->usertimeformat; if($this->dbtype == 'mysqli') { $fld = $rs->field_count; $count = 1; $fieldnames[0] = &$rs; for ($i=0;$i<$fld;$i++) { $fieldnames[$i+1] = &$res_arr[$i]; } call_user_func_array('mysqli_stmt_bind_result', $fieldnames); } if($echo) { header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: private"); header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\""); header("Accept-Ranges: bytes"); } $line = 0; while ($r = jqGridDB::fetch_num($rs) ) { if($this->dbtype == 'mysqli') $r = $res_arr; $elements = array(); $i = 0; for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) { if(isset($ahidden[$i]) && $ahidden[$i]) continue; $v = $r[$i]; if(is_array($aselect[$i])) { if(isset($aselect[$i][$v])) { $v1 = $aselect[$i][$v]; if($v1) $v = $v1; } $typearr[$i] = 'string'; } $type = $typearr[$i]; switch($type) { case 'date': $v = $datefmt != $this->dbdateformat ? jqGridUtils::parseDate($this->dbdateformat, $v, $datefmt) : $v; break; case 'datetime': $v = $timefmt != $this->dbtimeformat ? jqGridUtils::parseDate($this->dbtimeformat,$v,$timefmt) : $v; break; case 'numeric': case 'int': $v = trim($v); break; default: $v = trim($v); if (strlen($v) == 0) $v = ''; } if ($escquote) $v = str_replace($quote,$escquotequote,trim($v)); $v = strip_tags(str_replace("\n", $replaceNewLine, str_replace("\r\n",$replaceNewLine,str_replace($sep,$sepreplace,$v)))); if (strpos($v,$sep) !== false || strpos($v,$quote) !== false) $elements[] = "$quote$v$quote"; else $elements[] = $v; } $s .= implode($sep, $elements).$NEWLINE; $line += 1; if ($echo) { if ($echo === true) echo $s; $s = ''; } if ($line >= $gSQLMaxRows) { break; } } if ($echo) { if ($echo === true) echo $s; $s = ''; } if($this->tmpvar) { $elements = array(); for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) { if(isset($ahidden[$i]) && $ahidden[$i]) continue; foreach($this->tmpvar as $key=>$vv) { if($fnames[$i]==$key) { $v = $vv; break; } else { $v = ''; } } if ($escquote) $v = str_replace($quote,$escquotequote,trim($v)); $v = strip_tags(str_replace("\n", $replaceNewLine, str_replace("\r\n",$replaceNewLine,str_replace($sep,$sepreplace,$v)))); if (strpos($v,$sep) !== false || strpos($v,$quote) !== false) $elements[] = "$quote$v$quote"; else $elements[] = $v; } $s .= implode($sep, $elements).$NEWLINE; if ($echo) { if ($echo === true) echo $s; $s = ''; } } return $s; } public function exportToCsv(array $summary=null,array $params=null, array $colmodel=null, $echo=true, $filename='exportdata.csv', $sep=';', $sepreplace=' ') { $sql = null; $sql = $this->_rs($params, $summary, false); if ($sql) { $ret = $this->rs2csv($sql, $colmodel, $sep, $sepreplace, $echo, $filename); jqGridDB::closeCursor($sql); return $ret; } else return "Error:Could not execute the query"; } public function querySubGrid($params, $echo=true) { if($this->SubgridCommand && strlen($this->SubgridCommand)>0) { $result = new stdClass(); $result->rows = $this->queryForObject($this->SubgridCommand, $params,true); if($echo) $this->_gridResponse($result); else return $result; } } protected function _gridResponse($response) { if($this->dataType=="xml") { if(isset($response->records)) { $response->rows["records"]= $response->records; unset($response->records); } if(isset($response->total)) { $response->rows["total"]= $response->total; unset($response->total); } if(isset($response->page)) { $response->rows["page"]= $response->page; unset($response->page); } if ( stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT"],"application/xhtml+xml") ) { header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml;charset=",$this->encoding); } else { header("Content-type: text/xml;charset=".$this->encoding); } echo jqGridUtils::toXml($response,'root', null, $this->encoding, $this->xmlCDATA ); } else if ($this->dataType=="json") { header("Content-type: text/x-json;charset=".$this->encoding); if(function_exists('json_encode') && strtolower($this->encoding) == 'utf-8') { echo json_encode($response); } else { echo jqGridUtils::encode($response); } } } protected function rs2excel($rs, $colmodel=false, $echo = true, $filename='exportdata.xls', $summary=false) { $s ='';$rows=0; $gSQLMaxRows = $this->gSQLMaxRows; if (!$rs) { printf('Bad Record set rs2excel'); return false; } $typearr = array(); $ncols = jqGridDB::columnCount($rs); $hdr = 'encoding.'"?>'; $hdr .=''; $hdr .= ''; $hdr .= '' .'' .'' .'' .'' .''; $hdr .= ''; $hdr .= ''; $model = false; if($colmodel && is_array($colmodel) && count($colmodel)== $ncols) { $model = true; } $hdr1 = ''; $aSum = array(); $aFormula = array(); $ahidden = array(); $aselect = array(); $hiddencount = 0; for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) { $ahidden[$i] = ($model && isset($colmodel[$i]["hidden"])) ? $colmodel[$i]["hidden"] : false; $aselect[$i] = false; if($model && isset($colmodel[$i]["formatter"])) { if($colmodel[$i]["formatter"]=="select") { $asl = isset($colmodel[$i]["formatoptions"]) ? $colmodel[$i]["formatoptions"] : $colmodel[$i]["editoptions"]; if(isset($asl["value"])) $aselect[$i] = $asl["value"]; } } if($ahidden[$i]) { $hiddencount++; continue; } $column = ($model && isset($colmodel[$i]["width"])) ? (int)$colmodel[$i]["width"] : 0; if( $column > 0 ) {$column = $column*72/96; $hdr .= ''; } else $hdr .= ''; $field = array(); if($model) { $fname = isset($colmodel[$i]["label"]) ? $colmodel[$i]["label"] : $colmodel[$i]["name"]; $field["name"] = $colmodel[$i]["name"]; $typearr[$i] = isset($colmodel[$i]["sorttype"]) ? $colmodel[$i]["sorttype"] : ''; } else { $field = jqGridDB::getColumnMeta($i,$rs); $fname = $field["name"]; $typearr[$i] = jqGridDB::MetaType($field, $this->dbtype); } if($summary && is_array($summary)) { foreach($summary as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $fld=>$formula) { if ($field["name"] == $key ){ $aSum[] = $i-$hiddencount; $aFormula[] = $formula; } } } else { if ($field["name"] == $key ){ $aSum[] = $i-$hiddencount; $aFormula[] = "SUM"; } } } } $fname = htmlspecialchars($fname); if (strlen($fname)==0) $fname = ''; $hdr1 .= ''.$fname.''; } $hdr1 .= ''; if (!$echo) $html = $hdr.$hdr1; if($this->dbtype == 'mysqli') { $fld = $rs->field_count; $count = 1; $fieldnames[0] = &$rs; for ($i=0;$i<$fld;$i++) { $fieldnames[$i+1] = &$res_arr[$i]; } call_user_func_array('mysqli_stmt_bind_result', $fieldnames); } while ($r = jqGridDB::fetch_num($rs)) { if($this->dbtype == 'mysqli') $r = $res_arr; $s .= ''; for ($i=0; $i < $ncols; $i++) { if(isset($ahidden[$i]) && $ahidden[$i]) continue; $v = $r[$i]; if(is_array($aselect[$i])) { if(isset($aselect[$i][$v])) { $v1 = $aselect[$i][$v]; if($v1) $v = $v1; } $typearr[$i] = 'string'; } $type = $typearr[$i]; switch($type) { case 'date': if(substr($v,0,4) == '0000' || empty($v) || $v=='NULL') { $v='1899-12-31T00:00:00.000'; $s .= ''.$v.''; } else if (!strpos($v,':')) { $v .= "T00:00:00.000"; $s .= ''.$v.''; } else { $thous = substr($v, -4); if( strpos($thous, ".") === false && strpos($v, ".") === false ) $v .= ".000"; $s .= ''.str_replace(" ","T",trim($v)).''; } break; case 'datetime': if(substr($v,0,4) == '0000' || empty($v) || $v=='NULL') { $v = '1899-12-31T00:00:00.000'; $s .= ''.$v.''; } else { $thous = substr($v, -4); if( strpos($thous, ".") === false && strpos($v, ".") === false) $v .= ".000"; $s .= ''.str_replace(" ","T",trim($v)).''; } break; case 'numeric': case 'int': $s .= ''.stripslashes((trim($v))).''; break; default: $v = htmlspecialchars(trim($v)); if (strlen($v) == 0) $v = ''; $s .= ''.stripslashes($v).''; } } $s .= ''; $rows += 1; if ($rows >= $gSQLMaxRows) { break; } } if(count($aSum)>0 && $rows > 0) { $s .= ''; foreach($aSum as $ind => $ival) { $s .= ''; } $s .= ''; } if ($echo) { header('Content-Type: application/ms-excel;'); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$filename); echo $hdr.$hdr1; echo $s . ''; } else { $html .= $s .''; return $html; } } public function addUserData($adata){ if(is_array($adata)) $this->userdata = $adata; } } class jqGridEdit extends jqGrid { protected $fields = array(); protected $successmsg = ""; public function setSuccessMsg($msg) { if($msg) { $this->successmsg = $msg; } } public $serialKey = true; public $getLastInsert = false; protected $lastId =null; protected $buildfields = false; public $trans = true; public $add = true; public $edit = true; public $del = true; public $mtype = "POST"; public $decodeinput = false; public function getPrimaryKeyId() { return $this->primaryKey; } public function setPrimaryKeyId($keyid) { $this->primaryKey = $keyid; } public function setTable($_newtable) { $this->table= $_newtable; } protected function _buildFields() { $result = false; if(strlen(trim($this->table))>0 ) { if ($this->buildfields) return true; $wh = ($this->dbtype == 'sqlite') ? "": " WHERE 1=2"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$this->table.$wh; if($this->debug) { $this->logQuery($sql); $this->debugout(); } try { $select = jqGridDB::query($this->pdo,$sql); if($select) { $colcount = jqGridDB::columnCount($select); $rev = array(); for($i=0;$i<$colcount;$i++) { $meta = jqGridDB::getColumnMeta($i, $select); $type = jqGridDB::MetaType($meta, $this->dbtype); $this->fields[$meta['name']] = array('type'=>$type); } jqGridDB::closeCursor($select); $this->buildfields = true; $result = true; } else { $this->errorMessage = jqGridDB::errorMessage( $this->pdo ); throw new Exception($this->errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e) { $result = false; if(!$this->errorMessage) $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); } } else { $this->errorMessage = "No database table is set to operate!"; } if($this->showError && !$result) { $this->sendErrorHeader(); } return $result; } protected $_addarray = array(); protected $_addarrayb = array(); protected $_editarray = array(); protected $_editarrayb = array(); protected $_delarray = array(); protected $_delarrayb = array(); protected function _actionsCRUDGrid($oper, $event) { $result = true; switch($oper) { case 'add': if($event == 'before') { $ar = $this->_addarrayb; } else { $ar = $this->_addarray; } $acnt = count($ar); if($acnt > 0) { for($i=0;$i<$acnt; $i++) { if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($ar[$i]['sql'], $ar[$i]['params']); $stmt = jqGridDB::prepare($this->pdo, $ar[$i]['sql'], $ar[$i]['params']); $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $ar[$i]['params']); jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); if(!$result) { break; } } } break; case 'edit': if($event == 'before') { $ar = $this->_editarrayb; } else { $ar = $this->_editarray; } $acnt = count($ar); if($acnt > 0) { for($i=0;$i<$acnt; $i++) { if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($ar[$i]['sql'], $ar[$i]['params']); $stmt = jqGridDB::prepare($this->pdo,$ar[$i]['sql'], $ar[$i]['params']); $result = jqGridDB::execute( $stmt, $ar[$i]['params'] ); jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); if(!$result) { break; } } } break; case 'del': if($event == 'before') { $ar = $this->_delarrayb; } else { $ar = $this->_delarray; } $acnt = count($ar); if($acnt > 0) { for($i=0;$i<$acnt; $i++) { if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($ar[$i]['sql'],$ar[$i]['params']); $stmt = jqGridDB::prepare($this->pdo,$ar[$i]['sql'],$ar[$i]['params']); $result = $stmt ? jqGridDB::execute( $stmt, $ar[$i]['params'] ) : false; jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); if(!$result) { return false; break; } } } break; } return $result; } public function setBeforeCrudAction($oper, $sql, $params = null) { switch ($oper) { case 'add': $this->_addarrayb[] = array("sql"=>$sql,"params"=>$params); break; case 'edit': $this->_editarrayb[] = array("sql"=>$sql,"params"=>$params); break; case 'del': $this->_delarrayb[] = array("sql"=>$sql,"params"=>$params); break; } } public function setAfterCrudAction($oper, $sql, $params = null) { switch ($oper) { case 'add': $this->_addarray[] = array("sql"=>$sql,"params"=>$params); break; case 'edit': $this->_editarray[] = array("sql"=>$sql,"params"=>$params); break; case 'del': $this->_delarray[] = array("sql"=>$sql,"params"=>$params); break; } } public function getFields() { return $this->fields; } public function insert($data) { if(!$this->add) return false; if(!$this->_buildFields()) { return false; } if(!$this->checkPrimary()) { return false; } $datefmt = $this->userdateformat; $timefmt = $this->usertimeformat; if($this->serialKey) unset($data[$this->getPrimaryKeyId()]); $tableFields = array_keys($this->fields); $rowFields = array_intersect($tableFields, array_keys($data)); $insertFields = array(); $binds = array(); $types = array(); $v =''; foreach($rowFields as $key => $val) { $insertFields[] = "?"; $t = $this->fields[$val]["type"]; $value = $data[$val]; if( strtolower($this->encoding) != 'utf-8' ) { $value = iconv("utf-8", $this->encoding."//TRANSLIT", $value); } if(strtolower($value)=='null') { $v = NULL; } else if (trim($value) == "") { $v = $value; } else { switch ($t) { case 'date': $v = $datefmt != $this->dbdateformat ? jqGridUtils::parseDate($datefmt,$value,$this->dbdateformat) : $value; break; case 'datetime' : $v = $timefmt != $this->dbtimeformat ? jqGridUtils::parseDate($timefmt,$value,$this->dbtimeformat) : $value; break; case 'time': $v = jqGridUtils::parseDate($timefmt,$value,'H:i:s'); break; default : $v = $value; } if($this->decodeinput) $v = htmlspecialchars_decode($v); } $types[] = $t; $binds[] = $v; unset($v); } $result = false; if(count($insertFields) > 0) { $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $this->table . " (" . implode(', ', $rowFields) . ")" . " VALUES( " . implode(', ', $insertFields) . ")"; $stmt = $this->parseSql($sql, $binds, false); if($stmt) { jqGridDB::bindValues($stmt, $binds, $types); if($this->trans) { try { jqGridDB::beginTransaction($this->pdo); $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('add', 'before'); if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($sql, $binds, $types, $data, $this->fields, $this->primaryKey); if( $result ) $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $binds); if( $result ) { if($this->serialKey && $this->getLastInsert) { $this->lastId = jqGridDB::lastInsertId($this->pdo, $this->table, $this->primaryKey, $this->dbtype); if(!is_numeric($this->lastId) ) { $result = false; } } } if($result) { $saver = $this->showError; $this->showError = false; $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('add', 'after'); $this->showError = $saver; } if($result) { $result = jqGridDB::commit($this->pdo); } jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); if(!$result) { $this->errorMessage = jqGridDB::errorMessage( $this->pdo ); throw new Exception($this->errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e) { jqGridDB::rollBack($this->pdo); $result = false; if(!$this->errorMessage) $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); } } else { try { $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('add', 'before'); if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($sql, $binds, $types, $data, $this->fields, $this->primaryKey); if( $result ) $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $binds); jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); if($this->serialKey && $this->getLastInsert && $result) { $this->lastId = jqGridDB::lastInsertId($this->pdo, $this->table, $this->primaryKey, $this->dbtype); if(!is_numeric($this->lastId) ) { $result = false; } } if($result) $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('add', 'after'); if(!$result) { $this->errorMessage = jqGridDB::errorMessage( $this->pdo ); throw new Exception($this->errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e) { $result = false; if(!$this->errorMessage) $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); } } } else { $this->errorMessage = "Error when preparing a INSERT statement!"; $result = false; } } else { $this->errorMessage = "Data posted does not match insert fields!"; $result = false; } if($this->debug) $this->debugout(); if($this->showError && !$result) { $this->sendErrorHeader(); } return $result; } public function update($data) { if(!$this->edit) return false; if(!$this->_buildFields()) { return false; } if(!$this->checkPrimary()) { return false; } $datefmt = $this->userdateformat; $timefmt = $this->usertimeformat; $custom = false; $tableFields = array_keys($this->fields); $rowFields = array_intersect($tableFields, array_keys($data)); $updateFields = array(); $binds = array(); $types = array(); $pk = $this->getPrimaryKeyId(); foreach($rowFields as $key => $field) { $t = $this->fields[$field]["type"]; $value = $data[$field]; if( strtolower($this->encoding) != 'utf-8' ) { $value = iconv("utf-8", $this->encoding."//TRANSLIT", $value); } if(strtolower($value) == 'null') { $v = NULL; } else if(trim($value) == "") { $v = $value; } else { switch ($t) { case 'date': $v = $datefmt != $this->dbdateformat ? jqGridUtils::parseDate($datefmt,$value,$this->dbdateformat) : $value; break; case 'datetime' : $v = $timefmt != $this->dbtimeformat ? jqGridUtils::parseDate($timefmt,$value,$this->dbtimeformat) : $value; break; case 'time': $v = jqGridUtils::parseDate($timefmt,$value,'H:i:s'); break; default : $v = $value; } if($this->decodeinput) $v = htmlspecialchars_decode($v); } if($field != $pk ) { $updateFields[] = $field . " = ?"; $binds[] = $v; $types[] = $t; } else if($field == $pk) { $v2 = $v; $t2 = $t; } unset($v); } $result = false; if(!isset($v2)) { $this->errorMessage = "Primary key/value is missing or is not correctly set!"; if($this->showError) { $this->sendErrorHeader(); } return $result; } $binds[] = $v2; $types[] = $t2; if(count($updateFields) > 0) { $sql = "UPDATE " . $this->table . " SET " . implode(', ', $updateFields) . " WHERE " . $pk . " = ?"; $stmt = $this->parseSql($sql, $binds, false); if($stmt) { jqGridDB::bindValues($stmt, $binds, $types); if($this->trans) { try { jqGridDB::beginTransaction($this->pdo); $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('edit', 'before'); if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($sql, $binds, $types, $data, $this->fields, $this->primaryKey); if($result) $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $binds); jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); if($result) { $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('edit', 'after'); } if($result) { $result = jqGridDB::commit($this->pdo); } else { $this->errorMessage = jqGridDB::errorMessage( $this->pdo ); throw new Exception($this->errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e) { jqGridDB::rollBack($this->pdo); $result = false; if(!$this->errorMessage) $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); } } else { try { $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('edit', 'before'); if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($sql, $binds, $types, $data, $this->fields, $this->primaryKey); if($result) $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $binds); jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); if($result) { $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('edit', 'after'); } if(!$result){ $this->errorMessage = jqGridDB::errorMessage( $this->pdo ); throw new Exception($this->errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e) { $result = false; if(!$this->errorMessage) $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); } } } else { $this->errorMessage = "Error when preparing a UPDATE statement!"; } } else { $this->errorMessage = "Data posted does not match update fields!"; } if($this->debug) $this->debugout(); if($this->showError && !$result) { $this->sendErrorHeader(); } return $result; } public function getLastInsertId () { return $this->lastId; } public function delete(array $data, $where='', array $params=null ) { $result = false; if(!$this->del) return $result; if(!$this->checkPrimary()) { return $result; } $ide = null; $binds = array(&$ide); $types = array(); $odbc = strpos($this->dbtype, 'odbc'); if(count($data)>0) { if($where && strlen($where)>0) { $id = ""; $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->table." WHERE ".$where; $stmt = $this->parseSql($sql, $params); $delids = ""; $custom = true; } else { $id = $this->getPrimaryKeyId(); if(!isset($data[$id])) { $this->errorMessage = "Missed data id value to perform delete!"; if($this->showError) { $this->sendErrorHeader(); } return $result; } $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->table." WHERE ".$id. "=?"; $stmt = $odbc === false ? $this->parseSql($sql, $binds, false) : true; $delids = explode(",",$data[$id]); $custom = false; } $types[0] = 'custom'; if($stmt) { if($this->trans) { try { jqGridDB::beginTransaction($this->pdo); $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('del', 'before'); if( $custom ) { if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($sql, $params, false, $data, null, $this->primaryKey); $result = jqGridDB::execute( $stmt, $params ); } else { foreach($delids as $i => $ide) { $delids[$i] = trim($delids[$i]); $binds[0] = &$delids[$i]; if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($sql, $binds, $types, $data, $this->fields, $this->primaryKey); if( $odbc === false ) { jqGridDB::bindValues($stmt, $binds, $types); $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $binds); } else { $stmt = jqGridDB::prepare($this->pdo,$sql, $binds, false, false); $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $binds, false); jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); } if(!$result) { break; } unset($binds[0]); } } if ( $odbc === false ) { jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); } if($result) $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('del', 'after'); if($result) { jqGridDB::commit($this->pdo); } else { $this->errorMessage = jqGridDB::errorMessage( $this->pdo ); throw new Exception($this->errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e) { jqGridDB::rollBack($this->pdo); $result = false; if(!$this->errorMessage) $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); } } else { try { $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('del', 'before'); if($result) { if($custom) { $result = jqGridDB::execute( $stmt, $params ); } else { foreach($delids as $i => $ide) { $delids[$i] = trim($delids[$i]); $binds[0] = &$delids[$i]; if($this->debug) $this->logQuery($sql, $binds, $types, $data, $this->fields, $this->primaryKey); if( $odbc === false ) { jqGridDB::bindValues($stmt, $binds, $types); $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $binds); } else { $stmt = jqGridDB::prepare($this->pdo,$sql, $binds, false, false); $result = jqGridDB::execute($stmt, $binds, false); jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); } if(!$result) { break; } unset($binds[0]); } } } jqGridDB::closeCursor($stmt); if($result) $result = $this->_actionsCRUDGrid('del', 'after'); if(!$result) { $this->errorMessage = jqGridDB::errorMessage( $this->pdo ); throw new Exception($this->errorMessage); } } catch (Exception $e){ $result = false; if(!$this->errorMessage) $this->errorMessage = $e->getMessage(); } } } } if($this->debug) $this->debugout(); if($this->showError && !$result) { $this->sendErrorHeader(); } return $result; } protected function checkPrimary() { $result = true; $errmsg = "Primary key can not be found!"; if(strlen(trim($this->table))>0 && !$this->primaryKey) { $this->primaryKey = jqGridDB::getPrimaryKey($this->table, $this->pdo, $this->dbtype); if(!$this->primaryKey) { $this->errorMessage = $errmsg." ".jqGridDB::errorMessage($this->pdo); $result = false; } } if($this->showError && !$result) { $this->sendErrorHeader(); } return $result; } public function editGrid(array $summary=null, array $params=null, $oper=false, $echo = true) { if(!$oper) { $oper = $this->oper ? $this->oper : "grid"; } switch ($oper) { case $this->GridParams["editoper"] : $data = strtolower($this->mtype)=="post" ? jqGridUtils::Strip($_POST) : jqGridUtils::Strip($_GET); if( $this->update($data) ) { if($this->successmsg) { echo $this->successmsg; } } break; case $this->GridParams["addoper"] : $data = strtolower($this->mtype)=="post" ? jqGridUtils::Strip($_POST) : jqGridUtils::Strip($_GET); if($this->insert($data) ) { if($this->getLastInsert) { echo $this->getPrimaryKeyId()."#".$this->lastId; } else { if($this->successmsg) echo $this->successmsg; } } break; case $this->GridParams["deloper"] : $data = strtolower($this->mtype)=="post" ? jqGridUtils::Strip($_POST) : jqGridUtils::Strip($_GET); if($this->delete($data)) { if($this->successmsg) { echo $this->successmsg; } } break; default : return $this->queryGrid($summary, $params, $echo); } } } class jqGridRender extends jqGridEdit { protected $gridOptions = array( "width"=>"650", "hoverrows"=>false, "viewrecords"=>true, "jsonReader"=>array("repeatitems"=>false, "subgrid"=>array("repeatitems"=>false)), "xmlReader"=>array("repeatitems"=>false, "subgrid"=>array("repeatitems"=>false)), "gridview"=>true ); public $navigator = false; public $toolbarfilter = false; public $inlineNav = false; public $export = true; public $exportfile = 'exportdata.xml'; public $pdffile = 'exportdata.pdf'; public $csvfile = 'exportdata.csv'; public $csvsep = ';'; public $csvsepreplace = ";"; public $sharedEditOptions = false; public $sharedAddOptions = false; public $sharedDelOptions = false; protected $navOptions = array("edit"=>true,"add"=>true,"del"=>true,"search"=>true,"refresh"=>true, "view"=>false, "excel"=>true, "pdf"=>false, "csv"=>false, "columns"=>false); protected $editOptions = array("drag"=>true,"resize"=>true,"closeOnEscape"=>true, "dataheight"=>150, "errorTextFormat"=>"js:function(r){ return r.responseText;}"); protected $addOptions = array("drag"=>true,"resize"=>true,"closeOnEscape"=>true, "dataheight"=>150, "errorTextFormat"=>"js:function(r){ return r.responseText;}"); protected $viewOptions = array("drag"=>true,"resize"=>true,"closeOnEscape"=>true, "dataheight"=>150); protected $delOptions = array("errorTextFormat"=>"js:function(r){ return r.responseText;}"); protected $searchOptions = array("drag"=>true, "closeAfterSearch"=>true, "multipleSearch"=>true); protected $filterOptions = array("stringResult"=>true); protected $colModel = array(); protected $runSetCommands = true; protected $gridMethods = array(); protected $customCode = ""; protected $expoptions = array( "excel" => array("caption"=>"", "title"=>"Export To Excel", "buttonicon"=>"ui-icon-newwin"), "pdf" => array("caption"=>"", "title"=>"Export To Pdf", "buttonicon"=>"ui-icon-print"), "csv" => array("caption"=>"", "title"=>"Export To CSV", "buttonicon"=>"ui-icon-document"), "columns"=>array("caption"=>"", "title"=>"Visible Columns", "buttonicon"=>"ui-icon-calculator", "options"=>array()) ); protected $inlineNavOpt = array("addParams"=>array(), "editParams"=>array()); public function getColModel() { return $this->colModel; } public function getGridOption($key) { if(array_key_exists($key, $this->gridOptions)) return $this->gridOptions[$key]; else return false; } public function setGridOptions($aoptions) { if($this->runSetCommands) { if(is_array($aoptions)) $this->gridOptions = jqGridUtils::array_extend($this->gridOptions,$aoptions); } } public function setUrl($newurl) { if(!$this->runSetCommands) return false; if(strlen($newurl) > 0) { $this->setGridOptions(array("url"=>$newurl,"editurl"=>$newurl, "cellurl"=>$newurl)); return true; } return false; } public function setSubGrid ($suburl='', $subnames=false, $subwidth=false, $subalign=false, $subparams=false) { if(!$this->runSetC
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Re: Desofuscar código PHP [solucionado]
« Respuesta #4 en: 6 Junio 2012, 21:22 pm »

Todo ese código, lo pone en la web http://beta.phpformatter.com/ y obtienes el código formateado y legible!
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Te vendería mi talento por poder dormir tranquilo.

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Re: Desofuscar código PHP [solucionado] Destapando lo cifrado en PHP
« Respuesta #5 en: 7 Enero 2013, 20:17 pm »

Antes que nada borra esta advertencia:
 // Este archivo es protegido por la ley del derechos de propiedad literaria. La ingenieria inversa de este codigo se prohibe estrictamente.

En vez de EVAL o eval escribe htmlentities para ver el codigo html y php en la web. Sale como error jejeje. 
En algun caso funcionaba escribiendo echo htmlentities  que tambien salia todo un error pero que en realidad se observaba en la web todos los codigos html y php solamente del archivo en disputa
SEGUIDAMENTE, copias los codigos y lo cambias todo por lo que copiaste ..claro en el archivo php que quieres hacer cambios.

 Lo guardas y observas el cambio actualizando la pagina web.
A  veces algunos programadores tratan de descuidarte con ?> que esta despues del </ div>, </ p>, </br> etc etc simplemente eliminalo la etiqueta html </ div>

observas los cambios ser muy excelente, hay otras formas tambien pero primero intentalo asi.... cualquier cosa favor de contestar

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